LegendZilla wrote: ↑Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:39 pm
Vakanai wrote: ↑Tue Jan 28, 2025 6:57 pm
LegendZilla wrote: ↑Tue Jan 28, 2025 4:04 pm
Who said it has to start a whole cinematic universe? Even if it does spawn a trilogy, there's always the next reboot just around the corner.
I can only hope...but I'm feeling doubtful.
There seems to be this ever prevalent mindset amongst this fandom that treats continuity between films like kryptonite and that the Millennium-style approach is the gold-standard. I get why people would be burned out over cinematic universes, but don’t treat every sequel now and then like it will automatically lead to such. It’s a very slippery-slope way of thinking.
...are you for real? Yeah that mindset exists and isn't going anywhere, but it's not the prevalent mindset. The prevalent mindset treats continuity and a cinematic universe like the Showa, Heisei, and MCU approach as the gold standard, forcing those of us who don't want that to be a bit louder and more frequent in our statements just to keep the idea that not everyone wants such a universe in the conversation at all. And true, a sequel doesn't mean a universe. But when the vast majority of fans are trying to hype it up like it is, you can see why those of us who don't want a shared universe would feel wary.
I think because this opinion goes against your desire it echoes when you hear it so it feels more prevalent than it really is, but it's not. Mine is the minority hope, the majority of the fandom keep bringing up how it's "time" for another Godzilla shared universe. Specifically a Toho shared universe, since the Monsterverse somehow doesn't count to these people or just isn't enough?
By that logic, should have Gamera never received a trilogy in the 90’s? I think most people feel said trilogy set the bar so high for continuity in the kaiju genre that no other attempt can live up to it.
We're not talking about logical deductions here, we're talking about how we all want something different from each other and some of us are worried that we're going to be the ones who'll have to settle and lose.
I unapologetically, wholeheartedly, and without a doubt hate Godzilla vs Kong.