KWCE #66: Deviljho vs. King Kong (Showa)

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KWCE #66: Deviljho vs. King Kong (Showa)

Post by shippersdreamer »





By GodzillavsRayquaza

Word Count: 3,738 words

Faro Island was bathed in the warm light of the sun, making flowers bloom and foliage a beautiful green. Within the forest was a village made up of simple, wooden buildings, inhabited by humble tribespeople. They farmed, hunted, conversed with one another, and right now, some watched their ruler in awe. Not the chief of the tribe, but their god.

Brown fur covered the reclining ape, patches of it on his chest stained purple with berry juice. Back resting on a hill, King Kong leaned his head back, raising a barrel filled with sloshing liquid to his mouth. He took a hearty swig, some dribbling down his chin and adding to the stains. Wiping his mouth, he exhaled, eyes starting to shut.

Surrounded by his adoring people, a barrel of delicious juice, and a sunny, tranquil day. What more could a king ask for?

A shrill, gurgling cry cut through the air from far away, startling Kong. Some of his precious drink spilled out as he twitched, hitting the dirt. Groaning, the ape leaned back. It was Oodaku, presumably fighting something. Nothing worth his time. He was about to wave his hand towards the village, demanding more berry juice, when another roar sounded.

It was far deeper, rumbling with power. Even Gorosaurus’ roar was not as intimidating. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his followers retreating into their homes, solidifying what he already planned to do. Putting down his delicacy, King Kong got to his feet, before sprinting towards the source of the roar.

As he moved, he could not help but ponder. It had been a while since he saw truly difficult, life-threatening combat. Oodaku and the giant sea snake had attacked him more recently, but neither one could provide more than a nuisance. Ever since Gorosaurus departed to a distant island of other monsters, Kong had lived a life of luxury and comfort.

Fear crept in, of some horrific new foe ripping him asunder because of rust.

A distant, dark group of clouds in the distance caught his attention, causing doubt to recede for the time being. Flashes of bright light chaotically cut through the clouds, telling Kong that a lightning storm was approaching. That could be quite good in case things went south, but it was still quite a ways away.

The rains could come and fall upon his bloody corpse.

He growled, trying to push in his anxieties. Where were these even coming from? He was always confident!

All these thoughts fell away when he reached the shore. Before him, where the water met the sand, was Oodaku, flailing his limbs and proclaiming his pain. Large chunks of the giant octopus’ head were gone, messily ripped away and being devoured by the creature currently pinning him down with a clawed foot

Dark green scales covered the beast, scars scattered across the hide. Rows of teeth jutted out from the front of its jaws instead of being within the mouth, ripping into the red flesh of the octopus. Rising, dripping saliva onto his still writhing prey, Deviljho met Kong’s gaze with small, yellow eyes nestled in red patches of skin.

The king of this island beat his chest, roaring to intimidate. The brute wyvern stepped forward, crushing the last remains of life from Oodaku. He bellowed, accepting the challenge. His powerful legs propelled him into a charge, quickly closing the distance between him and his new target.

Kong stepped back, avoiding the snapping jaws of the brute wyvern. He swung a punch across Deviljho’s face, knocking the head aside and forcing a grunt from the beast. Instead of recoiling, the predator lunged forward, bashing his body into the ape. Wrapping his arms around his foe’s body, Kong tried to twist and bring Deviljho to the ground. The brute wyvern’s feet dug into the ground as he braced himself, refusing to be thrown off balance. Raising a foot, Deviljho crashed it into the ape’s toes, making Kong howl in pain.

Releasing his grip and backpedaling, the king of Faro Island shoved with both hands against Deviljho’s side. The brute wyvern stumbled back, but refused to fall before twisting in place, sending his thick tail careening towards Kong. Unable to properly react in time, the ape took it to the chest, making him cough. Taking in a deep breath, he winced at the pain.

Deviljho was back on him, snapping his jaws madly. The ape gripped them before they struck his skin, and immediately regretted not avoiding them altogether. Small cuts were dug into his hands as the brute wyvern’s teeth met his palms. His felt slight burns in the wounds as well, the moist sensation telling him it was result of the predator’s saliva. The stench of Deviljho’s breath was foul, hot air rancid with digested meat’s scent.

Pulling in opposite directions, the king of Faro Island sought to end this now. Deviljho stepped forward, pushing the ape back. He pulled and strained, but his foe’s jaws were solid even before his strength. The brute wyvern suddenly pulled back, making the ape stagger forward as his hands lost their grip. Deviljho lashed out with his mouth, clamping it down on Kong’s right arm, sending pain shooting through the limb. With his free hand, Kong bashed the brute wyvern in the face, making the predator cringe.

Whipping around, Deviljho lifted his foe off the ground, then released. The king of Faro Island flew through the air a short distance, rolling as he landed until winding up on his back. Groaning, he quickly noticed his foe approaching, but did not rush to get up. The brute wyvern stood over the ape’s body, then reared up as he stepped closer. When he started to thrust his head downwards, Kong swiftly rolled left out of the way, leaving Deviljho to smash his face into the ground. Before the invader could pull back, Kong grabbed his skull, and lifted him up.

Sand erupted into the air as the primate slammed his foe down. Deviljho began kicking and thrashing once he was downed, growling in rage. The local king carefully but swiftly pulled himself onto his foe, pressing his stomach against the brute wyvern’s chest. Deciding to settle on the awkward position instead of wasting time trying something more stable, Kong started crashing left hooks onto Deviljho’s face. He used his other arm for better leverage, placing it on the invader’s stomach. The saurian, roaring in pain and wrath, continued thrashing.

Deviljho rolled out from underneath the ape, nearly making Kong face plant on the sand. Both were on their feet almost immediately. The violent wyvern put his lower jaw in the sand, before quickly thrusting his head up, sending a cascade of sand flying towards Kong. It flew too quickly for him to block it out, leaving him to be blinded. He yelled, trying to wipe his eyes and free them of this pain.

Deviljho, already feeling the grit in his mouth be dissolved, snarled. His back bulged, muscles expanding and pushing open old scars. On the brute wyvern’s chest, a patch of red skin surrounded by cracked away scales glowed brightly. This same illumination took over his stretched back. The roar that followed sent chills down Kong’s spine.

Still blinded, the eighth wonder of the world began to back away. His mind raced as he rapidly blinked, trying to get the particles out of his eye. Something slammed into his stomach hard, doubling him over. He crossed his arms over his head, the correct call as teeth scraped against them just afterwards. Kong swung a punch which struck nothing as his vision turned from darkness to a blurry haze, most prominent being the glow of red.

Deviljho opened his maw, belching forth a stream of black smoke dancing with red bolts. Kong roared as it struck him in the chest, nearly sending him falling back on his rear. Aside from the force behind the stream, the gas burned despite lacking heat. Tears from his eyes removed the last of the sand, letting his vision clear as the brute wyvern’s dragon breath faded.

Kong barely had time to realize his foe had undergone a transformation before the violent wyvern leaped at him. He stepped aside, leaving Deviljho to crash feet first where the ape had just stood, sending an eruption of sand flying. Turning, the brute wyvern smashed his skull into Kong’s side. Grabbing the head, the king lifted it up before slamming his other fist across it, making Deviljho stagger away. The brute wyvern quickly swung his gaze towards Kong, spraying another stream of dragon energy from his mouth.

The ape rolled to the side, letting the attack pass over his head. Deviljho lifted a foot high, before stomping the sand just next to the crouched Kong, unbalancing him as the ground quaked. Looking up, the eighth wonder of the world noticed the cracked chest of his foe.

He sprung up, crashing a punch into it. Deviljho cried out in pain, stumbling back. Getting to his feet, Kong rushed towards the beast, shoulder-tackling him in the side. The violent wyvern fell to the ground, thrashing once more. Kong swiftly ran to the tail, grabbing it with both hands before lifting.

Deviljho roared in outrage as he spun around. Once, twice, thrice before the ape let go, propelling the predator towards the waters. Waves rushed over the beach as the colossus hit the ocean, bellowing all the way. Kong took a deep breath, trying to recover for the brief time he had made for himself.

Aside from the waters flowing onto the sands, all was silent for a moment. Peaceful.

A large, white serpent slithered onto the shore, clearly panicked. A pair of dark green jaws came up, clamping onto the sea snake’s tail. Deviljho climbed onto the beach, water running down his scales as he lifted the serpent up. His muscles were no longer bulging out his back or glowing, but the eyes boring into Kong’s own looked no less intense.

To the king’s surprise, Deviljho rushed forward with the snake still in his mouth, leaving the poor serpent to dangle helplessly. This shock left him completely unguarded when the brute wyvern swung his captive like a whip, slapping Kong across the face with its skull.

The ape hit the ground, a bloodstain on his cheek. He discovered that it was not his own blood when he got a glance at the sea snake. The serpent cried out, flailing desperately. Deviljho just lifted his own head up before continuing to treat another lifeform as a weapon, making Kong cry out as welts and bruises formed.

After the third strike with the serpent, Kong finally grabbed hold of it. The violent wyvern pulled back anyway. There was a dull, wet ripping as the serpent was nearly torn in half, sending organs falling free. A pathetic yelp escaped the battered creature, bruises and blood coating its mangled face. Kong looked into the sea snake’s eyes, one swollen shut.

He held no love for it, or Oodaku, but he could not stand the torment inflicted upon both. Nature was cruel, he knew this all too well, but this monster took it too far. Placing both hands on the snake’s head, the king ended its pain with a quick twist of the wrists.

Getting to his feet, he met the gaze of Deviljho. Righteous fury burned in his own eyes, a fire raging against the madness in those yellow orbs. It went beyond simple predation, the dance of death all carnivores partook in out of necessity, into a manic hatred for all that breathed. What foul hell birthed this creature?

The violent wyvern had not stepped from some nether realm. It was a creature from another world, one where nature ruled unopposed and beings most would call monsters roamed as the typical wildlife. Deviljho was one of a species, though this one was an exceptional individual among them, whom walked the world causing havoc. Born with unending hunger that threatened to either kill them or plunge them into absolute savagery, they would prey upon every link in the food chain until the local ecosystem crumbled. Then, they moved to the next, repeating the process until their constant battling wore them down to nothing.

This one had not even understood he had somehow been plunged into another universe, nor would he have cared if he did. For he would still do what he always did, kill and devour all in his path.

Bellowing, Deviljho lunged forwards. His jaws found Kong’s arm, clamping down on the limb. He thrashed his head back and forth, ripping into the ape’s hide. Roaring in anguish, Kong crashed a kick into the knee of the brute wyvern. Deviljho released his bite, backing away as pain shot through the limb. On the ape’s arm was a patch of dissolved hair framed by torn flesh which hurt with every movement of his arm.

Rain began to fall, the sounds of thunder echoing. The violent wyvern hammered his skull against the king’s stomach, making the ape’s feet leave the ground for an instant. Kong put both hands over his head, bringing them down on Deviljho’s back. This did not seem to affect the predator much, as he continued raking his teeth against the skin on Kong’s torso. Each scrape dug deeper, the acidic saliva wearing down the resistance of the king’s hide.

Jumping back, Kong threw a kick when he landed, smashing his foot against Deviljho’s lower jaw. The brute wyvern backed away, groaning. Suddenly, he turned in place, slapping the ape with his tail. Kong stumbled, grunting. The rain grew heavier, dampening the eighth wonder of the world’s fur.

The violent wyvern roared once more, leaping towards Kong. His feet were forward, aimed straight for the ape’s chest. The king crossed his arms, bracing himself for the split second before the twin kick landed. Pain shot through his arms as he was thrown back, hitting the sand. Deviljho crashed to the sand as well, quickly righting himself. Kong rolled out of the way of another attempted head slam into his prone body, pushing himself to his feet.

Storm clouds blanketed the sky above, raging with rain and thunder. Desperately, Kong raised both arms like one of his followers praising him, as if he was praying for the heavens to bless him with a gift of power. Part of him was, especially as Deviljho turned towards him, pouring saliva from between the horrid traps he called jaws.

Whether there really was a higher power watching out for him, or merely because he towered above all but the mountains, a lightning bolt fell and crashed against Kong’s waiting arms. Then another just afterwards, for the expression that lightning did not strike twice was false.

The electricity stored within the bolts traveled down his arms and into his body, but it did not continue into the ground. It spread through his form, making his muscles tense up and somehow simultaneously shed their previous exhaustion. Deviljho took a reflexive step back as Kong’s arms surged with blue lines of electricity.

But it did not deter the predator. Back in his world, many creatures utilized the element. In fact, seeing electricity dance across an ape’s body brought back memories of a fearsome competitor, igniting rage within him.

Kong punched Deviljho across the face, nearly sending him to the ground. He stumbled back, reeling from the added shock of the strike. Then his body shifted back into his enraged state, eyes turning red as he went back into battle. Putting his head down, the brute wyvern bashed the top of his skull into Kong’s chest, forcing a grunt from the king.

Gripping his foe, the ape discharged electricity into the predator’s body, the blue bolts flowing from his arms into the green scales. Deviljho seized and shook, roaring in pain. The brute wyvern pushed forward, jumping. Kong leaned back, taken off guard as all the weight of the predator was in his hold. The snapping jaws of Deviljho were feet from his face, but Kong held firm. He threw Deviljho, sending the brute wyvern crashing onto his back.

Rushing towards the still downed predator, King Kong stomped him on the chest, making sure to send a jolt down his leg as he did so. The brute wyvern cried out, before sweeping his tail into the ape’s other leg, bringing both to the ground. Deviljho rolled to his feet, before returning the favor with a stomp of his own to Kong’s torso. His foot was suddenly shocked, making Deviljho stagger back as the local king quickly got up.

The two soon closed the distance, bellowing. The ape threw a punch, halting the brute wyvern’s approach. Deviljho was stunned, just for a moment. In this moment, Kong grabbed both jaws, before beginning to pull them apart. As before, he was met with solid resistance, but not as much. His enhanced muscles pulled the two jaws as far as they could naturally go, even with Deviljho’s struggling and snarling. He continued, the jaws not seperating any more. But, he knew that each second brought it closer to the breaking point. Where the bones would break, rendering them useless and sending a torrent of the predator’s own blood down its throat. So many foes similar to this one had met their ends that way.

What Kong had forgotten in this moment was that Deviljho bore more of a similarity to a very specific foe he had faced than a common theropod.

Dragon energy spewed forth from the depths of the violent wyvern’s throat, rushing onto the eighth wonder of the world. He tried to endure the pain, focusing on keeping a grip so that he could finish this once the attack ceased. But as the dark and red smog geysered against him, little sparks of it spread across his form. They did not hurt, but were causing something much more diabolical.

Kong’s electrical charge ceased like a switch had been flipped.

The sudden lapse in strength caught him off guard, allowing Deviljho to close his maw. A quick reaction was all that let Kong keep his fingers. He panicked, especially when he noticed the wisps of darkness dancing along him. Focusing, he tried to draw on the energy once more, but it did not come.

Deviljho’s mouth curled up at the sides. Dragonblight. The element he spewed from his maw when truly enraged had a strange interaction with the other elements, especially when other creatures where involved. When exposed to enough of it, creatures who utilized fire, ice, electricity, and/or water would have their elemental abilities sealed away for a brief time.

And that short time was usually enough for them to perish before his might.

Air was forced from Kong’s lungs in a hacking cough as Deviljho drove the top of his skull into the ape’s chest. The ape slapped the beast across the face, more an attempt to get some breathing room than an actual attempt to damage. Still trying to catch his breath, Kong failed to prevent a piece of his stomach being taken out by a bite, enough to send blood pouring down in rivulets.

Refusing to let the loss of electricity hamper him, the king drove both fists into the sides of Deviljho’s head, forcing a roar of pain from the brute wyvern. Swiftly turning his head to the side, the invader clamped his jaws onto Kong’s right arm, just below the wrist. The king howled, his anguish only growing as his feet left the ground.

Deviljho slammed Kong’s back against the sand, still keeping a firm grip on the limb. The violent wyvern released, moving his jaws up to bite down on the ape’s hand. All five fingers, along with most of the palm, were lodged in the mouth pulling back. Eyes widening, Kong began thrashing, trying to use his free hand to fight back. He could not quite reach, and a foot placed on his sternum both pinned him and gave Deviljho the leverage he needed.

With teeth tearing into the flesh, Kong’s hand began to come off. Tendons snapped as they failed to withstand the pressure, muscle shearing with a series of dull sounds. The violent wyvern lowered his head briefly, before swiftly jerking back up, popping the bone out of its place.

Kong cried out, pulling his now freed arm back to look at the bloody stump. Deviljho dropped the hand, letting it hit the sand. Ichor poured from it, staining the ground. The ape’s fur was similarly stained, caked with his own blood. He stared at his own draining vitality, transfixed.

How had it all changed so quickly? One moment, seconds from victory, the next, dying soaked in his own blood. He knew he was done. Even if he could somehow get up and kill Deviljho, this wound would kill him from either blood loss or infection. He would have cried, but was growing too delirious to fully absorb the weight of these events. He was drifting already, phasing in and out between two realms. Looking up, he stared into the dark clouds above.

King Kong was firmly thrown into the other realm by Deviljho burying his jaws into the guts of the once-mighty ape, scooping out a pile of meat and organs. The invader voraciously gulped down the viscera, uncaring of the excess flying out and splashing onto the ground. The last thoughts of the fallen king were of his people, hoping their new king would show them some kind of mercy.

The storm raged above, falling upon his bloody corpse.

But the people did not have a new king. The villagers of Faro Island, along with every other living thing big enough to be noticed by the violent wyvern would be slaughtered, leaving a desolate land behind when he went to the next place to feast. Deviljho was already considering all of this as he took another bite from his victim, a temporary relief from the ever-present void of hunger.

Far away, another island inhabited by many titans instead of just one. A pair of eyes open within a cavern, a slumbering giant being overtaken by a sudden, inexplicable feeling that his former home is in grave danger. His heart grows heavy, for he knows that this could only mean that an old rival has been lost.
Winner: Deviljho
Last edited by shippersdreamer on Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: KWCE #66: Deviljho vs. King Kong (Showa)

Post by SoggyNoodles2016 »

Finally, the Pickle Boy gets a match!

Great match. Loved Kong's slow realization he underestimated Deviljho and how intimidating he was.

Also, Deviljho vs Monster Island/Godzilla (Showa) better be in the works now

RIP Evan.

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Re: KWCE #66: Deviljho vs. King Kong (Showa)

Post by CommanderPhoenix »

Oh heck yes. I've been waiting on this match since I read the preview for it in the trailer thread.
The introspectiveness that Kong shows, Kong attempting the jaw break, Dragonblight cancelling Kong's thunder powerup, the nod to Rajang, and especially the bit at the end with Godzilla.
Absolutely amazing.

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Re: KWCE #66: Deviljho vs. King Kong (Showa)

Post by ShinGojira14 »

Dang! That match was really good, and packed more than a few surprises! Though it did need some adjusting on certain sudden paragraph cuts.
If I'm not mistaken, at the end, something tells me that wasn't Godzilla; it was Gorosaurus.
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Re: KWCE #66: Deviljho vs. King Kong (Showa)

Post by godjacob »

Aggressive match and like the story of Kong's attitude shifting on Devijho as it went along.
But this is getting dumb. Can Kong win ONE match in what is his tribute month? This is just getting insulting no offense lol

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Re: KWCE #66: Deviljho vs. King Kong (Showa)

Post by Gigantis »

Surprisingly gory match! And some Monster Hunter in the K.W.C.E, i can always accept that!
I'm gonna guess those eye's are either Godzilla or Gorosaurus.

A guy who randomly stumbled upon this place one day, invested much too much time into it, and now appears to be stuck here for all eternity..and strangely enough, i do not regret it!

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Re: KWCE #66: Deviljho vs. King Kong (Showa)

Post by GodzillavsRayquaza »

Glad people are enjoying this one, I’m quite proud of it. Glad to have the honor of first MH match for the KWCE, I hope there are many more to come.
And yes, that was Gorosaurus who was awoken by his former rival’s passing, not Godzilla. Though, who’s to say Goro’s not going to ask the big ape’s other rival to come help him out in dealing with Faro’s usurper? ;)
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ShinGojira14 wrote: Neither. Hideki Anno wins because he writes a hilarious comedic satire movie where Shin and Legendary have to team up to destroy a grotesque crap-monster created by the constant toxic bickering of Shin fans and Legendary fans.
SoggyNoodles2016 wrote: Yup, my dad works at Legendary, the Nebulans are gonna be in the next movie and they're gonna get beat because Madison throws coffee in the leaders face.

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Re: KWCE #66: Deviljho vs. King Kong (Showa)

Post by HillyHulk »

Dang... I use the word "tense" a lot because my vocabulary sucks corn dogs, but this one was the best example of that word. Deviljho was a real monster (no pun intended) here and that switch from victory to failure was dark.
This match was really good.

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Re: KWCE #66: Deviljho vs. King Kong (Showa)

Post by SoggyNoodles2016 »

GodzillavsRayquaza wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 3:52 pm Glad people are enjoying this one, I’m quite proud of it. Glad to have the honor of first MH match for the KWCE, I hope there are many more to come.
And yes, that was Gorosaurus who was awoken by his former rival’s passing, not Godzilla. Though, who’s to say Goro’s not going to ask the big ape’s other rival to come help him out in dealing with Faro’s usurper? ;)
Ohhh, ok.
I thought the "many titans" thing was talking about Monster Island, not Mondo.

Gorosaurus vs Deviljho it is then!

RIP Evan.

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Re: KWCE #66: Deviljho vs. King Kong (Showa)

Post by GodzillavsRayquaza »

SoggyNoodles2016 wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 6:58 pm
Ohhh, ok.
I thought the "many titans" thing was talking about Monster Island, not Mondo.

Gorosaurus vs Deviljho it is then!
“Ever since Gorosaurus departed to a distant island of other monsters, Kong had lived a life of luxury and comfort.”

“a slumbering giant being overtaken by a sudden, inexplicable feeling that his former home is in grave danger.”

It is Monster Island. Gorosaurus left Faro to go to Monster Island, or was taken there by humanity, however you think he wound up there by the time of DAM.
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ShinGojira14 wrote: Neither. Hideki Anno wins because he writes a hilarious comedic satire movie where Shin and Legendary have to team up to destroy a grotesque crap-monster created by the constant toxic bickering of Shin fans and Legendary fans.
SoggyNoodles2016 wrote: Yup, my dad works at Legendary, the Nebulans are gonna be in the next movie and they're gonna get beat because Madison throws coffee in the leaders face.

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Re: KWCE #66: Deviljho vs. King Kong (Showa)

Post by SoggyNoodles2016 »

GodzillavsRayquaza wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 7:09 pm
SoggyNoodles2016 wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 6:58 pm
Ohhh, ok.
I thought the "many titans" thing was talking about Monster Island, not Mondo.

Gorosaurus vs Deviljho it is then!
“Ever since Gorosaurus departed to a distant island of other monsters, Kong had lived a life of luxury and comfort.”

“a slumbering giant being overtaken by a sudden, inexplicable feeling that his former home is in grave danger.”

It is Monster Island. Gorosaurus left Faro to go to Monster Island, or was taken there by humanity, however you think he wound up there by the time of DAM.
Wow, I'm doing a miserable job at reading comprehension today lol.

That makes sense.

RIP Evan.

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