K.W.C.E. #88: King Caesar (Showa) and Gukuru Shisa Vs Bagan (1990)

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K.W.C.E. #88: King Caesar (Showa) and Gukuru Shisa Vs Bagan (1990)

Post by GodzillavsRayquaza »





Author: MoarCrossovers
Word Count: 10441


For generations, there was the shisa. Ancient guardian beasts of magic and myth, employed by the isolated people of the Okinawa Islands to protect their homes from the presence of evil spirits, drawn to the innocent, vulnerable souls of mortals. The legend had persisted from the departure of the islands from the Japanese government all the way to its reunion with the mainland generations later, and amongst the oldest families, when sending off children or moving to a new residence, it was customary to take and be gifted a pair of shisa statues, to ward off bad omens and bring in good energies for a long and plentiful life.

However, some were old enough to still recount the stories of old. Tales from the age of the Ryukyu Kingdom, who rose and united the old principalities for a glorious age of industrious expansion and peace. In those days, shisa were not icons; they were real. Brought to life through powerful magic, they lived in harmony with the people, and they, too, would protect those that were worthy of being their master with their strength and their lives. It was their mission. Their calling. Their purpose.

Amongst their ranks were two that stood above in size and reputation. The first was a great warrior, who bore a noble heart and sense of honour. It was a private commission from the Azumi royal family of Okinawa Island to serve as a guardian for the kingdom and its people. His bond to the family required one of royal blood to summon his ferocity in battle, as insurance that the mighty king would not deviate from his task and remained pure.

The second was nothing like his kin that bowed to humans. He became known in legend as the only wild shisa, free from the shackles of oath to protect what he saw fit. He held the honour of guardian, too, but the untameable titan used his power for the protection of Okinawan land and all flora and fauna that resided on it. The kingdom respected the boundaries of the wild one, and in turn, he permitted the selection of a priestess to summon him in grave times.

Together, they defended the lands for years untold, turning back waves of men and monsters from their sacred home with unmatchable determination and power. Conflicting goals like theirs had turned other guardians against one another, yet the two shisas’ differences had made their alliance stronger, growing to respect each other’s resolve and tenacity. In the old times, it was wise to find friends and keep them close, for terrible dangers roamed freely upon the many lands of the world, set free to pillage and devour and prey upon the weak and innocent. This was the forgotten world that the shisa were a part of.

A time when demons and devils walked on the Earth.

There was one story that told of a climactic battle, one that almost resulted in the destruction of the Azumi family’s legacy. On one winter’s day, survivors of a shipwreck were washed up on the western shore of Okinawa Isand, delirious, baring clinging to life. They were rescued by local fisherman and hunters, who helped to nurse the men and woman back to health, and once recovered, they came forward to the king and queen to recount a terrible message.

A new evil had been unleashed, freed from a hundred years of imprisonment within the Himalayas of Asia. It rampaged and slaughtered across the continent, killing thousands upon thousands on a single, aberrant quest to snuff out mortal light wherever it took root. The demon’s path took it far past the shores of the country, unleashing the unholy power it wielded upon land, sea, and sky. Those that stood in the royal court who had washed up on the shore were the only survivors of a naval battle against the crimson horror, a last brave effort to remove its foul presence from Japanese land, but its demonic light purged the Imperial forces without a challenge.

A million lives were sent to the black depths of the ocean that day, their souls devoured by the tainted god, Bagan. His hunger for death unsatable, his desire for terror eternal as the darkness in his heart. As long as life escaped his fangs and claws, he would pursue it to the edges of the world. The Japanese soldiers pleaded with regret to the Okinawan royalty, for they feared that their escape from the devil’s wrath would draw his ire to their kingdom, if it had not already.

They promised to leave and never return, so that the islands would be spared from the evil force that was coming. Such actions would mean the death of those who were given refuge on his land, and the king would not allow for these people to die in his name. Not a drop more of Japanese blood would be spilled, he declared, for it would be Okinawan steel that would face the scarlet slayer. It was demanded for the pride of the royalty, and the court cheered in unison. No threat would force them to back down.

The demon god arrived on tides of black clouds. Flying high above, soaring on bat-like, arm-mounted wings, his muscular mass cast a shadow across the lapping waves of Okinawa. Bagan descended from dark vapours, allowing grey, unfeeling eyes to lay their gaze upon the green forests and hills awaiting. He could smell the bounty of life, that wretched, cancerous light that consumed the world like an infection. From the darkest places beyond the comprehension of Man, the dark goliath was born to oppose and slay the light, and he relished in his unhallowed task.

But between the devil and the island, the armada of Ryukyu awaited in lined formation. One hundred warships barred the unwanted creature entry, flanked by land-mounted weaponry along the kingdom’s outer walls. To an outsider, they would have called this sight foolish, but those of Okinawan loyalty stood true to their oath, to serve and protect the city with every ounce of strength in this life. Their bravery only bolstered Bagan’s assault.

The naval commanders gave the attack order. Trebuchets, cannons and ballistas fired from the deck of every vessel, unloading rounds of thick iron, steel-tipped arrows and burning fire onto flesh of blood red and armour of night black. It was nothing to the flying demon, producing only a cackle of madness from his white toothed maw. With a single beat of toned arms, he dived down into the storm of weapons, oblivious to the discomfort it brought upon him. Many vessels were crushed under his form as Bagan crashed into the waves, throwing ocean water into the air higher than he was tall. Pounding shockwaves tore apart dozens of ships into splinters of wood, while colossal waves created from the descending spout capsized countless more. One act from the abomination against life had robbed the souls of hundreds, lost to his spirit-hungering might.

The troops flocked to the sides of their vessels, peering down at the black waves, littered with corpses and debris for a sign of the demon. Only darkness awaited, spanning for what seemed to mortal eyes like eternity into the unknown depths. For the moment, silence reigned, challenged only by the gentle, yet firm splashes of the waves. Only a fool would have believed the idea that the devil, an unholy force that took delight in the suffering of mankind, would just simply leave like that. All that the soldiers could do was wait in agonizing silence and prepare.

It happened so suddenly that none could have reacted in time. The sea turned turbulent in an instant, going from soft currents to fast, swirling waters within the span of seconds, ensnaring the naval ships. The land guard couldn’t do anything but watch in horror as the ships were dragged into the marine vortexes, where the powerful currents dragged them into one another, splitting grand warships in half as if they were cheap model replicas. Splinters, cloth sails, and screaming men were tossed overboard, disappearing into the whirlpools’ dark mouths and dragged deep under. The fleet followed suit, snapping and crumpling into pathetic shapes by the crushing suction as they were pulled under in a flurry of bubbles. In only moments, the proud marine guard of Okinawa was gone.

Soon, the water bubbled again, fiercer and louder than the previous event, the ocean’s surface turning as dark as the night from the rising force. Bagan burst to the surface, splashing the shoreline with tainted sea water as a titanic bellow rippled from his throat. Amongst the water that drained from his armour was the remains of ship hulls and mangled bodies of fallen sailors, and Bagan could smell the terror produced by the humans awaiting on land from the horrifying sight. Their fear was the sweetest ambrosia to the scarlet titan, the nectar that fuelled his actions. He craved it just as much as he wished their annihilation. The fortune of his mission against freedom and sanctity was that the two desires came hand-in-hand.

Powerful light radiated from the forehead horn of the black beast, shining with radiance so bright that all onlookers were forced to look elsewhere, unable to tolerate the gleaming rays. Was it not produced by a creature ruled by sin, the luminance could be mistake for the holy light of God. Pointing his ugly head at the stone barrier, Bagan discharged an impressive stream of searing light from the horn’s tip. A section was entirely consumed, blown open by the forces imbued on it, taking hundreds of lives in the process of its destruction.

The explosion shook the remaining forces from their stupor. The assault resumed, pelting Bagan’s form with iron and stone as he advanced out of the waves. He took his first step onto Okinawan soil, a fact he found no honour in, for such a concept was laughed at by an entity of his foul nature. Before him lay rows and rows of wooden structures, with the space between flooded with the pathetic, pink worms that invested the community.

The pleasure of this moment was interrupted only by the irritation from the human’s measly weapons. Somehow, their dedication to the throne overpowered the bone-numbing fear that his presence produced, fuelling them on the delusion that they had the power to repel him. This would not do.

One moment, cannons and ballistas fired upon the towering devil’s repugnant hide. The next, with a simple point from Bagan’s clawed finger, the resistance was gone. There was no flash of power or discharge of energy. Fire blossomed from the center of the forces to engulf the unfortunate soldiers seemingly from the black titan’s will alone. He wished for their deaths and it came true, just like that. Turning to the other side of the divided wall, another point from the other hand sealed the fate of the remaining guard in the same manner, removed from this world by forces unseen.

High up and far away, two pairs of eyes watched as the unholy nightmare turned his wrath to the streets beneath his feet. From the balcony of the royal tower, the princess and her handmaiden were certain of the kingdom’s fall at Bagan’s unquenchable wrath. To save her people, now was the time to act and fulfil her purpose. The princess retreated into the castle’s interior, through the door and down the tower stairs as fast as she dared in her restrictive royal attire.

The handmaiden followed suit, easily matching the pace of the young mistress. But when the two women reached the bottom of the tower, their paths separated, turning in different directions, unbeknownst to the royal princess. As the maid vanished into the bustling crowds of staff and guards, the future ruler of Okinawa made their own route though the commotion, towards the passage that led to the castle’s secret cove.

Outside, brimstone consumed the city. The air was choked with the roar of flames, the stench of smoke and the screams of the dying. The sickening concoction brought a low rumble of contentment from Bagan’s throat as he plundered the landscape of Man. As the masses grew thinner, his heart grew heavier with the absorption of their souls, bound forever in perpetual torment to Bagan’s black spirit. In minutes, Ryukyu would be nothing more that smouldering ash carried to the wind. A lost treasure in the memory of mankind, for however long it should last.

He paused. The devil’s rampage was halted as he sensed an outlier amidst the carnage. Whatever it was wasn’t far, close enough for Bagan’s spine to squirm from the disgusting aura. Hope. Love. Loyalty. These feelings in the air made the dark lord wretch and snarl, switching his gaze to the Azumi castle upon the hillside. He marched towards the structure, drawn by the urge to destroy the source of positivity that dared to emerge within the sea of distress.

Kneeling in the sands, the princess prayed. A soft song flew from her lips across the sacred cove, channelling her own soul into the melody to imbue into it her plea and loyalty. It was a chant passed down from generations, designed to resonate with the guardian of the kingdom and rouse him into action, but the young woman was inexperienced. Never had she assumed that she would be called out to fulfil her duty to the bloodline, and that was her mistake to bear. She continued to sing regardless, hoping that her rusty skills would be enough.

Darkness fell upon the princess. The air turned rancid with the stench of decay and blood. She knew that the demon was there now, watching in her most vulnerable moment as she carried out the ritual. But she also knew what it wanted of her, and she would not give the abomination such pleasure in its wretched life.

Her voice sang louder in the presence of the destroyer, filled with pain and trust and command and strength. Bagan paused at the princess’ defiance, repulsed by the emotions flowing into the air from her song. He snarled loudly, launching droplets of saliva from his fangs across the rock and white sands. Positive emotions were the antithesis of his kind. Their power had banished or turned many of the underworld’s residents, and Bagan was not immune to the strength within the princess’ melody. His purpose on Earth was to purge the world of this tremendous power through slaughter and oppression, and rob the humans of the one defence they held against the demon kin.

But Bagan held no equal in this world or the next. The woman’s words could hold him by bay, but lacked the power to turn away the dark power at his disposal. The devil’s hand raised, pointing his finger at the defenceless princess as he grinned in delight. The mere words of mortals could not stop him.

As the hymn came to a close, a loud, ferocious roar sounded from the depths of the cavern at the cove’s end. Bagan’s head snapped up, his aim dropping in surprise at the unexpected sound. Red eyes flashed in the cave’s shadows as King Caesar leapt forth with a mighty howl, crashing his entire body into the darkness dragon’s own. The ender of life was thrown back with a growl in his throat, smashing into the mountain and sending rivers of dust and rock cascading down his muscles.

King Caesar landed on the sands. His magnificent mane flowed in the ocean breeze and sunlight glinted in the gems that were his eyes. Beneath the giant golem’s feet, the princess looked up in awe at her protector, finding faith in his presence and the success of her duty. She ran for cover at the hillside, climbing the steps that led her here back to the safety of the castle. Her task was complete, and now it was the duty of King Caesar to protect the people from the dark beast.

Snarling deep from his chest, Bagan pushed his bulk upright. The motion of erecting himself stirred up the sand and dust beneath his feet, collecting into a dull haze that obscured the titan’s lower mass. King Caesar met the eyes of his enemy and barred his fangs, spreading both arms as far as they could reach. It was an action of defiance, spurring Bagan to respond. Hot light flashed and burst from his forehead, rushing towards the mighty shisa’s cranium without any forewarning. There was time to move, but the guardian chose to remain in his stance, allowing the invading demon’s beam to strike where he wanted. Instead of removing the golem’s head, Bagan’s unholy light was absorbed into his left eye, and for the first time in his life, the unearthly god felt the emotion of genuine shock.

The anatomy of King Caesar’s skull diffused and refocused the captured energy, enabling him to fire the light ray from his right eye with ten times the power than before. The entire process was completed in half a second, which left Bagan as the one now unable to react. His own amplified energies slammed into his pectoral muscles, blackening meat and armour in a titanic, fiery eruption. Another sensation flooded the dark god’s body for the first time as he howled a deafening roar. At last, he felt the hot embrace of pain. King Caesar was the first in millennia to injure the devil.

King Caesar rushed at Bagan with a burst of speed, launching up trails of sand in his wake. With the plague against life distracted, the chance to slay it was now or never. Once more, his stony mass battered the demon’s muscles, throwing his disoriented foe off-balance further. The claws of the royal guard swung out and slashed at Bagan’s frame in random strokes, targeting every part of the dragon’s front that he could. His sharp digits scraped across the black armour of the unhallowed creature, not even leaving a gouge or scratch upon a single piece. Only the crimson giant’s flesh gave way to the savagery of the leonine champion, but not by much. Thin trails of black flood flowed from cuts the breadth of a tree trunk, staining the ground underneath the giants in a sickening, soggy pulp.

Disappointed, King Caesar diverted his attention to the goliath’s head. Bagan stared back with grey orbs of rage and a grinning maw of fangs. He turned on the spot, bringing his thick tail to bare from the dust cloud like a gigantic whip, slamming it into the gut of the feline golem. The impact send the protector hurling into the air, but with agile reflexes like the cats that inspired him, King Caesar twisted and rolled in-flight to land on all fours, skidding across the beach surface until his heels touched the waves’ edge. Touching a hand to his abdomen, he felt the thousands of fractures, small and large, that covered the surface of his skin. A true example of the power to expect from the defiler of his protected lands.

The sands beneath King Caesar’s soles shifted in waves. Bagan’s thunderous steps made the earth tremble as he bore down on the recovering golem. Even if King Caesar managed to stand, it would be impossible to dodge the oncoming attack. Instead, his hands dug deep into the beach, clutching handfuls of sands. Swinging up, a wave of sand grains and salt water was thrown into the air. Without traction on the loose surface, Bagan didn’t slow in time and charged through the cloud, which drew out an aghast howl from the demon.

Salt and sand invaded his eyelids and made them water, distorting the titan’s vision and affecting his vision. The shape of his foe was still visible and he lashed out, but without full vision, his swipes were clumsy and predictable. King Caesar avoided them with an almost lazy attitude, weaving away from each strike with the flexibility of a housecat. A lesser champion would have mocked and taunted his enemy, but the old warrior knew better. It was never wise to lower one’s guard against your opponent, regardless of their condition, and despite his hindrance, King Caesar knew that Bagan’s skills and power remained just as deadly.

But as the stinging in his eyes ceased, Bagan began to focus his blows once more. Second by second, they became harder for King Caesar to read and dodge, easy weaves turning to near misses. The golem learned the mistake of standing in the unholy god’s presence, as his claws finally scored a hit, slicing King Caesar’s forearm open in one swift strike. The shisa was unable to stop the bark of agony that escaped his maw, knowing that his pain would only fuel the draconic beast’s hunger. He leapt back to escape the demon’s range, clutching the maimed arm protectively to his chest.

Bagan’s hand was stayed by his curiosity. How strange that a creature not born from flesh, carved from the tools of Man, would know the feeling of pain. A weakness such as this should surely be purged from an artificial construct in order to unleash its full potential.

King Caesar’s anomalistic nature drew Bagan’s dark interest, making the black flames of his spirit flare in excitement. The guard of Okinawa was far from an ordinary golem. He could feel. He could think. He could dream. Within his body, under layers of stone and gems, resided a unique, distinct soul, and Bagan wanted to learn of its nature. Would it feel every agony and torture to body, mind and spirit? Would it think of regret and terror as he ground the life out of it? Would it plead of mercy, or keep fighting to the bitter end? The foul lord of darkness wouldn’t rest until the answers were his.

Another bright beam discharged from his horn, illuminating the devil’s form with a radiance it did not deserve. King Caesar maneuvered his head to catch the blast and reflect it back, but Bagan had caught on to the shisa’s gimmick now, ducking low to let the ray fly overhead. Though King Caesar was surprised, his reaction was swift. The tiny window of distraction was enough for the mighty lion to leap at the crouched god, bringing his leg around in a rotating kick, slamming into the side of his blood red skull. There was the sound like a cannon firing as stone met flesh, causing Bagan’s head to turn with a jerk. A triumph for King Caesar, to harm the beast that seemed invincible, but to the dark lord, it was barely felt.

Before the royal golem’s feet could hit the floor, his leg was grabbed tightly and was lifted up, hung head down in the grasp of the devil. Roaring and flailing, King Caesar demanded his release, to which Bagan answered in a boisterous howl. His grip tightened, causing King Caesar to scream in anguish. It felt like his leg was on the brink of snapping in half, producing a pain and an image too great to block out and ignore. Bagan feasted on the torment of his prey, eyes bright with glee and lust, yet also as cold and unfeeling as ever. With a casual toss, he hurled the shisa away, flying over the hillside and into the city that lay on the other side.

An astounding impact filled air shrouded with death and misery, followed by violent tremors and showers of dust and rubble. Groaning groggily, King Caesar pushed up from his crater, throwing off the remains of countless homes and people that clung to his body. The sight of such destruction brought a growl to his lips and lit a determined fire within. The daze from the landing was dispelled by the guardian’s sheer will and grit alone. He could not lose this battle. Not because of the code he was bound to, but the devotion to the kingdom and its people. If he were to fall, the demon would not stop at Okinawa. Its hate and bloodlust were too much for mortals to conquer. No, it was up to him to fight, for Ryukyu and the world.

He spun around as rock toppled and crashed to the burning earth from behind. The nightmarish roar of Bagan was a sound that would forever haunt the dreams of whoever survived this dark hour as he broke through the hillside like it was nothing. Clouds of brown dust rolled around the dark creature as fires raged under his shadow; he truly looked like Satan himself had stepped out of Hell. His cry was met by King Caesar’s own savage noise, challenging him to battle once again. Without hesitation, Bagan accepted, recognising the warrior’s spirit within him. He was driven to break it.

King Caesar cautiously circled the beast as he trudged forward. The shisa’s steps were gentle and precise, taking care to step around to avoid the homes he swore to protect. In stark contrast, Bagan was uncaring, crushing the buildings in his path underfoot. As such, he closed in faster, swinging both fists down at the living golem with a hellish cry. King Caesar’s lion-like reflexes helped to avoid the blow, causing the empty road to erupt upwards from the force of the evil dragon’s strike. He stepped back in with the same swiftness and grabbed the demon’s long horn with both hands, clutching tight with full strength and shoved Bagan’s repulsive face into the ashen earth. A loud snap or crack echoed, followed by the demon’s muffled cry as he swallowed a mouthful of ash, but King Caesar could not determine the source of the noise. Had he broken bone, or the ground?

In his moment of confusion, the leonine guard was caught unaware as his quarry lashed out. Bagan’s claws knocked aside the golem’s arms and pushed up with remarkable speed, slamming the tip of his horn into King Caesar’s chest. His sharp instrument penetrated the rocky exterior, stabbing partially into the innards of his prey before flinging his head upwards. Shock and pain made the fearless shisa cry out before he slammed into the ground. He clutched a paw to the break, concerned on how easily the wound had been inflicted, before he struggled frantically to his feet.

Once he stood tall, Bagan’s toned arms spread out. The colossal wings tucked tight against their length unfurled in a snap, casting a crimson glare upon the land from the sunlight that filtered through. In a single beat, the lord of evil became airborne, taking his foul power to the skies that he had arrived on. He was at home in this element as on the earth and under the sea. There was no place on the planet that his darkness could not take root.

He dived down at his target, flashing light from his horn as it fired upon the ground below. It scorched and ravaged wherever it touched as the foul one soared over in a straight path towards King Caesar, the only warning given a murderous howl. King Caesar’s ears twitched in the direction of the volume and his gaze followed suit, spotting the approaching danger. He broke into a sprint, moving as fast as he could manage with the deadly beam closing on his heels. He did not breathe, so he could not tire, but his speed was still limited by the restrictions of his body. The Okinawan saviour bounded across parks and leaped over markets, but Bagan’s light of death remained close behind, and he was running out of space to run.

Up ahead, the edge of Ryukyu loomed; a tall, stone cliff that ran for miles in both directions around the city. There was nowhere else for him to go, but King Caesar keep on running, increasing his pace as the cliff side approached. It was too high and too steep to scale in a single bound, but that was not his intention. Inadvertently, Bagan had let himself into a trap. King Caesar jumped onto the rocky wall, planting his feet firmly upon its surface as he twisted his body around. It took a second to adjust his position before the shisa pushed off the cliff, using it as a perch to launch himself at Bagan. His claws reached out as the demon’s eyes widened, cutting off the beam as he prepared to collide with the unholy behemoth. King Caesar’s claws shifted –

– but so did the dark monster’s.

Coal black talons sliced the air towards King Caesar’s torso. Immediately, the mystic lion howled in excruciating agony as he felt the sensation of knives carving into his stomach. Sparks were blown from his armour-like skin as slashes appeared across the guardian’s guts, exposing the intricate mechanisms that operated him. Spasming in pain, he missed the chance to strike, and Bagan seized it without hesitation to crack his heel against King Caesar’s neck.

The people of Ryukyu watched with dread as their guardian collided with the remains of their city in a colossal impact. Sprawled across the violated wreckage, King Caesar grasped weakly at the ground, his claws digging trenches into the blackened soil. His damaged body was broken even further by the impact, missing plates of armours and sporting fractures across his limbs. His will remained unbroken, however. As he felt the shadow of the devil cross over his back, the warrior slowly started to rise.

Bagan crushed his dreams by crushing the shisa’s back. His feet slammed down on the spine of his challenger with unmatchable force, splitting the stone armour further. King Caesar collapsed under the weight of the heartless god, gritting his fangs to hold back his cries from the putrid creature’s ears. It was a futile effort, for Bagan could sense the agony of his victim. He purred loudly, grinding his heels further into the golem’s back.

Hope. Love. Loyalty. This creature was the embodiment of these beliefs and Bagan’s might had utterly crushed it. Did that make it weak? No, it was strong. But his strength was infinitely stronger and growing, feasting on the soup of negativity brewing in the air. Despair. Hate. Faithlessness.

As King Caesar’s life weakened, the people’s belief grew weaker and Bagan grew stronger. Victory was at hand to the destroyer, his mission to purge the kingdom of life nearly complete. All it would take was one last push…

Gravel crunched and leaves rustled as the maiden hurried down the overgrown path. It was a difficult climb up the hillside, made easier if the trail had been maintained. But it was neglected for a reason, and the source was what she had come to seek. Cresting the hilltop, she rushed into the forgotten, crumbling temple, entwined by ivy and weeds amidst the cracked infrastructure.

Nature had been allowed to claim the temple as a tribute to the guardian of the fields and forests, whose blessing gave them clean water, fertile soil and plentiful rains. At the center of the main chamber, the handmaiden stopped before the statue of a shisa, untouched by the growth of vines and moss. There was a moment of silence as the maiden awaited its approval.

He recognised the danger and plague upon the lands he had protected long before the birth of King Caesar. He gave his blessing to his follower, ready to unleash his strength. The maiden clutched the red pendant around her neck and held it towards the shisa, focusing on the image and power of his true self, igniting the crystal within.


The tiny statue was engulfed with a radiance brighter than the summer sky. Stone was imbued with colour as the ancient lion instantly grew to gigantic size, leaping from the hill into the streets below. Gukuru Shisa’s magnificent armour and mane of red, orange and blue glistened in the light of the surrounding fires, kicking up pillars of debris on impact. The powerful bellow that erupted from his maw made Bagan turn in surprise towards the new combatant, ceasing his brutalisation of King Caesar as the titan’s lifeless orbs bulged in their sockets.

Gukuru Shisa’s toned legs fired him towards the towering devil in a single bound. His claws, sharper than the purest diamonds, carved through Bagan’s impenetrable hide, freeing from the depths of his throat a howl beholding the most extreme agony. The collision pushed him off of King Caesar’s prone body as Gukuru Shisa clung on to the dark being’s flesh, tearing and ripping with his powerful claws. At last, Bagan caught his balance and swung out his arms, dislodging the anonymous feline from its perch in his flesh. Tides of foul fluids sprayed from the gaping punctures left by the creature’s claws, gushing across the soil and debris.

As he touched down on the polluted land, Gukuru Shisa twisted on the spot to bare his back to the distracted beast. Standing on his front paws, the golem’s hind limbs lashed out into Bagan’s bloodied sternum, flooring the black behemoth in a single blow. His cry of torment came as a raspy wheeze as the kick knocked the breath from his lungs, making the impact against the earth a rougher experience for the hell-born dragon.

The death god was down for the count, but not out. Within moments, he could recover, and Gukuru’s Shisa’s strength and spirit would not be enough to vanquish the devourer alone. He turned his attention to the motionless King Caesar as a groan passed his lips, indicating that the artificial warrior remained on the plane of the living. Approaching his equal, Gukuru Shisa pressed his forehead against that of his humanoid counterpart, rousing life back into the wounded shisa, looking up with twinkling ruby eyes at the smaller guardian.

The maiden watched on from the edge of the ruins, already knowing what her guardian required of her. The crystal pendant glowed with aura within the palm of Gukuru Shisa’s priestess as she challenged its spiritual energies into the elder shisa. As his form shone with the received power, he exhaled a mist of sparkling particles upon King Caesar, literally breathing new life into him. The mighty golem’s eyes shone as he sat up, slowly climbing to his feet using the new strength flowing into him. To his own astonishment, the fractured stone and pulverised machinery that once plagued the shisa’s ability started to repair themselves under Gukuru Shisa’s gift. By the time he stood to his full height, the injuries inflicted by Bagan’s might were but a memory of the past.

The eyes of the two shisas met once more in understanding. Although their missions differed, they were united by the evil that the black-hearted demon brought upon their island home. They were wise enough to know that squabbles and inner fighting over personal beliefs were irrelevant when there was a foe waiting that took greater priority. On this dark day, in Okinawa’s bleakest hour, King Caesar and Gukuru Shisa would fight together.

The alliance made Bagan’s lifeless blood boil in rage. His victory was so close, but now it lay distant in the possible future. On their own, each shisa embodied the aspects of mankind that the dark god sought to smother, but together, the resonating aura that was vile to the demon’s soul increased a hundred fold. It drove him mad, increased his lust of blood, made his heart burn for the annihilation of these hand-crafted deities, for they defied the face of death.

Bright energy discharged from his enormous horn with a tremendous spark of light, fired towards the leonine creatures with predicted expectations. Unlike what the dragon anticipated, King Caesar joined his counterpart in leaping out of the impact zone, leaving the already dead earth to erupt into flames and rubble. Bagan blinked, surprised by the unexpected actions of his foes, but remained focused on the battle, driven on by sinful wants. As Gukuru Shisa touched the ground first, he directed his attention towards the creature that had stolen his kill and soiled his reputation. Again, destructive light waves fired from the scarlet killer’s forehead extremity and streaked towards the Gukuru Shisa without a chance for the target to react, but once more, it was denied the opportunity to strike a hit.

King Caesar leapt into the path of the beam, thrusting his forehead into the head of the searing luminance to capture it. The half-mirrored retinas caught Bagan’s energies and channelled it into the Okinawan golem’s eyes, allowing him to amplify and reflect it back at the foul dragon, blowing away blackened chunks of the devil’s shoulder.

With the dark colossus hampered by his latest injury, Gukuru Shisa took the opportunity to strike. A single bound carried the iridescent shisa across the air to Bagan’s bleeding form, sinking his talons into his flesh and clinging to the behemoth’s form. If he had been a mortal creature, the resulting cry of Bagan would surely have left him deaf for life, but his animated nature allowed the brave feline to press on. As his claws carved through the hellspawn’s flesh, Bagan’s own, colourless digits pierced Gukuru Shisa’s mineral hide. The urge to cry out from the ensuing agony was overwhelming, but he grit his fangs and bit back the instinct, refusing to grant more pleasure and power to the unholy taint. He distracted the demon long enough for King Caesar to come to his aid, announcing himself with a cry resembling the boom of thunder as he crashed into Bagan’s chest, sending him sprawling backwards with a breathless moan.

As he staggered, Gukuru Shisa jumped clear from the crimson titan. The reason for his departure was revealed before Bagan could question it, as King Caesar leapt high into the air, spinning around with an outstretched leg to smash it into the devil’s skull, drawing a cry of ire as he nearly toppled over from the force of the blow. A touch to his pounding forehead came back with blood staining the tips of his claws, dripping in rivers down his face from the hairline fracture crossing the width of his frontal cranium. He was wounded badly, sporting torn flesh and scorched muscle across every inch of his body.

Yet somehow, Bagan no longer felt rage at his injuries. Although the dragon’s body grew weaker, his spirit remained as strong as ever and more. How long was it since he was enslaved to the sensation of pain, instead of inflicting it upon others? Too long for Bagan, who age reached into centuries, to recall. To feel what so many to bear witness to his power had felt… it was invigorous. His own suffering and torment only bolstered his twisted desire more.

His gaze turned to the sight of the shisa guardians, watching his movements with shunning stares, happy to express their hatred for the rotten creature. Their ability to harm him when once he thought himself invincible lit the smallest spark of respect in the devil’s heart. But he held no belief in their ability to slay him.

The devil’s silence envigoured the stone guardians. Together, they charged with banshee-like howls, drowning out the sound of their earth-shaking steps on the path to meet the titan. King Caesar leapt and twirled to deliver another roundhouse kick, forcing Bagan’s head to snap to the side. While his foot remained pressed to the evil creature’s flesh, however, the limb was grasped tight by Bagan’s hand, spinning the shisa around with one arm and slammed him into the hillside. It happened so fast that King Caesar couldn’t let out even a sound of surprise before pain and earth enveloped his body. Gukuru Shisa did not make the royal praetorian’s same mistake, pouncing onto the distracted behemoth’s side and sinking his claws deep, securing his jaws around Bagan’s throat before thrashing both head and limbs violently.

The sensation of his own blood being split brought Bagan no sense of pleasure, removing discomforted growls from his maw in response to the shisa’s assault. Gripping his attacker firmly by the head, he tore Gukuru Shisa from his body, along with pieces of his own flesh and armour, and held the offender one-armed above the ground, slashing and snapping with wild ferocity in the black god’s hold. Bagan swung his arm down into the ash-coated streets, smashing Gukuru Shisa’s skull between them and the demon’s tremendous muscles in a swift, simple move. The crack that sounded resonated across the burning landscape and the vibrant lion’s body jerked violently, falling limp under the blasphemous cretin’s palm.

Bagan’s bloodied lips curled up, revealing rows of stained fangs. Pleasure and adrenaline rushed through his systems with the torment inflicted to the creatures that rivalled him. His place in the world was soon to be cemented as the new status of order, his will to craft the civilisation of man into whatever image that he desired. But these dreams of cruelty were shattered by the roar of King Caesar, cutting through the air and Bagan’s ears like the mighty crash of thunder. The two titans collided and the earth trembled from the force of their contact. King Caesar leapt and clung to the back of the scarlet beast as he roared and flailed, releasing his hold over Gukuru Shisa to fully commit to dislodging the protector of Okinawa from his presence. The golem’s fists hammered the skull of the abomination over and over, turning red flesh to discoloured, black and blue patches from the concentrated assault.

With the unholy titan distracted, Gukuru Shisa, slowly, in almost paralysing agony, got to his feet. He shook his head to clear it from pain’s grip as best he could and turned his attention to Bagan, noting the presence of his equal riding the demon’s shoulders. The quadruped rushed forwards to assist his ally, slamming into Bagan’s meaty legs to stagger the colossal beast. With Bagan’s balance skewered and King Caesar assailing his cranium, Gukuru Shisa contributed by biting down on the god’s thigh, ripping into the flesh with canine-like vigour, spilling trails of blood down the titan’s calves and his own jaws. Against the combined strength of the guardians, to outside eyes, the invincible darkness appeared to falter. In truth, it was a momentary distraction.

Colourless talons finally grasped King Caesar’s pounding fists and squeezed, halting the barrage with a tormented howl from the royal monster. At the same time, Bagan’s legs kicked out, smashing into Gukuru Shisa’s lower jaw to dislodge the small, feral golem. He ripped King Caesar off his back and used the shisa’s body to bash away its companion, sending both rolling across the dead terrain. Blinding light followed the tumbling guardians, searing their hides to the pitch of the darkest shadows as it pushed them further away. There was no nerves within their stone skin, yet both titans screamed and suffered from the unrelenting agony that consumed their being. The sounds that came from the shisas’ throats sent shivers of dread throughout the souls of Okinawa.

It was the most beautiful sound to grace Bagan’s ears.

The hell-beast’s powerful ray of light dissipated at last, allowing the eyes of him and the surviving population to discover the extent of the damage. From his feet to where King Caesar and Gukuru Shisa lay, a black trench was burnt into the landscape, splitting the land of Ryukyu in half like a terrible scar. The twin protectors of the defiled land lay sprawled and buried in their crater, paralysed and exhausted by the overwhelming pain that flooded their structures. Fur was incinerated and stone had turned to molten slag under the beam’s unmatchable heat, marring the once beautiful golems with horrific deformities.

The people of Okinawa looked on at the sight of their mighty protectors, reduced to shells of themselves from the demon god’s power. Bagan could taste the change in atmosphere as the faith of the humans in their guardians began to plummet, allowing for darker emotions to fill the void left behind, such as doubt, anger, depression and fear. The aura of hopelessness was the nutrients that fuelled Bagan’s dark strength. As the wave of negatively grew, he feasted on the minus energy produced as a result, causing his power to skyrocket upwards. It was a vicious, self-sustaining cycle, and would only end when all that was good in the fiefdom had been snuffed out. Until all life, in the short existence that he granted it, was as cruel and unfeeling as him.

The human spirit was far more resilient that the demon believed, however. Faith and love in the shisas remained in a small capacity amidst the cloud of miasma. The tiniest spark of light, if it burned bright enough, could turn back the darkness.

As King Caesar weakly rose, trembling under the strain of his exhausted body, he heard it. His ragged ears twitched and rose as the hymn resonated from the crowd, recognising the tone of the singer instantly. The shisa’s priestess once more sang out his song of power from the despondent crowd, hoping to spur life and hope back into her guardian and the people before it was too late. Thankfully, it seemed to work. One voice became two as another took up the prayer as well, keeping to their faith in King Caesar. It rose to four, then ten, then twenty. The quiet hymn rose into a beautiful chorus echoing across the landscape, bringing the light back into the empire’s hearts, if only for this brief moment. Even that was enough to refuel King Caesar’s strength, allowing the damaged titan to rise and prop himself on a knee.

The moment, unfortunately, drew Bagan’s attention. He noticed the guardian’s returning vigour and heard the people’s player, making the connection and scowling in disgust. There would be no second wind here. He would ensure it.

Like the people gave their strength to King Caesar, the Earth gave its own to Gukuru Shisa. Like his companion, the golem rose from the debris as power flooded into his body, donated by the soil, plants and animals that populated the island alongside the humans. The planet itself was violated by the existence of black god outside of its natural realm. It demanded that its champion remove it.

Analysing the situation, Gukuru Shisa’s eyes flashed with the light of Mana, understanding what needed to be done. From the hollows of his throat, the loudest roar he could muster echoed outwards across the decimated landscape to draw Bagan’s attention upon him, away from the recovering King Caesar. The dragon’s colourless eyes were filled with the leonine guardian, momentarily enthralled by the mystery of why the creature summoned his attention. Gukuru Shisa bend low to the earth, priming his toned, artificial muscles for launch like compressing a spring. The magics that collected within his stone shell of a body, both his own and the power donated from the spirit of the Earth, expanded across the shisa’s exterior, creating a cloud of sapphire blue aura around the brave creature.

Pouncing off the ground, the energised Gukuru Shisa flew across the terrain towards the demonic titan. If Bagan showed any sign of shock or uncertainty, it was swiftly wiped from his features and replaced with the evil beast’s casual expression of malice. He raised his left arm, priming the ebony talons at its tip with the destructive, incomprehensible power he held control over. Only a single blow would be enough to rip away the guardian of the earth and the source that animated it from the living realm, and the opportunity to strike was-


Bagan’s body was forced to shift forwards in order to strike out. The result of this action ensured that Gukuru Shisa missed his target of the abomination’s chest, and instead sliced at the left flank as he flew past, crashing hard into the ground, and tumbling into a sprawled position with the gifted energies exhausted. The failure of the guardian’s mission made Bagan want to torture his spirit with mocking laughter.

It stuck in his throat before the demon could open his jaws. His eyes budged wide open in shock and his movements froze, suddenly unable to move in the grip of the bizarre and unfamiliar sensation. Where warmth was once felt, a frosty chill ran through Bagan’s nerves and veins, paralysing him on the spot, clueless on the cause of its meaning. As his body turned as cold as ice, at the same time, heat blossomed and flowed within the elbow of his left arm. The confusion on his mind lessened, starting to realised what may have happened, but he refused to believe. Such a thing had been cemented as impossible in his consciousness for eons, but he had to be certain for the sake of curiosity and reassurance.

Slowly, the dragon was able to move his gaze to the source of the alien sensation, confirming the fears that now consumed his psyche. The diamond-sharp talons of Gukuru Shisa had left their permanent mark on the form of the life-taking god, ripping bone and flesh alike apart like wet paper. Where a powerful limb once was now sported a cleanly cut, bleeding stump across the elbow, spilling the demon’s dark blood in thick spurts with every heartbeat. Bagan’s severed arm lay at his feet, lifeless and pathetic in a growing puddle of his own fluids. Shaking, Bagan raised the stump of his arm and stared blankly at it, consumed by an overwhelming cocktail of curiosity, anger and, most alien of all to him, fear. Luck and ego had held up the illusion over his mind up until now. The plague against existence had to deal with the most horrible revelation in his entire life; immortality was a lie.

He was mortal. The hand of Death held the power to judge and claim his soul, like he had claimed the lives of billions across the ages.

Strong hands grasped the base of Bagan’s cranial horn. In the haze of the wounded dragon’s dilemma, King Caesar managed to collect his strength and close the distance. The action awoke Bagan from his stupor, growling and barring his fangs at the shisa and his proximity. Across his black horns, energy crackled and light flared in preparation to deliver the black creature’s strongest attack at point blank range. In the face of his own destruction King Caesar did not flee. Instead, he tugged and thrashed at the beast’s horn, splitting and tearing skin and tendons in the struggle to pry it free. At the last moment before Bagan could fire, the structure was ripped away from his skull, splattering the scales of the dragon, the hide of King Caesar, and the ruined city streets with a shower of gore from the mangled stump of the horn and Bagan’s forehead. The shout of pain and wails of misery brought cheers of joy and excitement from the watching crowds, with King Caesar letting out a deafening war cry as he held the prize aloft, showing to the kingdom of Ryukyu and the land of Okinawa his victory over the demon.

In a flash, with the loss of his main weapon and the discovery of his own mortality, the confidence of Bagan melted into terror and desperation. The feared behemoth turned into a cowering shell of his own might as he stumbled clumsily backwards, soaked completely from head to gut in his own spilt blood. He tried to discharge his deadly light ray from the gaping wound of his former horn, only to receive crackles and pulses of hot sparks as the result. His cunning mind and malicious intelligence were lost under the wave of panic that consumed him, searching desperately for a route to escape. As he stood, he felt as the cold, lifeless talons of Death were grasping and curling around him, imagining the whispers in his ears of the short time he had left. Bagan knew of his fate after death, envisioning what would await him for his sins and crimes upon the Earth. This could not be how his tale ended.

It was not for him to decide or to escape the wrath of his enemy. King Caesar rushed the demon with the severed horn in his hands, wielding it pointed towards his foe like the lance of the European knights. With a cry of triumph, he plunged it forwards into the chest of the false god, sinking the weapon deep into Bagan’s flesh. Bagan’s weak cries were swiftly silenced in thick gurgles, as blood rose and pooled in his throat, dripping in rivers from the edges of his once mighty maw. It wasn’t enough for King Caesar, and he pushed harder. With a wet sheathing sound, the horn was forced further into the chest cavity with a jolt, stopping again almost instantly as it impaled the black heart of the demon. A final gurgle and sputter of blood from his lips finally silenced the ancient evil.

The horn had gone straight through the sternum of the beast, piercing Bagan’s heart and out through the middle of his spinal column. He did not perish or fall immediately, clinging on to life by the force of his will alone. His remaining hand weakly grasped and tugged the hilt of the horn in a futile effort, unable to harness the dark powers that gave him his strength. There was no pain, for it was numbed by the chill that engulfed his body from blood loss and shock. This was the end of his legacy, even if Bagan struggled to accept that. A life lived for thousands of years, billions slain and empires plundered, and a reputation of fear exceeding any beast that came before him, all over in an instant.

Was it worth it in the end, the devastation wrought upon mankind’s world? Bagan believed so with all of his soul, because it was the only thing he ever knew. The balance was life was maintained by the might of the strongest. If that power could not be challenged, the challengers were not worthy to continue their existence, laying the path for the successors to whatever role they once filed. Now, Bagan was forced to relinquish his title as strongest of the strongest, only finding pride in the effort required to finally vanquish him.

But perhaps it was not in vain, for in death, his spirit would live on in the pages of history. The dark god’s many marks on the world were not stories that could be forgotten so easily, sealed into the memories of the people that survived his wrath until the end of their days. The trauma inflicted would haunt them forever, letting them no peace amongst the mortal plane. Their dreams would be filled only with the shape of the black demon, reminding them of the savagery and cruelty that once stalked their world.

And one day, to lessen the heavy burden, those people would tell stories of Bagan the Devourer to their children and grandchildren, keeping the legend alive for generation after generation. Long after death, his darkness would be eternal, plaguing the thoughts and dreams of man.

The spark of life vanished from Bagan’s dark eyes, content to pass on with the reassurance that his memory would remain. That darkness in humanity’s heart would remain.

King Caesar watched as the demon’s head slumped forwards, unable to resist the desire to step back and admire the once-powerful destroyer not as an enemy, but a prize of battle. As he released the dragon’s horn, Bagan’s body did not topple over onto the earth. Instead, to the surprise of the warrior and his followers, red flesh and black plating began to liquefy, condensing into a slimy, rotten pulp, running down the dead titan’s decaying form where, as it collected upon the dead ground, it evaporated into a crimson mist, dissipating on the soft breeze. The body broke down at a rapid pace, exposing the yellowish-white bone and cartilage underneath as muscle and armour dissolved into soup.

Inside the span of minutes, the corpse was broken down more and more, with no organic material sparred from the mysterious force destroying Bagan’s cells. When it began to affect the heart, it caused something utterly breath-taking to happen. There was a burst of light, followed by wave upon wave of tiny, luminous wisps of energy, pouring out of the demon’s core. The presence of millions upon millions of the entities illuminated the darkened battlefield as the people of Ryukyu looked on in astonishment.

The identity of the anomalies was irrefutable; the souls of Bagan’s victims were freed at last from purgatory with his demise, granting them the opportunity to pass on the next world and embrace the final peace long denied to them. Before that, the spectres gathered around and circled King Caesar singing and praising of his nobility and heroics to the living and the dead. Around Gukuru Shisa’s exhausted body, the spirits collected as well, motivating the guardian to lift his head and acknowledge the gratitude and blessings showered upon him. Although he had no firm connection to humanity, a low grumble of contentment found its way past the lips of the lion in return to the praise. Then, it was over, as the freed souls ascended into the heavens, fading into the ether to finally find rest. As the last of them escaped Bagan’s shrinking heart, there was another bright flash, and once it resided, the dark prison was gone completely.

As the last flesh evaporated, the skeleton, too, started to break down. Steam rose and hissed as the bones dissolved, corroding into a bubbling froth like limestone against vinegar, shrinking and shrinking by the second. Approaching the phenomenon, Gukuru Shisa laid witness to the final moments of the demon’s body, crumbling into a mass of foul foam, where it was absorbed into the receptive soil underneath. Gukuru Shisa had no reason to fear the assimilation of the dark titan’s essence; the planet was simply reclaiming the strength and fertility that Bagan had robbed from it for thousands of years. The only part that remained of him was the broken forehead horn impaled into the earth, spared from the mysterious decomposition by the blessing of the spirits and the Earth, and cursed to forever be remembered as the weapon that slew the super monster in the end.

King Caesar missed the last part of the phenomenon, for his attention was diverted to a greater, more intriguing matter. Twinkling blissfully, his ruby red eyes followed the sight of the ascending spectres as they vanished into the afterlife. For reasons unknown, he was compelled to watch, and yet, the battle-weary shisa failed to resist this driving force. It was hard to say what thoughts ran through the mind of a being so complex and unique. It may be that he wished to ensure the missing souls would find peace and followed each one on its path to ascension for reassurance.

Or perhaps it was that he pondered on the subject of his own mission and existence. Although King Caesar and Bagan were contrasted as light and shadow, both found similarities in the missions they were bound to. Both were driven by a goal assigned to them, which they would, and had, followed to the death, in the case of the latter. Perhaps, in his last moments, King Caesar had seen something in the dragon’s eyes. A brief and faint spark of doubt, which now polluted the consciousness of the warrior golem. For the first time, might he wonder if there was more to life than the role of a guardian? He was immortal, but Okinawa and its people were not. Could he be content with sticking to that oath for the rest of his time, long after the kingdom had turned to memories and dust? It was, perhaps, too soon to say. A question to be answered, not today, but someday.

But for this moment, Okinawa would celebrate in the victory of its champions. Turning his gaze down from the departing spirits, King Caesar’s dulled gem eyes met those of the approaching Gukuru Shisa. A moment of silence passed between the keepers of order as they examined each other, acknowledging the achievements and feats carried out as proof of strength and bravery. Once more, as proven in battle after battle across the history of the island, the protectors of man and nature showed that cooperation was possible despite their opposing loyalties. As long as humanity remained respectful to the environment they shared, the alliance would hold strong.

The monsters’ priestesses observed the standoff from the front of the watching crowd, smiling warmly at the peaceful moment. Like the shisas they were bound to, both women were born unto different backgrounds, set to follow their unique paths in the world, shaped by the events that surrounded him. But today, fate has united them as equals, removing the boundaries of class and wealth so that they may share in this moment the feeling of triumph. Turning their smiles from the giants to each other, the princess and her maiden joined their respective hands and raised them into the air to signify their union. The same motion was repeated as King Caesar extended his arm across his chest, allowing Gukuru Shisa to rear onto his hind legs and press his massive paw against it. It was more than a showing of trust, but a promise between the two guardians to keep to the path they followed, when next they were called upon. It ended with a thunderous roar from the pair of titans, filling the landscape to the horizon, as the people of Ryukyu shouted and cheered alongside their stone protectors.

If you were to visit and explore Okinawa today, in your travels you might discover two ancient stone shrines on opposite ends of the island. On each lies the statue of a shisa, untouched by the passage of time and the forces of weather in spite of their extraordinary age. The stories attached to these ancient landmarks tell of two guardians, one of man and one of nature, that defended the land of old in times of great peril, until one day, they vanished.

It is so easy to dismiss astounding tales like these as folklore and imagination, but behind every legend lies the truth, waiting to be discovered. Were the stories of King Caesar, Gukuru Shisa and Bagan works of fiction, or could such monstrous, towering creatures have roamed, or still roam, the same land that you stand upon now?

Only the dead know the truth.

King Caesar (Showa) & Gukuru Shisa
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ShinGojira14 wrote: Neither. Hideki Anno wins because he writes a hilarious comedic satire movie where Shin and Legendary have to team up to destroy a grotesque crap-monster created by the constant toxic bickering of Shin fans and Legendary fans.
SoggyNoodles2016 wrote: Yup, my dad works at Legendary, the Nebulans are gonna be in the next movie and they're gonna get beat because Madison throws coffee in the leaders face.

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Re: K.W.C.E. #88: King Caesar (Showa) and Gukuru Shisa Vs Bagan (1990)

Post by Gigantis »

I like this one! It feels like a legitimate mythological tale you'd find in Okinawan folklore.
Bagan can also absorb souls?.. Didn't know that was an ability lol

A guy who randomly stumbled upon this place one day, invested much too much time into it, and now appears to be stuck here for all eternity..and strangely enough, i do not regret it!

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Re: K.W.C.E. #88: King Caesar (Showa) and Gukuru Shisa Vs Bagan (1990)

Post by GodzillavsRayquaza »

I think this is a really great match. Excellent atmosphere to it with the mythical and ancient setting, elevated by a badass fight utilizing all three combatants very well.
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ShinGojira14 wrote: Neither. Hideki Anno wins because he writes a hilarious comedic satire movie where Shin and Legendary have to team up to destroy a grotesque crap-monster created by the constant toxic bickering of Shin fans and Legendary fans.
SoggyNoodles2016 wrote: Yup, my dad works at Legendary, the Nebulans are gonna be in the next movie and they're gonna get beat because Madison throws coffee in the leaders face.

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Re: K.W.C.E. #88: King Caesar (Showa) and Gukuru Shisa Vs Bagan (1990)

Post by ShinGojira14 »

Finally found the time to read this match, and it was amazing! There are some spelling errors here and there, but the overall story and writing far overshadow it. More people need to read this.
Was that archetype coming out of Bagan's corpse? If so, Caesar and Gukuru might be in big trouble in the future... ... ...
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Re: K.W.C.E. #88: King Caesar (Showa) and Gukuru Shisa Vs Bagan (1990)

Post by KaijuX »

A very enjoyable battle between the forces of guardians and a destroyer; the uphill battle between King Caesar and Bagan felt rightfully appropriate, with Gukuru's appearance being the turn needed to even the playing field. An all around well-handled match, and I enjoy the character traits of Bagan here.
In particular, how Bagan is twistedly driven by his own suffering. What a morbid idea, and I'm all for it. And the part where Gukuru revived KC was very cool and well-handled! Though props for Bagan's introduction scene, him decimating the Okinawan royal navy was expected but satisfying.
That said, a typo I noticed is "player"... When I think that's meant to be "prayer".
KWC Co-Operations Manager and Resident Wumbo.
Soggy Noodles wrote:Anno brought back Showa ambition by doing smaller scales, morals and trying to examine humanity.

Seshita brought back Heisei ambition with absurd powerscaling, rad fights and fat asses.

Pair of kings.
MoarCrossovers wrote:We snorted crushed Morbius DVDs and snail shells

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Re: K.W.C.E. #88: King Caesar (Showa) and Gukuru Shisa Vs Bagan (1990)

Post by HillyHulk »

This feels like something from a fable, very respectable with an awesome fight. Possible match of the year.

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Re: K.W.C.E. #88: King Caesar (Showa) and Gukuru Shisa Vs Bagan (1990)

Post by mikelcho »

KaijuX wrote: Sat Jul 23, 2022 4:12 pm A very enjoyable battle between the forces of guardians and a destroyer; the uphill battle between King Caesar and Bagan felt rightfully appropriate, with Gukuru's appearance being the turn needed to even the playing field. An all around well-handled match, and I enjoy the character traits of Bagan here.
In particular, how Bagan is twistedly driven by his own suffering. What a morbid idea, and I'm all for it. And the part where Gukuru revived KC was very cool and well-handled! Though props for Bagan's introduction scene, him decimating the Okinawan royal navy was expected but satisfying.
That said, a typo I noticed is "player"... When I think that's meant to be "prayer".
I noticed another typo - "...shaped by the events that surrounded him." It's supposed to be "them".

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Re: K.W.C.E. #88: King Caesar (Showa) and Gukuru Shisa Vs Bagan (1990)

Post by GodzillaFan8889 »

Late comment, but man this one was great! Awesome characterization for every monster, brutal action, and great use of all of their powers, especially Bagan's!
Like others have said, I like how this one was framed as an ancient myth, and the ending was written beautifully. And I also kinda like how this interpretation of Bagan took inspiration from the Bagan of the Bagan vs Everyone trilogy and ran with it, while also improving on some of its aspects. Great job, MoarCrossovers! :KingCaesar:
Guy who does stuff, also a KWC/KWCE writer! :D

I go by he/him

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