K.W.C.E. #77: Mothra Leo vs Godzilla (Heisei) and Godzillasaurus

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K.W.C.E. #77: Mothra Leo vs Godzilla (Heisei) and Godzillasaurus

Post by GodzillavsRayquaza »






Author: GodzillavsRayquaza
Banner: Nagoda
Word Count: 8743


The waters churned below Mothra Leo as he soared. Tokyo was within his sight, smoke and fire rising into the sky and turning it black. He heard bellows echo from the city, horrid cries that sent chills through him. He merely hoped he wasn’t too late. Mothra Leo passed over onto the shores of Tokyo, a great cascade following him. Normally he would feel sorrow for such a destructive act, but that was far from the worst danger the city currently faced. Molten piles of steel and concrete rested where buildings once stood, flowing into the streets. As Leo flew further inland, he saw numerous gargantuan corpses defiling the land. He knew they had to be other guardians of Earth and the denizens of Monster Island, but he couldn’t tell from the remains themselves. The bodies were pitch black, burned beyond all recognition. The guardian of Earth cursed himself as he saw more corpses the further he went, knowing that he could have saved them If he hadn’t been so foolish before.

Weeks ago, he had sensed a great evil approach Earth. He went off to face it alone, believing that with his grand power, it would stand no chance against him. Grand King Ghidorah almost killed him, even with his Rainbow Mothra form, and would have killed him if it hadn’t been for the intervention of Earth’s other guardians. Barely able to fly, Mothra Leo made it back to his home and fell into a deep slumber. When he awoke, Monster Island was empty, and his connection to Earth told him of the incoming apocalypse. The rest of the inhabitants of Monster Island must have left to fight whatever this was, along with most of Earth’s other guardians.

Mothra Leo stopped when he found what they had left to fight. Surrounded by torched bodies, Godzilla clutched King Caesar by the throat. The king of the monsters’ torso, shoulders, and legs were covered in orange patches which glowed. His eyes and spines were the same color, giving him the appearance of a demon. King Caesar weakly kicked Godzilla in the legs, before the burning leviathan’s spines flashed a deep red. A point blank Red Spiral Ray to the Okinawan deity’s face blasted it apart, the raw power of the blast too much for the golem’s eyes to reflect. The guardian of Earth looked around, seeing among the burnt bodies molten piles of steel which he vaguely recognized as the JSDF’s mechs. The burning leviathan’s glowing eyes shifted to glare at Mothra Leo, a low growl escaping his throat. The deity let out a chirp in response, as he steeled himself for battle.

The guardian of Earth flew straight up, dodging a Red Spiral Ray which tore apart the ground. The benevolent deity fired rainbow colored beams from the gems on his forehead, which struck Godzilla’s chest. Scales were blasted away, but the skin beneath suffered no visible damage. Mothra Leo shot forward like a bullet, dodging another crimson atomic breath, as green lighting left his wings. The Jade Bolts did as little as the Cross-Heat Beams, only making Godzilla roar in fury as his eyes followed the deity. Mothra Leo stopped, turning to face the king of the monsters. He descended, before flying straight towards Godzilla. The burning leviathan’s spines flashed, as the inside of his mouth glowed with destructive power. A Red Spiral Ray blazed from his maw, casting its glow throughout the darkened city. The guardian of Earth dodged the blast as his body began to glow with emerald energies. He barely avoided a second ray, this one sailing just above him. Mothra Leo continued his flight, building more power. The deity swerved to the side as a third blast came towards him.

Mothra Leo rammed head-first into Godzilla’s chest, causing a vile cracking sound to echo out. The Excel Dash pushed the burning leviathan off the ground, making him fly back. The ground quaked as a massive trench was dug from Godzilla’s sliding body, concrete and metal soaring over him. Once he stopped moving, the guardian flew over to the fallen saurian, examining his body. A massive, cracked rib poked out through the black scales on the king of the monsters’ chest, strands of blood leaking from the wound. The appearance of the rest of his chest suggested Godzilla had other broken ribs, with misshapen lumps disfiguring it, along with the leviathan’s ragged breathing. Before the deity could act further, a series of snaps and pops rang out as the rib retracted back into the body, making Mothra Leo move back slightly in surprise. The other bulges began to lower as Godzilla pushed himself off the ground with his tail, his eyes burning with hatred and a deep bellow leaving his throat. Thrusting his arms forward, Godzilla grabbed the deity by the head, making him screech in shock. The burning leviathan slammed Mothra Leo into the ground with all his might, causing a wall of dirt and dust to shoot up and obscure the guardian. Godzilla looked down on his foe, before snorting as he lifted his foot. Mothra Leo waved his wings, pushing himself off the ground, leaving the saurian to stomp nothing. The guardian began flapping his wings, causing an emerald cloud of powder to leave them.

The green particles floated around Godzilla, causing him to roar. The emerald cloud made pain shoot through his system, and he felt it drain his strength. Godzilla opened his jaws, an atomic ray coming to the surface. The crimson ray left his mouth, only to stop as the green powder caught it. The blast was caught in the cloud, before being redirected into his chest. The leviathan screeched as his own attack tore open his flesh, sending burning chunks of himself flying. Mothra Leo chirped in triumph. So, the
king of the monsters wasn’t invincible after all. Godzilla turned in place quickly, causing his tail to follow. The muscular appendage struck the guardian in the face, causing him to fly while spiraling downwards. The deity caught himself in midair, only to be sent flying again as a Red Spiral Ray struck him, blasting him backwards and knocking him to the ground. As smoke sizzled off his body, Mothra Leo felt the ground quaking beneath him. The heavy, rhythmic thuds that accompanied it told him his foe was charging towards him.

The guardian beat his wings, pushing himself off the ground as the underside of his thorax began glowing with emerald energy. Godzilla roared again, still charging despite the obvious buildup of power in his foe’s body. A massive pillar of energy pulsed out of Mothra Leo’s thorax, slamming into the burning leviathan’s chest, forcing out a cry of pain. The Mega Breast Cannon burned away scales and flesh as it shoved Godzilla back, his feet leaving the ground. The ground shuddered as the king of the monster’s mass crashed into it, a smoking wound carved into his torso. The gems on Mothra Leo’s forehead glowed as Cross Heat Lasers left them, Jade Bolts from his wings joining the assault. The barrage of blasts scraped away scales from the saurian’s body, casting smoke into the air. Godzilla groaned in anguish, then began to flip himself over to lay on his front. Ignoring the beams, the king of the monsters pushed himself off the ground. Turning around while his spines flashed, the burning leviathan unleashed another atomic breath. The red column of energy tore through the barrage of smaller beams, before detonating against Mothra Leo’s body. The guardian was launched back, this time catching himself before he hit the ground. Godzilla charged to meet the deity in close combat.

Mothra Leo tried to fly high above his foe, but Godzilla caught him by the abdomen before he could escape. The guardian slapped the saurian with his right wing, throwing off his concentration long enough to let Mothra Leo get free. The deity swung his other wing into Godzilla’s skull, dazing the burning leviathan. The guardian flew forward, slamming his head against his foe’s skull. The saurian snapped his jaws at the deity, making the guardian recoil before he could lose a leg. Mothra Leo flew forward, prompting Godzilla to charge as well. The saurian’s spines crackled with power again, but instead of moving to his throat, the atomic energies moved to his arms. Red bolts of energy sparking over his muscles, the king of the monsters smacked the guardian across the face, causing a small
explosion on impact. The blast knocked Mothra Leo’s head to the side, a small fire spreading on the fur growing from his face. Lunging forward, Godzilla slashed his other energized claws across the deity’s abdomen. Smoldering gashes were etched into the moth’s body, the fur on his body igniting as more small explosions rocked his form. Mothra Leo screeched in agony, his pain only growing worse as the burning leviathan bashed the top of his head with his glowing claws.

Fire covering most of his body, the guardian wildly beat his wings, throwing more reflective powder out. The green particles surrounded the two, causing Godzilla to cry out in pain. He cut off his conductive touch, not wanting to see how it could react to the substance. Mothra Leo was enveloped in a bright light, before breaking down into thousands of tiny, shimmering moths. The swarm scattered away from the saurian, leaving him to thrash as he escaped the mystical powder. Against most opponents, Mothra Leo would assault them from all sides with his ability to break down into a swarm of moths, perhaps even entering their body and tearing them apart from the inside. But he could feel the heat radiating off Godzilla’s body, which made him think twice about attacking him in such a fragile form.

The shimmering moths reconvened high in the sky, turning back into the deity. The fires had disappeared, leaving blackened patches of chitin and fur covering most of his body. Despite appearances to the contrary, Mothra Leo still had energy to spare, and wasn’t close to being out of the fight.

Descending towards his foe like a bomb dropped from a fighter jet, the guardian’s eyes burned with determination. Godzilla turned to face the moth, his fangs baring in a snarl as he got closer and closer. Tired of missing his blasts, the saurian waited before firing. Godzilla expected for his foe to tackle him again, but was soon proven wrong when Mothra Leo stopped nearly one hundred meters above him, shooting straight up into the air. Spinning himself in midair, the guardian released glowing rings from his form which fell upon Godzilla. The Excel Pileload constricted the burning leviathan, holding him in place as he roared in fury. Throwing his head up, the saurian fired wildly at his foe, his beams illuminating the darkness. Any blasts that came close to Mothra Leo were dodged as he ascended. He continued his rise until he stopped thousands of meters in the air, now beginning to release more of his emerald powder. The cloud of glowing particles stayed as the guardian began to fly in a wide circle, piercing the darkness with its glow as it followed him.

Sensing a grave danger to himself, Godzilla stopped thrashing. His spines still glowed as he concentrated, despite the pain wracking his body from its breakdown. Mothra Leo had almost traced a full circle in the heavens, his ultimate attack in this form reaching its apex. The jade rings around the burning leviathan’s body were blasted away as an omnidirectional, scarlet pulse of nuclear energy left his body, forming a crater in the already broken ground. He wanted to try blasting the deity out of the sky, but even from his place so far below it, he could feel the power gathering in that circle. Godzilla ran away from the epicenter of whatever Mothra Leo was about to do.

With the circle fully formed, the moth deity soared above it. His entire body glowing brighter than the sun, Mothra Leo unleashed his full power. A colossal pillar of jade energy left his form, passing through the ring’s center. The Sunstrike Buster slammed into the ground, creating a cataclysmic explosion that towered above any kaiju or building. The blast’s shockwave slammed into the fleeing Godzilla, drowning out his roars of agony as he was lifted off the ground and sent flying. By the time the blast was over, a gargantuan crater was left in the city, and whatever remains of buildings still stood in the city had been bowled over by the shockwave.

As the dust settled, Mothra Leo began to descend to the ground softly, his energy drained badly from
the attack. He saw Godzilla’s body lying in the streets, and though he could not see the full extent of the damage, he could tell the saurian wouldn’t be getting up for a while. He wished he could capitalize on this, but the lack of energy meant any attacks he used would do little to nothing. The deity landed on the ground, relaxing his body. He knew he wouldn’t have enough time to recover the energy needed, but he did know a way to recover. Mothra Leo sent out a telepathic signal, then waited.

Miles away, the king of the monsters was gruesomely wounded. Most of the flesh on his back was burnt away, exposing charred muscle, and in some places bone. It was quickly regenerating, but still far slower than his flesh normally would. Silence fell over the city as the two colossi stopped combat, and though it was only a few minutes, it felt like an eternity for the deity.

Mothra Leo breathed a sigh of relief as two glimmering lights appeared before him. One was a tiny, fluffy moth with bright blue eyes and wings painted with a variety of beautiful colors. Atop Fairy Mothra stood two small women, one in a blue dress and the other a red dress. It was Moll and Lora, the Elias.
The second was a tiny black dragon, with wide eyes and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. Atop GaruGaru stood a similar woman, only she wore an elaborate black dress. It was Belvera, the third of the Elias sisters. Normally she was in direct opposition of her sisters and Leo, but at this moment, her differing opinions on humanity didn’t matter. The Earth itself was at stake.

GaruGaru and Fairy got to each other’s side, joining their wings. The three sisters gathered together, each holding a small blade in their hands. Individually, the weapons were weak and simple. When the Elias touched the swords together, there was a flash of light, and the three swords became one. But when joined together, they formed the Elias Triangle, a glowing blade with three handles attached to its hilt. This ancient artifact held immense power, and was the last object crafted by that ancient civilization to survive the course of time. Each sister grabbed a handle, before pointing the blade towards Mothra Leo. They began to sing, the usual song that the priestesses of the Mothra line sang.

“Mosura Ya, Mosura…”

As they began the ritual to recharge Mothra Leo’s energy, something began to stir miles away. Godzilla’s eyes opened, casting their burning light upon the ground. He pushed himself off the pulverized mix of gravel and soil, growling. His wounds were healed, making it look like the battle before hadn’t even occurred. Most of the time, Godzilla would barely have the energy to stand by this point. But in this form, his energy was constantly replenishing itself and growing. He turned around, spotting the guardian, his vibrant colors contrasting greatly with the bleak landscape he rested on. With a deep, booming bellow, the burning leviathan began marching forward, before breaking out into a charge. The earth shook as every footstep made a deep imprint in the concrete.

As the song of Mothra neared its end, the Elias Triangle glowed brilliantly. The Elias, their steeds, and Mothra Leo were aware of Godzilla’s awakening. But he couldn’t reach them before they did what they needed. As they finished the song, a ball of light left the sword, entering Mothra Leo’s body. The guardian chirped happily, before leaving the ground with a flap of his wings. The Elias looked upon their guardian, before going back to sitting on Fairy and GaruGaru. The trio left, hoping their interference would be enough to allow Mothra Leo victory.

The guardian’s body surged with light as he began to transform. Far away, Godzilla was briefly transfixed
by the glow, before growing irritated. The radiance faded as soon as it arrived, revealing several small
changes in the deity’s appearance. His wings were covered in a variety of vibrant and brilliant colors, and his eyes were now dark blue instead of bright green.

Rainbow Mothra had arrived.

Shooting forward, the guardian fired Cross Heat lasers from his forehead. The trio of beams tore into Godzilla’s chest, burning his flesh. The saurian recoiled, before firing a Spiral Ray. The nuclear blast hit an invisible barrier in front of Rainbow Mothra, making it look as if the air distorted as the beam stopped. The Pressure Field reflected the Red Spiral Ray, making it strike the streets next to Godzilla, blasting rubble sky-high. The king of the monsters recoiled, staring at his foe confused. Brushing off his bewilderment, the burning leviathan rushed the guardian, claws flexing in anticipation. Rainbow Mothra flew past his foe at lightning speeds, unleashing a torrent of beams. Cross Heat Lasers and Jade Bolts rained down on the saurian, causing him to stumble back. Godzilla’s spines flashed as he tried to strike his speeding foe down with atomic fury, but the nuclear blasts all missed their mark. The moth god’s thorax glowed with emerald energies, before a massive column of bright green power was unleashed from it. The Mineral Chest Cannon tore into Godzilla’s side, causing his feet to leave the ground as it pushed him away from the guardian. As the burning leviathan lay on the ground, Rainbow Mothra flew over the saurian, rainbow colored bolts of lightning firing from his wings and tore into Godzilla’s flesh. Pushing himself off the ground, the king of the monsters let loose a mighty bellow as he stared at his foe.

The deity turned to face the king of the monsters. Godzilla began charging towards Rainbow Mothra, more steam flowing from his body than before. The guardian flew higher into the air, before unleashing a torrent of beams. Cross Heat Lasers and Jade Bolts burned against the leviathan’s chest, failing to slow his stride. Rainbow Mothra readied to fire another Mineral Chest Cannon, casting an emerald glow throughout the city. Godzilla stopped, nuclear power dancing across his spines, piercing the darkness with scarlet light.

The colossi fired.

The beams collided with a booming roar, echoing across the city. The ground beneath the sphere formed by the clash was gutted and incinerated, creating a crater. Rainbow Mothra and Godzilla kept feeding their respective beam more energy, keeping the beam struggle in a deadlock. Sometimes the jade blast would begin to push the crimson ray back and vise versa, only for more power to be sent through the losing beam to return them to the center. The guardian began to panic, realizing that the only outcome of this would be a cataclysmic explosion that would do far worse to him than it would Godzilla. His foe’s insane durability combined with his super regeneration meant that he could recover from the blast far faster than the deity could. As Rainbow Mothra’s mind raced to come up with a solution, his foe’s atomic ray began to weaken. The beams’ meeting point began to race towards Godzilla, giving the guardian hope, until it suddenly stopped.

The orb was sent back toward Rainbow Mothra at lightning speeds. The deity cut off his beam, while going limp. The beam narrowly missed his falling form, yet the guardian still cried out in agony as he felt the heat it emanated. He also noticed the beam was more chaotic, surrounded by pinkish-white spirals. Rainbow Mothra caught himself, looking towards Godzilla. He was surprised to see the saurian hunched over, bellowing. The spines on his back were beginning to melt, glowing brighter and brighter. Godzilla looked up at Rainbow Mothra, slight strands of steam leaving the bottom of his eyes. The king of the monsters had a brief moment of clarity, staring at the guardian. The guardian didn’t know what to make of the sight, but he felt something very off about the burning leviathan. Instead of the all-encompassing rage he felt before, he sensed something very different.

Sorrow, Despair, and Pain, all unending.

A nuclear inferno erupted from Godzilla’s back, causing him to scream as his mind faded into torment- induced insanity once again. Rainbow Mothra recoiled as the saurian stared at him with eyes that he felt were piercing into his very soul. The burning leviathan turned around, like he would when using his tail as a weapon, pointing the heatwaves at the guardian. The howl of the flames drowned out Rainbow Mothra’s cries of anguish as his body was enveloped. The force behind them pushed the moth deity away, his fur and wings ignited. As Rainbow Mothra flailed through the air, Godzilla turned to face him once again. As miniature nuclear pulses tore apart the ground around him, the apocalyptic king let loose a Hyper Spiral Ray from his throat. When the beam hit Rainbow Mothra, he did not scream. The gargantuan explosion that dwarfed his mighty wingspan knocked him out instantly, catapulting him away. Godzilla roared to the heavens, the booming sound ending in raspy whimpers.

Rainbow Mothra was jolted awake as he hit the water, a massive gout of steam rising as he made impact. He writhed as he sank lower, every nerve in his body burning with white-hot pain. The water had extinguished the flames, revealing that almost the entirety of his body was pitch black. Small portions of the exoskeleton flaked off, left to drift. His wings were still intact, only they were three quarters of the size they once were, and the rest looked as if it would fall away from a stiff breeze. The sounds of Godzilla’s roars still reached him, sending chills through his system. Mothra Leo had fought vile mutants, ancient evils that predated humanity, and destroyers of worlds. But with two attacks, Godzilla had almost killed the deity. All seemed hopeless, and Rainbow Mothra was ready to give up. But as the pain began to fade, it reminded of another time when all seemed lost…

The guardian laid on the ground, drained of energy. Far away, the King of Terror flew around an energy dome filed with children. He cackled as he watched it, waiting for the time to consume their essence. Rainbow Mothra tried to think of something, anything to defeat the demon. An idea came to him, an insane idea that could doom him. He knew King Ghidorah had come to Earth millions of years ago, where he caused a mass extinction. The deity knew that if he could combine his mystical power with that of the Elias, he could do nearly anything. Including time travel. Before these thoughts could go anywhere further, several mighty roars echoed across the forest. A massive turtle shell, blue flames propelling it through the air, passed overhead. The chorus of colossal footfalls told the guardian that the monstrous cavalry had arrived, and the idea of travelling through time faded into his subconscious.

Rainbow Mothra began pushing his way up through the water. With a huge splash, the guardian got onto dry land, soaked. Laying there, the deity psychically called out for the Elias. The fairies came to him almost instantly, not having gone far in case he needed them again. Rainbow Mothra telepathically told them his plans to go back in time, to Lagos Island.

“But Leo, you can’t!” Said Moll, the red-dressed Elias of wisdom. “You won’t be able to make it back, and you barely have any energy left!”

“And you can’t stop Godzilla from existing!” Added Lora, the blue-dressed Elias who represented love. “Despite his destructive nature, he’s saved Earth so often! Without him, how could the planet survive the constant attacks against it?”

Belvera was silent, as she wasn’t quite sure how she felt about the idea. Godzilla had been a blessing and a curse to her, punishing humanity as often as he saved it. Rainbow Mothra had no answer to Lora’s question. It was true, Godzilla had saved the Earth countless times. Even though some of the dangers that plagued it would never exist without him, things like King Ghidorah would still arrive regardless. But if he did nothing now, the planet would be consumed in fire and erased by the leviathan’s death. All he told the Elias was that he merely hoped that Earth could survive without the king of the monsters. The trio of sisters reluctantly agreed, before forming the Elias Triangle once more.

“Mosura Ya, Mosura…”

As they sang and channeled their power to him, Rainbow Mothra’s body was surrounded by light. His body became more streamlined and smooth, as his wings disappeared and were replaced by slender, wing-like fins. His head changed shape as white frills grew from the sides of his face, and his body changed colors to white with black and yellow stripes. Aqua Mothra began to fly away as the trio continued singing, his body changing again. His shape did not change, his colors becoming more vibrant as the jet-black stripes faded away, leaving a solid brown body. He disappeared as Mothra Leo picked up speed, travelling at light speed. The Elias watched him leave, before departing. They prayed, not just for Leo, but for all life on the planet. The world around Light-speed Mothra became a blur as everything began disappearing, until all he saw was orange. This only lasted a moment, as he was thrust into a new world, one much different than the one he left.

Instead of unending darkness, the Sun’s wonderful light illuminated the environment. Instead of concrete and molten metal, the deity saw beautiful oceans surrounding a lush paradise of jungle. His body morphed as he changed back to his Rainbow form, filling him with relief as he looked upon his body. There were still burns, and beating his wings still stung, but the severity of both were magnitudes below what they were before. Flying gently over Lagos Island, to avoid uprooting trees and causing havoc, the guardian searched for his target. Rainbow Mothra didn’t want to do this, but he knew he had to. At the very least it would be quick, just one blast and the Godzillasaurus would be dead.

A booming roar forced him back to reality.

The guardian recoiled in shock as a mountain of flesh covered by green scales charged him. Flying straight up, the eighty-meter-tall Godzillasaurus missed him just barely with a bite. Rainbow Mothra was baffled. It was supposed to just be a simple dinosaur, certainly stronger than most, but not this strong! It was supposed to be miniscule compared to him, why was it so tall? Had the mere act of time-travelling already tampered with things? Leo steeled himself. He had fought things this foe couldn’t even comprehend the existence of, this was only a minor setback at most.

Dropping back down, the guardian landed on the dinosaur’s head. Godzillasaurus flailed to dislodge his foe, but the moth would not fall that easily. Despite their harmless appearance, Rainbow Mothra’s claws were soon revealed to be quite deadly. They dug through the saurian’s scales, piercing into his flesh and ripping it open. Godzillasaurus’ thrashing grew wilder as blood flowed down the sides of his head, staining his scales. Lashing out with his jaws, the dinosaur caught one of his foe’s legs. Throwing his head down, the green theropod slammed the insect deity to the ground. The guardian screeched in pain as yellow blood gushed from the limb, the volume increasing as Godzillasaurus flailed his head back and forth to maximize damage. Before Rainbow Mothra could lose his leg, he bashed his right wing against the saurian, making it stumble. A Cross Heat laser to the chin forced the dinosaur to let go, screaming due to the three smoking wounds bored into his lower jaw. Godzillasaurus blindly kicked out, his
powerful leg hitting Rainbow Mothra’s side, sending him crashing through a multitude of trees. The deity brought himself back into the air, watching as the green theropod recovered from the pain of the beams. Godzillasaurus snarled, before rushing his foe. Rainbow Mothra began flapping his wings, sending out powerful gusts of wind. The gale hit the charging saurian, slowing him down, before stopping him altogether. With a stronger than usual wave of his wings, the guardian knocked Godzillasaurus onto his back. Trees were thrown into the air and reduced to splinters as the goliath dinosaur was shoved through the jungle.

Stopping the squall, Rainbow Mothra examined the leg the behemoth had bitten. It was mangled beyond use, coated in yellow blood and thick saliva. Godzillasaurus got to his feet, covered in dirt. The insect deity looked back at his foe, before rushing forward. The behemoth saurian stumbled as he was still dazed from the gust that had pushed him, before being knocked onto his back by a soaring headbutt from Rainbow Mothra. Still bouncing back from the attack, the guardian threw his wings to the side, Jade Bolts firing from them. The holy energies carved burning trenches into the Godzillasaurus’ stomach, making it writhe on the ground. The goliath dinosaur rolled over, then pushed himself up with his tail and arms. More Jade Bolts fired into his back, making him stumble in pain, but the saurian powered through. Godzillasaurus swung his tail up blindly, smacking Rainbow Mothra in the mandibles. As the
deity recoiled, Godzillasaurus ran forward, slamming his skull into the insect’s head. The impact threw Leo down slightly, bringing him in front of his foe’s claws. Though the green theropod’s arms were miniscule, the guardian soon discovered how muscular they were. Blood trickled from the small wounds that the saurian dug into the sides of the guardian’s head. Rainbow Mothra flew up, locking one of his claws around his foe’s. The other, which was the mangled limb, was only injured further. Ignoring the pain, the deity angled himself to allow his other four claws access to Godzillasaurus’ stomach. The goliath dinosaur groaned as the moth shredded open his belly, staining the god’s limbs in blood and forcing him to step back.

Turning in place quickly, the emerald theropod whipped his tail into the moth guardian’s head, throwing him to the ground. Charging forward before his foe could get up, Godzillasaurus stomped his foe’s midsection, pinning him to the ground. Rainbow Mothra flapped his wings madly as the saurian placed both his feet on the moth’s body. The behemoth’s talons dug into the deity’s body and wings as he stomped repeatedly on his foe. No matter how hard he thrashed, the guardian couldn’t dislodge the saurian, so he decided to improvise. The underside of Rainbow Mothra’s thorax began to glow, unseen to his foe.

Godzillasaurus screamed in shock as both he and his enemy were launched off the ground, a massive column of emerald energy propelling them up. The Mineral Chest Cannon boiled and obliterated the dirt, creating a crater. The goliath dinosaur fell off his foe, crashing into the ground and flattening a row of trees. Rainbow Mothra stopped his attack, catching himself in midair. Descending to his foe’s body, the deity slammed his head into the saurian’s stomach. The goliath dinosaur tried to claw at his foe, but his arms were too short to connect any strikes. As Rainbow Mothra began clawing at his foe’s stomach once more, the theropod’s tail slammed into his back, sandwiching him between the muscular appendage and the saurian’s abdomen. When Godzillasaurus moved his tail away, the guardian flew back, firing Cross Heat Lasers and Jade Bolts at his attacker. As the barrage scorched his torso, the goliath dinosaur rolled over and pushed himself back to his feet.

Godzillasaurus leaped forward, jaws wide open. The insect god was unable to avoid it in time, causing the behemoth’s jaws to close around his mangled leg. The force of the crunch and momentum of his foe ripped the leg clean off, leaving it to spray a torrent of blood onto the saurian. Rainbow Mothra cried out in agony while he looked down at the behemoth. He had underestimated Godzillasaurus. He had tried to be merciful, but the pain now flooding his system made that difficult. When the saurian got to his feet, two wings slammed into the sides of his head, dazing him. A rapid headbutt to the throat forced a choked sound out of the behemoth’s maw, making him stumble further. Before Rainbow Mothra could attack further, Godzillasaurus thrust his skull down, striking the guardian.

The goliath dinosaur leaned down, locking his jaws around where Rainbow Mothra’s head and thorax met. Biting down hard, ichor began staining the theropod’s teeth. The deity’s exoskeleton was holding, but he knew that this couldn’t last much longer. He began beating his wings, releasing rainbow colored powder. The cloud of particles floated to Godzillasaurus’ legs, making him release his grip. Shrieking in agony, the saurian collapsed as his legs were paralyzed. A wall of trees and dirt burst upward from the impact, more being thrown up as the theropod thrashed his upper half in pain, his lower half unable to move and blazing with pain. Vital fluid dripped from the sides of Rainbow Mothra’s ‘neck’, staining the dirt. A row of small holes deformed the areas, cracks spider-webbing from them. He cut off the stream of deadly particles. Looking at his temporarily crippled foe, the deity had an idea to finish the battle.

The insect deity hovered over his foe, before ascending straight into the air. Glowing rings left his body, before falling onto Godzillasaurus. The behemoth cried out in shock as he watched himself begin to leave the ground. The goliath dinosaur began kicking madly, the relief he would have felt at their recovery snuffed out by the sheer fear seizing him. The levitation field carried Godzillasaurus high into the air as Rainbow Mothra kept rising. When the deity stopped climbing, he was nearly a mile into the air. The green theropod stopped climbing as well, almost as high up as the guardian. Rainbow Mothra looked down at him, seeing the creature’s struggling and whimpering. With a heavy heart, the deity stopped feeding power to the levitation field.

The whimpering turned into a full cry of terror as Godzillasaurus dropped. When he hit the ground, a wall of dirt and shattered trees erupted in all directions, enshrouding the crash site. Rainbow Mothra carefully descended, waiting for the dust to fade. When it did, Leo would have gasped if he could.
Godzillasaurus had survived, barely. He had landed on his right side, leaving his right arm twisted and mangled. His right leg wasn’t broken, as he had not landed on it wrong, but a humongous bruise nearly consumed the side that landed on the ground. The bulges visible on the right side of the saurian’s chest told Leo that those ribs were broken, as did the wheezing breaths that left the behemoth. Blood leaked from his maw, and the right eye was swollen shut. Rainbow Mothra looked at his foe solemnly, regret creeping in.

This creature’s only crime had been existing in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was innocent, and Mothra Leo, the protector of life, would kill him. Was this truly necessary? The deity thought about how he could have used his arrival in the past to prevent whatever caused Godzilla’s transformation, or at the very least prepared the world for it. Maybe he didn’t have to kill Godzillasaurus. Maybe he could nurse him back to health, and then…

Godzillasaurus leaped up, snarling madly. Using the last of his strength, he clamped his jaws onto Leo’s ‘neck’. Rainbow Mothra fired wildly, but his head was angled in such a way that he couldn’t hit his attacker. The deity’s thorax began glowing brightly, as Godzillasaurus’ desperate attack came closer to decapitating the god. At its full power, the Mineral Chest Cannon would have torn clean through the behemoth’s body, incinerating everything inside as it passed. But after the two battles he had been through, and the strain of time travel, Rainbow Mothra was only able to muster a fraction of that power.
But even then, the beam tore Godzillasaurus off the deity, and sent him flying back to the ground. The wounds on Leo’s neck were ripped open further as the teeth were swiftly dragged off him, making him cry out in agony as torrents of ichor fell. A massive scorch mark deformed Godzillasaurus’ chest, and half of his body was buried. Every breath was the purest anguish the behemoth ever felt, until he passed out from exhaustion.

If nothing intervened, it would be a coma Godzillasaurus never awoke from.

Rainbow Mothra turned away, a new idea forming in his mind. He didn’t know if the goliath dinosaur was still alive, but it didn’t matter. It was a long, agonizing flight over the ocean, taking every bit of the
deity’s willpower to not pass out. The world around him began to get blurry, but he soon found what he was looking for.

It was an ancient forest on an isolated island. Man had not yet reached it, meaning it was a peaceful and serene place. In the center of it all was a gargantuan tree, glorious and towering in its splendor. This tree was the oldest singular tree in the whole world, and it radiated with the energy of the Earth. When Mothra Leo was a larva, just after his mother had perished in battle against the nightmarish Desghidorah, he had instinctively come to this place. He formed his cocoon around the tree, drawing from the bountiful wellspring of mana to achieve his imago state. As he neared the tree, his wings finally gave out. He dropped, crushing and destroying a swath of trees, stopping just in front of the oldest tree. He reached for it with his remaining foreleg, the limb shaking violently as it moved. Before he could reach it, the blood and energy loss finally caught up with the guardian. His body went limp as he passed out, darkness consuming his vision. He would have died there, his quest rendered useless, if it were not for one thing.

The Earth was a living being, and it cared for all its children.

The sounds of gigantic wings beating echoed across the island. An imago Mothra flew over the trees, carrying in her grip a larval Mothra. The Earth had sensed Mothra Leo’s distress, and had called for the current Mothra and her child to come to his aid. Nobody knew what this strange guardian’s purpose was here, but they knew it had to be important. Carefully lowering her larva, the imago goddess left the child to do what it had to. She opened her mandibles, before shooting out a stream of silk. The webbing fell in sheets onto the unconscious Leo, covering his body. Soon, a massive cocoon had formed around him and the tree. Their job done, the imago grabbed her child, before carrying her back to their home. They both released a chirp, a prayer for the mysterious guardian to fulfill his mission. All they could do was wait.

1970s, the depths of the Bering Sea. Godzillasaurus’ carcass lay within the depths, seemingly eternally caught between life and death. He had been transported here by time travelers seeking to stop Godzilla’s existence, like the one that had put him in this state in the first place. But his death, which would have likely come in a few days, would be stopped soon. A submarine, carrying a nuclear payload, crashed nearby. The radiation that came from it killed everything it touched, either instantly or over the course of time. But when it reached Godzillasaurus, something very different happened. A new being was born. A colossus, a nightmare made flesh.

The King of the Monsters.

1996. A massive, brown worm crawled into the beautiful, remote forest. He crawled to a massive cocoon, one wrapped around what he needed. Moving around it, as close to the tree as he could get, Mothra Leo began spraying his glistening silk into the sky. It rained down back on him, soon forming a cocoon attached to the one already there. The Elias watched in anticipation. The newly formed cocoon began cracking, light shining from the breaks. The cocoon exploded as a swarm of tiny, glowing moths left it. The Elias cheered as the moths convened high into the air, before all coalescing into the glorious imago Mothra Leo. The deity looked down at the cocoon beneath him. He said a silent prayer for it, that whoever was inside could complete whatever their mission was. With that, he left to face the drainer of worlds, Desghidorah.

Years passed. Godzilla became notorious the world over as humanity’s savior and punisher. Mothra Leo became humanity’s greatest guardian, making his mother as proud as could be from beyond the grave. The two met, at first clashing in heated battle. Soon, they developed a mutual respect, both helping to save the planet from the myriad of cosmic and local threats that tried to erase it.

But soon, that fateful day came when Godzilla was afflicted by the absorption of too much energy, and became the greatest threat Earth ever knew.

But on that remote island, the one where Mothra Leo first reached his imago state, the greatest defender the Earth ever knew was born as well.

The cocoon that had been around the eldest tree for decades began cracking and glowing. It exploded in a brilliant flash of light. The tree was unharmed, still standing as tall as it had before. In the epicenter of the blast, stood Leo’s ultimate form. His body was covered in a shining metal, an array of jagged frills running down him. Two long spikes jutted from where his antennae would be. His wings had been tucked to his sides, transparent, until they began spreading out. When they reached their full width, the solidified into vibrantly patterned metal with razor sharp edges.

With a call that sounded like the revving of a drill, Armor Mothra took off.

The godly paladin stopped at Monster Island, to try to gauge when he had arrived. He was shocked to see four beings standing on the shores, looking off into the distance. Lowering himself to just above the ground, he saw that it was Anguirus, Rodan, Godzilla Jr, and Minya. He called to them, startling them.
Rodan and Jr fired their beams as they turned, the blasts washing off the deity’s armor. Seeing who it was, the two apologized, but the guardian didn’t mind. The attacks hadn’t even been felt.

Through a brief conversation, Armor Mothra discovered that the four hadn’t left with the rest to face Godzilla. In fact, when the leviathan had first entered that form, he fled the island to avoid hurting them. They were all torn between their desire to save the Earth, and their love of Godzilla. Armor Mothra promised them that he would save the planet. The four smiled, as tears began leaving their eyes. The deity left the island, flying to Tokyo.

Hiding in the smoke above what was once the most populated city on Earth, Armor Mothra watched as his weaker self fought Godzilla. He wanted to intervene, but the possibility of tampering with time and rendering everything useless stopped the paladin. The battle raged on below, just as he remembered. The beam lock between the Red Spiral Ray and the Mineral Chest Cannon began, both titans even in power. The struggle suddenly went in the deity’s favor, before shooting back towards him. Godzilla entered his meltdown, before nearly killing the guardian. As Rainbow Mothra was sent flying away, smoke trailing behind him, the apocalyptic king roared to the heavens.

The heavens answered his cry.

Shooting down like a bullet, Armor Mothra fired a blue beam from his forehead. The Armor Heat Ray lanced into the burning leviathan’s hide, blasting a hole into his side. Godzilla turned to face the new foe, unleashing a Hyper Spiral Ray at him. The divine paladin dodged the ray, feeling the heat radiating off it. Before Godzilla could fire any more, Armor Mothra raked the edge of his left wing against the king of the monsters’ side. The blade tore through the flesh, releasing a geyser of boiling blood. As soon as the wound had been made, it was closed. Godzilla felt no pain, as it was drowned out by the internal anguish breaking him down. Whipping around, the burning leviathan let loose a Hyper Spiral Ray into his foe’s back. Armor Mothra cried out in pain as a series of gargantuan explosions rocked him, sending him crashing to the ground. Godzilla turned around, disappointed by how pathetic this new attacker was.

The deity flew through the inferno leaving the saurian’s back, ramming his armored skull into Godzilla. A shriek of surprise left the king of the monster’s maw as he was sent flying forward, the ground boiling as he slid against it. Snarling in rage as he got to his feet, the apocalyptic king looked at his foe. Armor
Mothra’s back had a scorch mark upon it, and the metal glowed red. An Armor Heat Ray slammed into Godzilla’s face, shattering teeth and burning away his eyes. Stumbling back from his temporary blindness, the saurian fired wildly with his beam. Armor Mothra weaved between the onslaught, before beginning to spin once he neared the leviathan. The whirling dervish the paladin turned himself into cut into the now un-blinded Godzilla’s stomach, spilling torrents of blood. Godzilla cried out in agony as the deity’s blades dug into his intestines, his pain only growing as the deity ripped his way out. As the deep wound in the apocalyptic king’s stomach healed, Armor Mothra fired an azure ray into his foe’s exposed insides. It nearly tore into Godzilla’s spine, enraging the leviathan further. The guardian held fast against the barrage of miniature nuclear pulses that erupted from his foe’s body, only to notice the glow forming in the saurian’s maw. The leviathan’s hands shot forward, grabbing his foe’s head and pinning the guardian.

The gargantuan, crimson geyser of atomic death crashed against Armor Mothra’s back, making him scream in agony as his back glowed white hot and the metal deformed. The paladin wrestled himself free, before flying up and slitting Godzilla’s throat. The king of the monster’s tried to cry out, but nothing came from his maw, and a tsunami of steaming gore flowed from the wound. As he waited for his throat to heal, the nuclear Armageddon channeled power to his arms. Both appendages were completely covered with scarlet energy, smoke and sparks spewing from every inch. Godzilla struck Armor Mothra’s face with his right hand, creating an explosion that dwarfed the moth’s head. The force of it knocked the deity to the side, only for a strike from the left hand to put him back in the center. Cutting off the power to his arms as his throat had healed, Godzilla charged another ray. Fearing what would happen if his back was struck again, Armor Mothra flung himself back, leaving his underside to take the blow. The force of the blast knocked the guardian to the ground, pushing him across it until the moth was buried. Godzilla began stepping forward as his skin started falling off his body, revealing bone. The king of the monsters looked at the pile of dirt that obscured his foe. He fired a Hyper Spiral Ray into the pile, erasing the dirt and making Armor Mothra scream in pain. The divine paladin shot up into the air, before flying away. Godzilla snarled at his retreating foe, before a surge of pain shot through him. The bones in his arms and legs were deforming as they melted. A crimson glow surrounded his body as it began to liquify. Godzilla closed his eyes, accepting death.

A deep, mechanical chirp made his eyes snap open. Armor Mothra was flying straight towards him, the top and bottom of his abdomen scorched black. Chunks of the metal had fallen away, revealing now blackened fur. The burning leviathan watched as he drew closer, amused. What did it hope to do? The Earth was doomed, it would drown in fire and choke on radiation. From the smallest bacteria to the mightiest kaiju, none would survive. But the deity kept moving, until his body was coated in a holy light.

Time grinded to a stop around him.

Armor Mothra moved at the speed of light, but instead of travelling through time like he did before, he
passed through Godzilla’s body. Time resumed, and he turned to face the king of the monsters. Godzilla’s chest was coated in glimmering crystals, which began spreading over his body. The king of the monsters turned his head to face the guardian, but he did not look with rage.

His pain stopped, now replaced by numbness wherever the crystals formed. This snapped Godzilla out of his pain induced madness, allowing him to look at his savior with a clear mind. He had killed many of his allies, and for that he felt nothing but sorrow. But Anguirus, Rodan, Jr, and Minya were still alive. As was the world he called home, even if it had rejected him. And he knew they would be safe, under the protection of Mothra Leo.

And with that, as the crystallization consumed his whole body, Godzilla passed in peace.

The glowing, crystallized saurian began cracking, light flowing forth. It exploded, raining down tiny particles. Armor Mothra began glowing as well, illuminating the city as the smoke began to thin. A ray of sunlight managed to pierce the black cloud, shining down on Mothra Leo’s new form. It resembled his armored form, only instead of shining, sharp metal, it was thick, white fur. Instead of the sleek, angular face, his head was round and soft. In sharp contrast to Armor Mothra’s intimidating form, Eternal Mothra looked as peaceful and kind as possible. He had won on this day, and Earth was safe, but he did not feel triumphant.

Saying a silent prayer for all who had passed on this day, the guardian left the city.
Winner: Mothra Leo
Last edited by GodzillavsRayquaza on Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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ShinGojira14 wrote: Neither. Hideki Anno wins because he writes a hilarious comedic satire movie where Shin and Legendary have to team up to destroy a grotesque crap-monster created by the constant toxic bickering of Shin fans and Legendary fans.
SoggyNoodles2016 wrote: Yup, my dad works at Legendary, the Nebulans are gonna be in the next movie and they're gonna get beat because Madison throws coffee in the leaders face.

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Re: K.W.C.E. #77: Mothra Leo vs Godzilla (Heisei) and Godzillasaurus

Post by ShinGojira14 »

I thought this match was pretty good overall. There were a few moments that felt like they flew by a little too quickly, but other than that I think this match achieved what it set out to do. Also, that banner looks absolutely kick-ass! Great job, Nagoda! :huge:
Side note, I really like the time-travel angle in this match and the cleverness in the way it was used for Mothra Leo’s evolutions. And sad as Godzilla’s death and loss was, he went out in a believable, somber and badass way.

Also, is that tree… … …a singular point?
Last edited by ShinGojira14 on Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: K.W.C.E. #77: Mothra Leo vs Godzilla (Heisei) and Godzillasaurus

Post by HillyHulk »

I don't mean to be... well mean, but this was honestly kind of boring which id odd given the kaiju being worked with here. I always kind of imagined this fight (considering writing it myself even) and I thought it would be more interesting.

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Re: K.W.C.E. #77: Mothra Leo vs Godzilla (Heisei) and Godzillasaurus

Post by GodzillaFan8889 »

HillyHulk wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:19 pm I don't mean to be... well mean, but this was honestly kind of boring which id odd given the kaiju being worked with here. I always kind of imagined this fight (considering writing it myself even) and I thought it would be more interesting.
This is just out of curiosity and I completely respect your opinion, but why exactly do you find this match boring? I'm just curious.

Anyways, in my opinion this was a pretty cool match! The characterization of the monsters was done well, especially Godzilla's, the action was great,
and I really liked how the whole time-travel plot played into setting up Godzilla and Leo's backstories, plus the buildup with them being the strongest threat/defender. The fight at the end was also brutal, and it ended on a properly somber note.
As for criticisms/gripes...
Like ShinGojira14 said, some of the scenes could have been longer. I think the one at the end with Armor and Burning should have been longer with how much buildup led to it; like not too long but a bit longer. The end also could have possibly used a longer, more proper resolution, especially with all the stuff that was mentioned like how most of the Earth's defenders and mechs have been annihilated, and the four remaining Kaiju. One more gripe I have is the possible plot hole with how Godzillasaurus doesn't recognize Leo as the guy who beat him up. I know that can easily be explained away with memory loss or something, but I feel like it should have been mentioned.
Again though, these are just my personal gripes and the match is fine enough even when these are considered.
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Re: K.W.C.E. #77: Mothra Leo vs Godzilla (Heisei) and Godzillasaurus

Post by HillyHulk »

GodzillaFan8889 wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:09 pm
HillyHulk wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:19 pm I don't mean to be... well mean, but this was honestly kind of boring which id odd given the kaiju being worked with here. I always kind of imagined this fight (considering writing it myself even) and I thought it would be more interesting.
This is just out of curiosity and I completely respect your opinion, but why exactly do you find this match boring? I'm just curious.

Anyways, in my opinion this was a pretty cool match! The characterization of the monsters was done well, especially Godzilla's, the action was great,
and I really liked how the whole time-travel plot played into setting up Godzilla and Leo's backstories, plus the buildup with them being the strongest threat/defender. The fight at the end was also brutal, and it ended on a properly somber note.
As for criticisms/gripes...
Like ShinGojira14 said, some of the scenes could have been longer. I think the one at the end with Armor and Burning should have been longer with how much buildup led to it; like not too long but a bit longer. The end also could have possibly used a longer, more proper resolution, especially with all the stuff that was mentioned like how most of the Earth's defenders and mechs have been annihilated, and the four remaining Kaiju. One more gripe I have is the possible plot hole with how Godzillasaurus doesn't recognize Leo as the guy who beat him up. I know that can easily be explained away with memory loss or something, but I feel like it should have been mentioned.
Again though, these are just my personal gripes and the match is fine enough even when these are considered.
The best way I can explain it is that it's basically the Heisei way of fighting; not being much more than shooting beams. In a movie, it works fine because of the special effects. You have something to see. It doesn't translate well in written form in my opinion, it just gets dull after a little while.

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