Battle of the Multiverse

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Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Godzilla165 »

The Yakuza

Ever since the multiverse theory was discovered and proven to exist, one race has been there since the very beginning: The Yakuza. This race of proud deities were one of the original founding members of the multiverse's creation. Their incredible power and wisdom greatly helped to shape the multiverse into what it is today. Before long, the Yakuza made a name for themselves that spanned countless realms and star systems, becoming one of the most revered and respected races that had ever been created. However, what use would having all of this power and gravitas be without an empire to reinforce it with? Soon enough, about four million years after the multiverse's creation, the Yakuza had both created and sustained their very own realm within the cosmos. At first, said realm wasn't all that large nor impressive for the first three thousand years or so. But, over time, and as the Yakuza reproduced and spread their influence across the galaxy, the realm grew into a powerful and unshakable empire. The vice-like grasp that the Yakuza now wielded had soon begun to create angst from the other deities and gods; even the Olympians themselves were beginning to fear the sort of power that the Yakuza held. How could a newly formed species gain so much in so little time? Such a prospect had never occurred before, and to this day, has never happened to that extent again.

The Yakuza went on to prosper and flourish beyond their wildest dreams; it was as though they ruled a third of the cosmos by themselves. The best part of it all was: they were peaceful and serene. For millions of years, there were no wars, no political squabbles, no power trips... Nothing of the sort. The Yakuza remained in their pocket of the multiverse for the most part, trying their best to not intrude on other races. It was a time of renaissance and plentifulness. Soon, the Yakuza clan went on to name their realm after the elite, godly warriors that would eventually be created to defend not only their home, but the entire multiverse as well. Their realm would be forever be named: The Realm of the Ninja.

Realm of the Ninja

"As close to heaven without actually being there, as it can possibly get".
This is the phrase that every single being of different shape and size seem to always use to describe their visit to the Realm of the Ninja. Unsurprisingly enough, they are never far off. Even the angels that live within the gates of heaven have stated such, and for good reason. The Realm of the Ninja is without a doubt, one of the most beautiful places that exists in the known multiverse. The skies are completely clear 90% of the year, the air crisp and pollution free, and this sense of overwhelming majesty and awe seems to just fill the atmosphere. Exotic foliage that is exclusive solely to this realm only, covers the seemingly infinite sea of land and fields, while the angelic golden star of Orion casts its glow elegantly upon the the realm. Mountain chains of all shapes and sizes stand tall in the distance, wrapping around the proud kingdom that sits in the very middle, like protective arms to shield it from any and all danger. Invisible to all, but equally felt in its presence, is the magical barrier that protects the Realm of the Ninja from potential invasion, and locking it away from any entry besides that of portals from its citizens. The kingdom itself is absolutely massive and quite expansive, having taken close to five thousand years to full complete. It is comprised out of nothing but the most powerful, durable, and mystical materials and properties currently known. So reinforced in fact, that not even that of a planetoid object the size of Orion could budge the kingdom from its position. In it, houses citizens of the Yakuza, 500,000 and growing every single day. While such a number may not seem like much compared to other civilizations, it is plenty for this specific realm, and allows for everyone to know and become close with one another. Highly advanced technologies are perfectly married with old traditions, which keeps the Yakuza on the cutting edge of the newest advancements and discoveries in technology. Within some of the mountains, sit dozens of beautiful smaller villages and towns where everyone else stays.

The mother of the Yakzua clan, as well as the mother of all dragons, Tiamat, envisioned the Realm of the Ninja in to be a true paradise. She wanted it to be everlasting and gorgeous and flourishing with life, even in its darkest of days. After a thousand years of back and forth pleading with the father of the Yakuza, and her husband, Marise, Tiamat was granted her wish, and her perfect world was born soon after. Everything in the realm, every rock, every blade of grass, every leaf, every stone... All of it was perfect. However, like everything else in life, all good things must eventually come to an end, and the downward spiral of the Yakuza was soon at hand. While the Realm of the Ninja remains as beautiful and heavenly as it has always been, the horrific history that the Yakuza had suffered through still lingers. This was all because of the actions of one, single being. And the consequence for these horrible actions? The age of civil war had begun.

The Fall
They say that power corrupts both the mind and the soul. For eons, Marise didn't believe such to be true, until he got a taste of what true power was really like. With the Yakuza clan now have been established as one of the most powerful races in the multiverse, and the Realm of the Ninja completely settled in, Marise and Tiamat had an empire of unheard proportions. For Tiamat, having such was more than enough, and was a blessing that she didn't dare take advantage of. However, Marise wasn't satisfied. For him, it wasn't enough to have just one, single empire. No, he wanted more, much more. Soon, Tiamat began to notice a shift in her husband's behavior, and it deeply concerned her. Gone were the days of Marise being well mannered and compassionate to both their people, and those of different races. In its place, was a growing and merciless tyrant, blinded by the prospect of total domination. Marise's reign of terror spread throughout the Realm of the Ninja, shattering the sense of freedom and replacing it with dictatorship. Tiamat was both horrified at her husband's cruel change of heart, and livid by Marise going against all that they had worked so hard for. She was all but powerless to do anything, though, for Marise threatened her with an ultimatum that she couldn't bring herself to go against. He warned her to either obey and bow to his rule, or be exiled from their realm, and in turn, the people whom she loved so dear, permanently. Tiamat couldn't bear the thought of leaving her land and her people behind, and as such, she was forced to yield to the monster that Marise had become.

With his grasp firmly locked on their own world, Marise had soon set his sights on other nearby realms. With ease, Marise had brought said civilizations to their knees, slaughtering their leaders and any who dared opposed him. By the time 500 years or so had passed, Marise's influence had spread across a third of the entire multiverse, with hundreds of thousands of realms under his control. By the time he had reached Olympus, Marise possessed so much power, that he single handily wiped out nearly all of the Greek gods, and forced any that remained to retreat from their own home. Tiamat had had more than enough of her husband's destructive actions, and needed to act fast before the entire multiverse was under his control. As such, without Marise knowing, Tiamat combined her own power with the incredible forces from the entire multiverse, to give birth to four, extremely special, and vaunted children. These were her guardians... Her protectors that would grow to become the heroes of the entire multiverse.

These were the ninjas.

The Ninjas

"They are the perfect warriors".


The ninjas are four demigod siblings whose powers and abilities surpass anything that the multiverse has ever dreamed of; real life supermen and women. They were Tiamat's perfect creations, and the ones destined to protect the multiverse from whatever evil that so threatened it. Four of them were born, three brothers, and one sister, all magnificent and beautiful. And, their names: All taken from beings of great legends that wielded incredible power, will and heroism: Dante, Evron, Ubel, and Daeva. Tiamat was so proud of what she had created, that she immediately imprinted on the ninjas as her perfect children. The first two were the quickest to have been born, due to Tiamat's power being at its peak at the time; only a year was between them, as a result. Because Tiamat poured so much of her energy into her first two children, especially her firstborn, the last two took quite a deal longer to form. Because of this, there is a 3 million age difference between Tiamat's first and middle child, and a considerable 8 million difference between her oldest and youngest child. To her surprise though, such didn't seem to matter at all to the ninjas; they immediately formed an unbreakable sibling bond with one another that is even more powerful to this very day.


It was quite difficult for the first few million years, as Tiamat was forced to hide her newly made children from Marise until all of them were born. On multiple instances, she had to leave the ninjas behind in order to stand by Marise so he wouldn't grow suspicious from her many prolonged absences. This is something that Tiamat still regrets having to have done even today. Unfortunately, Marise's suspicions eventually came to a head, and he discovered the ninjas hiding deep within the mountains of their very own realm. Tiamat was so scared that the tyrannical being would kill them out of spite for her secrecy. However, Marise spared them all. In fact, he instantly accepted the young ninjas as his own children, for in his mind, he could train them to become his greatest assets. Marise sensed overwhelming power surging through the firstborn, and as such, dedicated most of his time to raising him to become a ruthless warrior. Tiamat was again, livid at the prospect of Marise turning her children into monsters, but also again, she was powerless to do anything. Eventually, because of her insubordination for the sake of protecting her children, Tiamat was forcibly cast out of the very home she helped create, and left her beautiful creations alone with what had become the father of chaos.

For millions of years, the ninjas suffered at the hands of their father, with Dante getting the very worst of it. Marise would beat the young boy for hours each and every day, until his flesh was literally peeled off, and his bones broken every which way. Then, once he recovered, Marise would have him train endlessly until the sun set and rose again on a new day. He put Dante through many other grueling tasks of both physical and psychological torture. Dante's siblings always had an idea of what he was going through, but they never knew just how bad it got, and were helpless to do anything to help him. They could only watch on and tend to Dante's wounds when Marise was through with him for the day. Dante, even to this day, has never told them the whole truth of what their father use to do to him.

At last, however, the multiverse granted the ninjas relief from Marise's wrath. Dante watched as Marise slowly descended into madness, and the one who gave he and his siblings life, and nurtured them with all her strength, be exiled from their home permanently. With Tiamat out of the picture, Marise was finally free to reign over the Realm of the Ninja as he pleased. However, that rule only lasted for a few million years before the last of the original deities finally had had enough of Marise's antics. As such, on Dante's 18 millionth birthday, Marise was sealed away in a magical coffin forever, and cast out into the dark embrace of the largest black hole that the deities could find. His influence on the multiverse was no more. Dante, his siblings and his people were now free. Now 18 million years old, Dante was ceremoniously made king of the Yakuza, and the leader of his ninja siblings.

At first, the weight of such a newfound responsibility was just too much for the young ninja to bear, and after the ceremony was over, Dante took off into space under the cover of night. He stayed gone for 7 months, with no one having any idea of where he ran off to. His siblings were even starting to question whether Dante would ever return, but their wise Aunt, Beatrice, gave them reassurance. Dante just needed time to find himself first before accepting such a monumental responsibility. And sure enough, 7 months later, Dante returned home, and he wasn’t alone. With him was both his future girlfriend, Aphrodite, and a newfound maturity and acceptance of the responsibilities he now bore. Determined not to follow in his tyrannical father's footsteps, Dante swore to one day bring absolute peace to the multiverse and salvage his people's reputation no matter the cost.

5 million years ago, after greatly assisting the forces of Heaven to stop the fury of Hell from spreading across the multiverse, in a war that lasted 3 grueling days, the ninjas were granted the vaunted title of the: Guardians of the Multiverse. Now, the ninjas have long since repaired the image of themselves and more importantly, their people, having gained the respect of countless across the entire multiverse. Even with their Mom gone, these four young and brave souls know that she would be proud of what they’ve become. With a powerful new evil on the rise, one that threatens all that exists, the ninjas are going to need anyone and everyone they can get to wage war against the most powerful force in the multiverse. The time has come.

Realm of the Ninja

7:00 AM
Morning had arrived in the Realm of the Ninja, the sun cast its warm glow across the landscape, dew covered all of the flowers and grass and foliage, and there was a fresh scent of pine and cinnamon that swooped through the air. The towering mountains stood proudly in the distance, and, at the center of it all, was the vast and absolutely gorgeous kingdom that shone brightly in the morning sun. Deep within the main kitchen, Evron was hard at work preparing breakfast for the whole kingdom while the ninjas' Aunt Beatrice was out shopping for supplies in one of the town markets up in the mountains. Things were going smoothly so far, but they would've been going a lot smoother if Evron didn't have to suffer through that grating noise Ubel called, “music”. The latter had been keeping him company while Evron cooked, and was strumming away at his guitar whilst a song by Aerosmith blasted from a circular speaker on the table Ubel sat at.

The temple in Evron's forehead pulsated as he grew more and more annoyed, and his red eyes glowed intensely. While he was busy chopping up some carrots, Evron glanced down and noticed a fork laying on the counter, and then at Ubel's radio. The latter was busy fingering away at his guitar without a care in the world, jamming out to some Aerosmith, until without warning, that jam session was abruptly cut short. Evron hurled the fork he saw straight through Ubel's speaker, causing for smoke and steam to pour from it, and the music to be killed forever. Ubel stared at the device and then at Evron in shock, before narrowing his eyes.
"You owe me a new speaker." Ubel said.

"And you owe me a new pair of ears." Evron dryly retorted.

Ubel sighed and shook his head, "You're such a sour puss."

"How am I the sour puss when I don't want my ears to bleed?!"

Ubel got up from the table and headed towards the exit. "Did I mention drama queen as well?" He mused.

Evron rolled his eyes, "Whatever, look, just go get Peri and tell her breakfast is almost ready."

As Ubel turned to go do just that, he found that his task was already finished when Daeva groggily appeared in front of him, trying to rub the sleep from her eyes. Ubel peered over at Evron and grinned, "Speak of the devil." He said before he picked Daeva up, twirled her around a few times and sat her down in a chair. "Morning, baby sis!"

Daeva groaned and massaged her forehead. "Please, no more twirls today, Ubie; I'm still trying to recover from last night." She murmured before plopping her head on the table.

Evron smirked while stirring a bowl of eggs, "Couldn't handle your alcohol, eh?"

"Noooo, I just had too much to drink, that’s all." Daeva woozily retorted.

"You had a half a glass of wine, sis. Sparkling wine, for that matter!" Ubel chimed in.

Daeva looked up at him, sighed, and then hung her head over the back of her chair. "Okaay, so maybe I'm not that much of a drinker, alright? Satisfied now?"

Evron snorted, "Lightweight."

"Prick." Daeva threw back.

"Well, in any case, getting some food in your belly always cheers you up. Look, Ruby Red even cooked an extra side of pancakes just for you!" Ubel calmly reassured her while patting her head.

Daeva smiled tiredly, "Uh huh... They actually smell pretty good, I can't even lie."

"There she is." Evron winked at her.

Daeva stuck her tongue out at him and leaned forward in her seat. "By the way, where'd Dante run off to today?"

Ubel grabbed a bagel off of one of the many plates and hopped on the kitchen counter. "He said, and I quote, 'that he had to go to a meeting, then another meeting, then another one, and another one, and another one... And theeen, something about having to go and handle a domestic dispute going on between this old married couple because the wife is threatening to send her husband to the Null Void, because he... Cheated?" Ubel threw his hands up. "I don't know, it's crazy."

"Basically, it's dumb boring meetings/load of bullshit day for Dante. We shouldn't expect to see him until late late tonight." Evron said, to which Ubel pointed at him in agreement.

Daeva massaged the thumping temple in her forehead. "Ugh, I wonder if Aphrodite is upset at all about that?"

"A little, but I think I'll manage okay." A familiar voice answered. The ninjas looked over to find the Greek goddess standing in the doorway, smiling warmly at them. "Besides, I've still got you guys to keep me company while Em's gone."

Evron smiled back at her, "Heyyy, mornin', Silver Mane, breakfast is almost done. It would've been done sooner if I didn't have two children distracting me." He said spitefully, causing for Ubel to throw the rest of his bagel at him.

"It smells amazing regardless, Evron." Aphrodite complimented. “Almost as good as Aunt Beatrice’s cooking.”

Evron raised an eyebrow and smirked, “Hmph, now you’re just screwing with me.”

Aphrodite chuckled and fist bumped with Ubel, before heading over to where Daeva was. Daeva patted a seat next to her for Aphrodite to sit in, and rested her head on the latter's shoulder when she finally sat down. Aphrodite snickered, "Too much to drink, Peri?"

Daeva held up a finger, "One, count it, I had one-"

"Half." Ubel corrected.

"Half a glass of wine last night, and now I'm absolutely wrecked." Daeva moaned.

"Her first real glass of alcohol, too." Ubel said.

"Let's not get things twisted, okay? It was literally just sparkling wine." Evron taunted.

Aphrodite grinned and leaned down to whisper in Daeva's ear, "Lightweight."

Daeva elbowed her in the shoulder and got up to sift through the cabinets for a glass. Evron took a few pieces of bacon and leaned against the counter. "So, Aphrodite, what've you got planned for-" Evron paused and looked down at his hand, only to find the pieces of bacon he had had disappeared. Knowing full and well who had swiped them, he turned and stared at Daeva, whom was scarfing down the last piece and sipping on a glass of water.

"What?! You were taking too long, and I was hungry!" Daeva tried to defend.

Evron could only roll his eyes and sigh as he shoved a handful of plates into her arms. "Set the tables, fatty." He grumbled and gave Peri a gentle yet forceful kick in her butt. "Ubie, go and wake everyone else up, will ya?"

Ubel gave a salute and headed off deeper into the kingdom.

"Alright!" Evron turned to Aphrodite and rubbed his hands excitedly together, "Time to eat! Em has no idea what he's missing today!"

Aphrodite smiled at him as he went over to help Daeva, before resting a hand underneath her chin. She imagined how incessantly boring and tiring it must've been for Dante right now, especially having literally just come back from fighting a samurai demigod a day earlier. Aphrodite would have been lying if she said she wasn't missing him a lot right now. "Don't work yourself too hard today, hun, Ninja Prime or no." She thought to herself.

Minutes later, Aphrodite was shaken from her daydream as children started to funnel into the dining area, giving quick respectful bows to her, Evron and Daeva. Aphrodite greeted them all with a warm grin and proceeded to start helping the kids with whatever food and drink they wanted, as well as finding them good seats, as more and more Yakzua started coming in as well. Ubel soon arrived carrying two little girls on his shoulders, and one rambunctious little boy wrapped around his neck. As he let the three children off, one of the girls tugged on his pants. "Prince Ubel, will you come sit with us today, pleeease?" She innocently asked. Ubel smiled and knelt down to meet her, "Okay, but only on one condition: I get to sit in the pink chair." The girl giggled and grabbed a hold of Ubel's hand, leading him towards their table.

Daeva was, in the meantime, busy helping the elderly with whatever they wanted to eat, and finding them someplace comfortable to sit, while Evron stood to the side and let everyone help themselves before he got himself anything.

The day had now started, and it was time to eat.
Last edited by Godzilla165 on Sat Oct 05, 2019 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Demon Lord Gira »

The vast netheral plains of Sheol had been the sight of many gruesome battles over its long history. Ever since the mysterious vanishing of Lord Lucifer long ago, the throne of Dudael had seen war upon war waged for it. Brother fought against brother, families split asunder, and the very landscape had been fragmented and shattered from these constant wars. Many species native to the molten plains had either been forced far, far away, or had been rendered extinct. For over three million years, the throne had changed hands, and blood from countless tyrants caked its surface, as well as the entirely of Dudael.

But few had been so violent as the war that surrounded the current ruler. Few had seen such carnage, such hatred, such anger that had lasted for so long. While that war had officially ended centuries ago, pockets of resistance rose every now and then to stir the flames of conflict, as they did now.

The gates of the palace of Dudael barred in obsidian and steel, burst open, and hordes of snarling beasts charged in, maws gurgling with blood and saliva. They were more like boars than men, though they walked upright like them, and had large jagged tusks spewing from their pig-like heads. The armed guards were slaughtered, overwhelmed by their superior numbers. Armor was crumpled apart, screams echoed from within as the boar heads tore whatever they could apart, smashed down pottery, devoured the tapestries that adorned the halls of the great palace, and killed everything in sight. Those that were injured, or trampled underfoot by their own kind weren’t spared of death, and they squealed as their own brothers tore into them for sustenance and fuel. Blood smeared across the walls and floor of the courtyard and hall, and the bones of those left behind were left for the buzzards to pick at.

The hordes surged through the ancient obsidian halls as a tidal wave of vengeance, knocking over and destroying everything that got in their path. Several of the guards , large armored beasts in their own right, tried to form a defensive line, but the pig-like demons were too many in number, too strong united, and too blood-thirsty to care. The tide was held back for only a moment before the guards were overwhelmed, crushed and ripped open by the ravenous demons. As they funneled toward the inner depths of the palace, a single voice rang out through the horde as one united, a voice that blasted through the palace:

“Zovae gur patarca! Vozae gur patarca!”

The tidal wave of pig demons roared for blood, for vengeance and for revenge. Nothing would stand in their way, for they had only one goal in mind, one that was clear as they smashed though the doors into the throne room.

Sheol's ruler, the high queen herself.

She sat upon her obsidian throne, the flames along the ancient walls flickering against her dark skin. Her head lay rested upon her left hand, and her right leg was swung over her left. She was nothing like them, as she appeared to be fully human, and much smaller than they were. Her dangling right foot twitched, and an eye cracked open at the approaching horde.

"Are you servants of Malcania, or of Belphor?" She asked. Her voice was deep, and swept through the approaching horde like a reverse tide. They stopped, confused. There was no sense of fear in the queen's voice, no panic or confusion itself. It was as if she didn't fear them, with no guards left to protect her. She was helpless, so why did she seem so calm?

"We are combined remnants of both!" The lead demon roared. He was taller than those behind him, and decorated in scars. One tusk was chipped, and an eye glazed over, but in his hands was a bloodied axe as tall as he was. " And we're here to seize the opportunity. Your elite guard is crippled, and your victory over Malcania has cost you everything, bitch! You're defenseless now, so stop with the tough act and give yourself to us. If you surrender willingly, you might still be alive after a few days of fun with us."

The queen's other eye cracked open. "Are you certain you have the advantage? If you're so sure, then come and kill me."

The demon snarled. "We'll scatter your corpse across the plains of Sheol! SWARM HER!"

Those that had followed him surged forward as a single unit. The ground rumbled beneath their cloven hoofs, and the nearest ones reached arms distance of the throned queen and prepared to strike.

A flash of light blinded the demon leader, and as he was forced to shield his eyes, the screams and cries of his brothers filled his ears. The thick stench of blood, their blood, filled his nostrils, and he could hear the sound of flesh being torn apart, bones cracking and the deafening boom of thunder above all else.

What was going on?! Was this some trick of the bitch?! No, something was wrong, very wrong. His inside informant had told him the only defense the queen had was out of commision, that she was completely defenseless now. Had he been lied to?! Had he been set up?

He never had the chance to retaliate. Something ripped through his chest and out of his back. and the demon collapsed to his knees. The light blur gave way to darkness, but he could just make out the form of a massive white fox glaring down at him, one of its many tails run through his body...


"Worthless. Not even a real challenge." Mara huffed as she removed her tail from the Gyu Oni's chest. The blood that ran down its length was tantalizing, and she licked it clean.

"You should thank Laeptus for your rapid recovery. Otherwise, you would still be in the nursery." Her master said. She unswung her leg and stood, before she walked down to the fox's side and petted her. "Thank you for protecting me."

"It's only natural to prevent these filth from sullying your hands, Lord Persephone." Mara turned and bowed to the Queen of Sheol. "They are not worthy of being in your presence, only to be food for me."

"I know. All allies of Belphor and Malcania cannot be allowed to live, or there will be no peace." She raised Mara's head up, and began to scratch the underside of her chin. The great fox's tails beat against the ground. "Were my rule to extend beyond Sheol, to all corners of reality, then there would be no place for my enemies to hide. There would only be peace and solitude within my empire."

"Your empire will know no limits, and no one, not even the gods, will have a say." Mara purred. She rubbed against Persephone, like a cat against its owners leg. "And anyone who says otherwise, I will rip apart and kill."

"That's a good Mara." Persephone chuckled. "Now, please check up on Lilith and Alabaster. I hope they weren't caught in this revolt. And if you see any more dissenters... You know what to do."

Mara nodded, and like a blur of lightning she vanished. Persephone could only smile as she leaned back into her throne. The loss of her loyal guards was painful, but she could always find more. There were always more, either from willing volunteers to kidnapped recruits. It wasn't like she needed them anyways. So long as she had at least Mara on her side willing to lay down her life, there was no need for guards. Rather, the destroyed pottery and furniture would be more painful to replace...
Last edited by Demon Lord Gira on Sat May 09, 2020 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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GotengoXGodzilla wrote: It could be said that kaiju regeneration is like human dodging, basically.
GotengoXGodzilla wrote:That's not Mothra, that's an ugly goddamn demon!

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Corzak The Mighty »

All was silent. The space between worlds - a feeble fabric held together by a series of cosmic webs - , was a strange place. An ancient place. Those without comprehension struggled to understand the majesty of the void. Many mortals found it horrifying - its silence, its loneliness, its endless expansiveness. It filled the minds of many with a crippling fear of the unknown. For others, it was a place of peace and recuperation - what some saw as horror and oppressive emptiness, others saw as an opportunity to expand one's mind and embrace inner peace.

It was within this void that a lonesome, primordial structure situated itself. Forged from some unknown element from eons long past, the building, trapezoidal in shape, floated alone among a sea of rubble from worlds and realities long dead. Untold amounts of worlds had come and gone in the eons that this place had stood - with much of their memories having been recorded within for all of reality to cherish and hold dear. After all, if a world could not exist any longer in its own reality, its memory would be held onto forever for safekeeping.

Within this antediluvian structure floated a strange, ghostly entity. The figure, clad in a flowing white robe, thumbed through the pages of an ancient tome. The figure seemed to thoroughly enjoy what he was reading. The exploration of knowledge and stories filled the entity with whimsy. He could understand things he has never seen, reminisce on memories that he never had, and experience feelings he did not know. It was truly magical.

As he read his arcane tome, deep in thought, a rumble shook the library. He glanced outside, witnessing as a new rift opened near his domain, followed by a mass of broken stone floated to join the other debris nearby.

"Curious," the entity pondered aloud. "I wonder what world this came from?"
MDK wrote:I wish my movies about dinosaurs brought back to life with mosquitos in amber for a theme park were realistic.
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Monster X »

Through the rift came a dark figure dressed in flowing robes of black and red. The being stood at least seven feet in height and his faced was covered by a large, wonderfully ornate mask whose design a human would have sworn was Egyptian. The figure radiated a terrible aura, not one of violence, malice or aggression but power. Pure, terrible power and... control. Not just of themselves but the area around them, as if nothing dared move without their command. Even in the void, a place of infinite nothing, the atmosphere appeared to change. The figure moved towards the ancient structure before it, slowly and purposefully, no sign of any emotion being given away by it’s movements.

As it did so, two other figures passed through the rift following the first. Both were encased in spheres of green energy. One was slightly shorter than the first, yet their form was no less striking. A disturbing fusion of machine and confectionary, this entity's form was brightly coloured in a way that clashed horrible and sickened the eyes. One could easily have mistaken it for some abomination spawned by a chaos dimension, but the it's unnatural stillness revealed it’s true mechanical nature. The second figure was man dressed in the guise of a Chinese Mandarin. His robes, unlike the first figure’s, where a brilliant blue and gold which were embroidered with wonderful, lively patterns. Also unlike the other two, this individual was not floating upright. His pose was akin to someone who had been falling backwards but then time had stopped and frozen him in that position. His eyes were closed, his expression pained.

The first figure stopped in mid-air and gazed upon the building in front of it. “So the Celestial Toymaker lead us truly” it spoke in a soft but powerful voice. It turned back to the man “You could have saved me a lot of time, and yourself undesirable suffering, if you had simply done as I asked Toymaker.” The man, the Toymaker, simple groaned in pain. “It was very unwise of you to try and hinder my master’s plan” mocked the brightly coloured entity in a height-pitched voice. “And now your usefulness is at an end” continued the dark figure “As amusing as it would be to further test the limits of your so called immortality Toymaker, but I have much to do. You may take your leave of my presence.”

The eyes of the dark figure’s mask glowed with a terrible green light and the Toymaker screamed, while his form contorted in pain. His body was then sent hurtling back into the rift. “How could such a disgustingly childish entity be considered an old god?” “He was rather unimpressive in person master” agreed the brightly coloured entity.

The pair then turned back towards the structure and began moving forward once more.
Last edited by Monster X on Sun Oct 06, 2019 4:18 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

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The duo traveled through the field of rubble and debris, following a path made of some unknowable white substance in the shape of stairs. With each step, their footsteps resonated with the bizarre stone-like substance, sending ripples of eerie sounds through the void, creating what could only be described as chime-like music. Even to one as ancient and wise as dark figure, this eldritch substance alluded his knowledge. Whatever it was, it was intrinsically tied to the endless expanse of the void.

After a trek that was deceivingly long, the pair reached a great doorway, forged from the same eldritch substance that made up the pathway. A quiet hum, sounding akin to an angelic hymn, filled the air by the entrance of the trapezoidal structure, with the entrance darker than even the darkest abyss. As the duo grew closer, the quiet hymn grew louder, but never to the point of becoming overwhelming.

Suddenly, a voice boomed through the doorway, soft-spoken and welcoming.

"Greetings, visitors," the voice spoke, as the darkness that shrouded the doorway faded, allowing the duo to peer into the entrance. What lay inside appeared to be seemingly endless rows of bookshelves, lined for what appeared to be miles upon miles on end - much larger than the structure appeared to be on the outside. "If you seek knowledge, you have come to the right place. All are welcome in my library."
MDK wrote:I wish my movies about dinosaurs brought back to life with mosquitos in amber for a theme park were realistic.
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

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"Hate I this, much so." The girl coughed. She was laying in her bed, face up at the pale white ceiling, and the hanging ornaments that slowly circled above her head. Her eyes were covered in crust, and she was bundled in layers of sheets and blankets. A straw connected the side of her mouth to a steaming bowl of tomato soup on the dresser next to her. "Work need, I up get."

"You only have yourself to blame." Her friend sat on a chair next to her. She placed a hand over her forehead. "117 degrees Fahrenheit. Your fever is getting worse. You shouldn't have pushed yourself so hard. People cannot work five days in a row without rest."

"Was needed much!" The bed ridden girl pouted. "restaurant Devil Tasmanian covered, nest wasp feces, train-wreck complete! Molly clean not allow, shoulder all it do I. Nichelle, see Molly do I. Molly here, yes?"

Nichelle shook her head. "Doris, Molly has work she's doing. I was informed she would be giving Heather her just desserts for this latest stunt, and Demmy a stern warning as well for provoking her. She does send her regards though."

Doris weakly smiled. "Girl good always. Sweet pure girl. Ass and breasts perfect, divine mistress, goddess my."

Nichelle rubbed the ridge of her nose. "If she were here to hear that, the restraining order would be put into effect."

"Restraining order me useless!" Doris tried to rise up, but a coughing fit planted her back into bed. She raised a hand to her eyes and wiped away most of the crust, letting her bloodshot eyes glimpse light for the first time in three days. She was forced to close them again. "Goddess need! Goddess glorious need!"

"What you need is either a therapist or more medication, and I will supply you with both. Now drink your medicine. Molly would be upset if you got worse because you refused to take it."

"But... flavor grape ba-"

"DRINK." Nichelle grabbed the bowl of soup and poured it down Doris's throat. She inserted her fingers into the side of Doris's neck, and the bedridden girl swallowed on reflex. She cringed from the taste, her body tensed, and then it relaxed again.

"This is going to be a long vacation..."
Come read my latest Fanfiction: Daily Life at the Cheshire Cafe

GotengoXGodzilla wrote: It could be said that kaiju regeneration is like human dodging, basically.
GotengoXGodzilla wrote:That's not Mothra, that's an ugly goddamn demon!

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Monster X »

The dark figure was irritated by all the sounds. They had intruded on the glorious melody of silence the void sang. The dark one actually found the void pleasing in many ways. It lacked the suffocating prison like quality of the limbo he had been imprisoned within until recently, it’s vast emptiness and total lack of life allowing his mind to relax somewhat. He had sensed that an entity was here upon his arrival but it wasn’t until they had spoken that the illusion of tranquil solitude had been fully broken. But it mattered little, for soon he would have the true peace he desired.

“I am Sutekh, Last of the Osirans and Lord of the Red Desert. The machine with me is known as the Kandyman, who has resentful come into my service. I’m an new to the multiverse and come here seeking information upon the wider creation that extends beyond the confines of my reality.”
Last edited by Monster X on Mon Oct 07, 2019 7:59 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

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"Ah yes. Sutekh the Destroyer. The supposed 'enemy of life'. Your reputation proceeds you,"[/i] the voice replied in a melancholy tone. "And you as well, Kandyman. Either way, welcome to my library."

As if sensing Sutekh's annoyance with the hymn outside, the duo, in the blink of an eye, suddenly found themselves within the library itself, surrounded by seemingly endless rows of bookshelves. The shelves seem to stretch for miles into the sky, and the rows stretched doubly as far. The roof and surrounding walls of the library could not be seen, even with Sutekh's superior senses. But one thing the Osiran noticed was the noise; or rather, the complete lack of it. The interior of this place was utterly silent. To most, it would be off-putting, but to Sutekh, it would be bliss.

Before the duo, a robed form quickly materialized, appearing in a swirl of orange-hued energy. A pair of great feathery wings stretched outwards from the entity's back, before they folded themselves nicely against its body.The figure raised ita hooded head, revealing an owl-like face that quickly scanned the two of them.

"I am Owlzarus the caretaker," the figure stated with a quick bow of its head. "Forgive the noise outside; voidstone is quite the musical substance. But its chimes and hymns are soothing to those who fear what they do not understand." The entity focused his attention solely on Sutekh. "So it is knowledge of the other worlds that you seek? What explicitly do you wish to understand?"
MDK wrote:I wish my movies about dinosaurs brought back to life with mosquitos in amber for a theme park were realistic.
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Godzilla165 »

Realm of the Ninja

12:30 PM

Noon had arrived for the Yakuza and ninjas today, and everyone was now up and about commencing in various activities and daily routines; the kingdom was alive and active. Near the top of the kingdom, in one of the main office rooms, Dante's final meeting for the day had finally ended and he couldn't wait any longer to get out of that room. The large silver doors opened and the ninja Prime quickly made his way out, stopping just in front of the entrance to stretch and breathe a sigh of both relief and mental exhaustion. He did look nice, though, wearing a white cardigan with a black tie, and black jeans to offset. Around 20 or so more people, all looking very professional and business oriented, soon exited from the room as well and headed off in different directions. One however, stayed behind and approached Dante, giving him a firm pat on the back. This was Emmanuel, Dante's both adviser and best friend of 500 years. Not long by ninja standards, but the latter knew he could trust Emmanuel to always have his back. Emmanuel was of average height, broad chested, had a firm and hardened chin, short chocolate brown wavy hair, and light brown eyes. His cheeks were also covered in freckles and he had a small gap in his front upper teeth.

"Long day already so far, eh?" Emmanuel remarked in a deep, nasally voice.

"I'm telling you, Manny, if I didn't have to go to another meeting ever again... It'd be too soon." Dante grumbled whilst rubbing the cobwebs from his eyes.

Emmanuel chuckled, "Well, at least you've got all day off tomorrow, right? First time in months too at that! You excited?"

"Yeah," Dante's face lit up and he smiled brightly, "But, it'll be weird to just not have to worry about every little thing for a day, you know? Having that kind of free time will definitely be interesting."

Emmanuel grinned and slapped him on the arm, "Enjoy it, your majesty, you've earned it."

Dante gazed at his friend with a playful exasperated look. "Manny, how many times do I have tell you that you don't have to call me that, alright? You're my friend, I thought I gave you the best friend pass ages ago!"

"I know, I know, but it's just a respect thing with me, alright? You've got that title for a reason, and I'm just acknowledging it, so let me have my thing, okay?"

Dante rolled his eyes and snickered, "Whatever you say." He mused and they both started down the long, expansive hallway.

"So whaddya gonna do tomorrow anyway? Any big plans for you and the siblings, maybe something special for the Misses, ehhh?" Emmanuel prodded while nudging Dante's arm with his elbow. The latter brushed him off while laughing.

"As a matter of fact, I did plan on me and Aphrodite getting away for a few hours and maybe go out somewhere; We've been hearing about this fancy new restaurant a few galaxies over that we've wanted to try. And then afterwards, I dunno, Ubel's been begging for us to all go with him to the Earth he's been to a few times just to show us all around." Dante shrugged his shoulders. "He's the only one that's actually been to an Earth before so, that should be interesting if we all end up going."

Emmanuel pouted his bottom lip and nodded his head, "Sounds like a full plate. Hey, Em, why don't you take an extra day and get started on some of this stuff early? I can handle whatever else the kingdom needs until you're back."

Dante shook his head, "I wish I could, Manny, but I've still got a ton of stuff to get done today. Remember I've gotta go and check on that domestic dispute over in quadrant 9? The Robinsons?"

"Riiight riiight, what the hell do ya think that's all about anyway?"

"I don't know, but I better get going unless I want to see Mr. Robinson get ripped apart." Dante stated, and in a sudden flash of beautiful golden particles swarming up Dante's entire body, he soon replaced his business casual attire with the gleaming form of his armor. And, as a final touch, Dante's solid gold helmet enveloped his entire head, leaving only his glowing green eyes. He turned and held out a splayed hand. Soon enough, a mass of green energies swirled around his palm, growing more and more until it nearly covered the ninja's entire hand. With a gentle push, Dante released the mass of particles out in front of him and they expanded into a large, swirling portal right there in the middle of the hallway.

Dante turned from the portal and looked at Emmanuel. "Okay, be back in a few, I hope." He said.

Emmanuel nodded, "I'll leave the lights on for ya, sir." He mused with a wink.

Smirking underneath his mask, Dante turned back around and walked into the vortex, soon disappearing. A few seconds later, the portal gently faded away and returned the hallway back to normalcy. Emmanuel smiled to himself, shook his head, and set off to get started on the various other things that needed to get done today.
Last edited by Godzilla165 on Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Monster X »

The Destroyer was less then pleased to learn that this Owlzarus knew him for who he truly was. In hindsight he should have suspected as much though, the Toymaker had stated that this place and it’s guardian possessed all knowledge in the multiverse. That naturally made it a threat to him, for just as easily as he could gain information to achieve his goals, others could simply come here and this accursed being would tell them all they wished to know about Sutekh. Unfortunately there was little Sutekh could do about that at the present. The Toymaker, who by the end of his interrogation would say anything to spare himself more pain, had warned that in his own realm Owlzarus was a master of the flow of time. Sutekh had little desire to age to death once again, so he resisted his initial instinct to destroy the Caretaker.

Since there was little point in him keeping up the ruse, Sutekh decided that he was more likely to get what he came for quickly by speaking plainly. “More specifically I wish to learn about the origin of all worlds. While he didn’t know much, the Celestial Toymaker mentioned a place known as “the Core”. I want to about it and how I main gain access to it.”

While the Caretaker gave no outward reaction to what he had just heard, Sutekh sensed his unease. If Owlzarus knew of him and his pasted deeds, then he would have little difficulty surmising what the Osiran planned to do with that knowledge. Not that it mattered for apparently this being had a reputation for bestowing knowledge on all who asked, but the paranoid mind of the Destroyer very much doubted that any being was that altruistic. Once he learned what he wanted to know he’d have to act as quickly as possible.

The Kandyman was for his part utterly baffled by his master’s frankness with this stranger, but the robot had quickly learned since joining Sutekh that it was generally salubrious to keep one’s mouth shut when the Osiran was engaged in important business.

“Afterwards” Sutekh continued “I wish to know of any noteworthy beings who would likely have a vested interest in the Core of the Multiverse and anyone seeking to access it. For example those who would seek to hinder me... and those who might be interested in allying with me.”
Last edited by Monster X on Tue Oct 08, 2019 4:15 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

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"An interesting inquiry, I must admit," Owlzarus replied, "but one that I nonetheless have access to the answer for."

The winged being swished his hand towards one of the great bookshelves, flexing his talons for but a moment. In the blink of an eye, a creamy orange tome appeared in the grasp of Owlzarus' sharp talons. Emblazoned upon the front of the tome was that of a great sphere, radiating to form a corona around itself. With a flick of his other hand, the figure conjured a pair of reading glasses, before he rapidly thumbed through the tome, absorbing what information it holds.

"The Core of the Multiverse is a pool of unlimited power. It is said that its contant output of energy has fueled the growth of reality since the dawn of time, and its occasional rumble creates a new universe for life to flourish in," Owlzarus stated, his eyes transfixed on the book's scripture. "The Core is locked off from the rest of reality. The door to unlock it is inaccessible but to those who prove themselves worthy. The guardian of the key is from the Realm of the Ninja - a child of Tiamat, one of the progenitors of the Yakuza. He goes by the title of Dante. But beware - he will not let it go easily. Nor is the Core so easily influenced as you may think."

The entity handed the tome to The Destroyer, his deep, inquisitive eyes looking into Sutekh's own merciless gaze. "I am afraid I cannot give you the answer to what you seek in your second inquiry. I am afraid I have bequeathed you too much in your quest already, if I have surmised your intentions correctly. That will be knowledge you must acquire for yourself, Osiran."
Last edited by Corzak The Mighty on Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
MDK wrote:I wish my movies about dinosaurs brought back to life with mosquitos in amber for a theme park were realistic.
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

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The very earth shook.

The entire house rattled in that moment. Dressers and furniture swayed and threatened to fall over in that moment. Nichelle had to brace herself during the tremor, but as soon as it had come, it left. The shaking ceased, and she took a deep breath. An earthquake, this far into the continent? That was impossible. The chances of such a thing occurring were minimal at best...

"Soup hot, face on hot!" Doris complained. Sure enough, some of the soup had splashed completely all over her, and her skin had turned a bright red from the temperature of the liquid. Nichelle grabbed a cloth and wiped her co-worker's face clean.

"There. Don't be alarmed. It was only a minor earthquake, no greater than a 3.5" Nichelle explained. She turned to look out the window, and her mouth hung open ever so slightly.

She had expected to see a few downed street lights, a couple buildings cracked, neighbors flooding the streets... and while she saw all that, what she also saw was even more disturbing. The land around where the cafe had been, was gone. The cafe and everything that had been there had vanished, with only a pitch black crater where that section of the city had been.

Molly, Demmy, Heather.. everyone that had been working there or had been around the cafe, was gone. Nichelle swallowed, the back of her throat feeling very dry for the first time in her memory. This wasn't normal, not by any means. What type of spatial anomaly could have happened?

"Doris..." She began to explain in a calm, controlled voice. "The Cafe, and everyone there... are gone."

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Doris stumbled out of the bed and clawed her near naked frame over to where Nichelle was standing. She clamored up to her feet and glared out the window. "Vicious prank, prank mean! Impossible! Impossible absolutely! Hole, mega hole! Molly, Goddess Molly, vaporized?!"

Doris dug her nails into Nichelle's neck and began to strangle the smaller girl. "Done what this?! Nichelle, happened what?! EXPLAIN?!"

If there was any fear in Nichelle's eyes, she didn't show any. Rather, she had her eyes faced away from Doris's undergarments, yet at the same time grabbed both of her hands and pried her grasp off. "Unknown, but possible spatial anomaly might be to blame. Unable to detect any of the maids in the current region. Not dead, but... unable to locate."

Doris's face paled as the words registered to her, and Nichelle had to catch her as she fainted on the spot.
Come read my latest Fanfiction: Daily Life at the Cheshire Cafe

GotengoXGodzilla wrote: It could be said that kaiju regeneration is like human dodging, basically.
GotengoXGodzilla wrote:That's not Mothra, that's an ugly goddamn demon!

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Monster X »

The Caretaker’s last words proved to be too much for the Kandyman. “How dare you refuse to help my master, you overgrown Christmas dinner! I have a mind to pluck you bald and boil you in Fondant Surprise for your..!” “Enough.” The colourful robot stopped his rant the second he heard his master’s voice, though he was not afraid. Sutekh’s statement had been flat and without reproach, likely because if circumstances were any different he would very likely have let the Kandyman follow through with his threat. Yet while he’d very much enjoy seeing Owlzarus suffer for his refusal, Sutekh didn’t want to risk losing what information he would be able to gain.

Not even bothering give any sign of apology for the Kandyman’s rude outburst, Sutekh reach out with his mind and took the book from Owlzarus. The book, now glowing green, floated towards the Osiran and opened itself in front of him at eye level. Then it’s pages began to turn by themselves at incredible speed, far too fast for most beings to have a chance of reading the words. Yet Sutekh read every single one and memorised them perfectly, for his mind was able observe and process information with incredible speed. It took him only a few moments to read the book in full.

When he’d finished, the Destroyer passed in back to the Caretaker, turned and began to take his leave. The Kandyman following in his wake. But after taking just a few steps, Sutekh stopped. “It does not feel right that I should leave without giving you something in return, so I shall give you a gift of equal measure. Advice.” Owlzarus didn’t openly react to the Osiran’s words but mental prepared himself for whatever came next.

“Once I have archived what I desire, it will be within my power to decide the fate of the this bastion of knowledge. Currently I find it very pleasing but should I suspect that you in any way attempted to frustrate my plans, no matter how minor it may be...” The visage of the library suddenly and radically altered. It was now a scene of utter devastation, a floating mass of broken matter and burning pages, all spiralling endlessly in the void. Nothing of the place's beauty and wonder was left. It was just an inert collection of rubble and lost knowledge.

Then as quickly as the vision came it was gone. Sutekh spoke no more of his “advice”, for the image he had just created had told everything he wished to say. The Last of the Osirans then reaching into his robbes and pulled out a small object. It was miniature, onyx coloured pyramid, just big enough to fill the centre of his palm, which was adorned on each side with a stylised symbol of an eye. At the middle of each was a small gemstone of a different colour. Sutekh held up his arm, palm upward, and the pyramid rose into the air just above his skin. Each gemstone began to glow and as they did so the object started to spin, slowly at first but then faster and faster. Once it’s form had become a blur, a new rift in reality appeared before the Destroyer.

In a few short steps he was gone, the Kandyman eagerly following his master.
Sutekh and the Kandyman stepped out from the rift into a new and unknown world. The pair stood upon the top of a tower, the tallest in all the vast alien city that spread out in all directions as far as they could see. The architecture was of a flowing design that had few, if any hard edges. Above them shone a wonderous purple sun, while all arounds the sounds of millions upon millions of beings going about their daily lives assaulted their ears.

“Master, why didn’t you simple take what you wanted from that fowl?” asked the Kandyman. “Because while I am lord of most aspects of reality, my powers give me little control over time” stated Sutekh “Had I attempted to attack him in that place he could have aged us into inert powder before my blow ever struck.” The robot could not find fault with his master’s reason. “So what do we do know?”

Sutekh chuckled before responding. “We do exactly as Owlzarus suggested, I acquire further knowledge myself. I will find this Dante, as well as any other beings who may be of interest.” “That reminds me master” further queered the Kandyman “I understand why you asked about enemies but why allies, especially if all that lives is your enemy?”

“The multivers a vast stretch of infinity that extends way beyond a mere universe, I cannot be everywhere within it at once and, as with Owlzarus, there may be threats even I cannot best alone. As nauseating as it will be, all military leaders know the value of alliances. At least until my goal is achieved. Then I shall wipe them all away and my hegemony will be secured for all eternity” explained the Osiran “It shall be here in this reality that our search shall begin.” The Kandyman did not like this prospect much, if what his master said was true then searching the multiversity world by world was going to be a very thankless task. “That could take us a very long time.”

“You misunderstand” said Sutekh, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. “The muliverse is a vast ocean, we shall need to cast a wide net in order to have any worthwhile success in our task.” As soon as he’d finished the Destroyer’s eyes once again glowed with terrible green light. In an instant the entire population of the world died as one. All across the vibrant planet every creature’s vital process stopped simultaneously at Sutekh’s command. None screamed, none reacted, in the span of a heartbeat life had simple vanished completely and utterly.

“Using just the most advanced lifeform of this world, that grants me roughly 7 billion realties I could search at once.”
Last edited by Monster X on Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:21 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

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"Lord Persephone! Lord Persephone!"

Persephone's eyes cracked open once more. The bodies of the traitorous Gyu-Oni were still being removed from her throne room by those who had remained loyal to her. Any loyalty they had to their own kin was second to their complete obedience to her, and they gleefully dragged the corpses away to devour. It would have been a waste to do anything else with them. Her eyes drifted to the entrance of the throne room, where a new figure ran through. It was a woman around her height, with lighter skin and short grey hair that only reached to the top of her neck. Her simple blue dress fluttered as she stopped before the throne and knelled.

"I apologize for intruding without permission, and I know you are curious as to why I am here and it's a lot of reasons that have happened suddenly within the past few minutes!" The girl explained. She looked up at the Queen, and all three of her mahogany eyes were upon her ruler.

"You never come screaming for my attention, Lilith. It really must be desperate." Persephone said. "So, what has happened? More revolts? A virus in your latest machine?"

"No, none of that, and it's also not Laeptus getting into an argument with me of bioweapons over machinery before you say it. It's a massive power surge. My instruments have detected a surge of energy unlike anything they've detected before, and more strangely, it's not from any of the known realms, but from beyond them."

This made Persephone's right eyebrow raise up. It was common knowledge that there were two primary realms of existence: Hudai, of which Sheol was a key component of, and the Mortal Realm beyond that. Alongside those were several smaller realms, realms inaccessible to most life such as the divine realm Nefel. For there to be a power surge from beyond even there... then this plane of existence, this universe... there had to be more than just this universe at work. Other life not formed by the masters of Aether and Nether... A thin smile began to form across the corners of Persephone's face. Other worlds out there, meant untapped resources for her empire, unsuspecting powers she could either sway to her side or absorb into her forces. This was a gamechanger, a way to finally break the stalemate of power she had found herself trapped within...

"Lord Persephone, before you get too into your thoughts of multiversal conquest, you need to hear the rest of what I have to say."

"Very well." Persephone forced her thoughts back to the immediate matters at hand. "What else is there?"

"At the same time, I picked up an antiquated life force, not too far from the energy spike, but one that is distinctively ours. Are you familiar with BF-13?"

Persephone stood straight up, which shocked Lilith. The Queen stepped forward once and glared down at Lilith, before she stood up to eye level with her. "Naturally. It was the clone I commanded you to make, and you lost it."

"I did not lo-" Lilith began to stammer, before Persephone's glare made her back down. "A-anyways, that's the signal. I re-found the clone."

Persephone's glare lessened, and she brought a hand up to her chin. " How fortunate. This day's surprises just never end. Lilith, send your probes out to investigate this energy spike and the cause of it. If we cannot make it my pawn, it will be my footstool into becoming the one and only power in existence. Have them exercise caution until we know exactly what we are doing. And tell Mara she's heading out to retrieve your lost property. Minos is still recovering from our fight with Malcania, and Karzahni cannot be trusted to carry an egg two meters without breaking it."

Lilith bowed. "Yes, my lord! And I assure you, I will not fail you."

"Now now, this is where the fun begins." Persephone mused . She rubbed Lilith's forehead, which made the girl squirm beneath her hand. "All of these gods, all of these higher powers, they're so antiquated and unreliable. They demand total trust and faith in them, but are just as fallible as anyone else. No longer will there be a need for any authority aside from me. Not my mother, not the gods, not even the Creators. I will be eternal, everlasting, ever perfect and flawless. Never again will anyone suffer, not under my faithful eye, so long as they are loyal to me and only me., Now go, and be an extension of my will, for I AM."
Come read my latest Fanfiction: Daily Life at the Cheshire Cafe

GotengoXGodzilla wrote: It could be said that kaiju regeneration is like human dodging, basically.
GotengoXGodzilla wrote:That's not Mothra, that's an ugly goddamn demon!

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Xilien Halfling
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Godzilla165 »

Quadrant 9... A place Dante absolutely hated going to deep down, for reasons mainly due to two particular beings: Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. They were essentially these short, stubby farm trolls that took up refuge on an asteroid and made their living by mining for rare materials found within the bedrock of the asteroid. In fact, the entire area was a little community of space trolls that had somehow managed to chain their asteroid homes together using an impossibly strong type of steel. The quadrant itself wasn't bad, and Dante would have honestly enjoyed visiting the place occasionally if he, nor his siblings didn't have to deal with the Robinsons. Somehow though, Dante always found himself being the one to have to go see what the fuss between them was all about every month or so. How or why they were still together, he'd never know.

In any case, after Dante exited from his portal, he soon laid eyes on the Robinsons' little white farm house a few clicks away, and he could already tell that something wasn't right. The energy he sensed was immense and familiar, and from what Dante could see of the home, something nasty had already gone down. Picking up his pace, Dante was soon right above the little house and descended down to investigate. He landed in what was supposed to be the backyard and quietly uttered, "damn", to himself as he studied the sight before him. The entire back end on the building was completely missing. Not destroyed... Missing. Dante slowly started towards the inside of the home, keeping his ears and eyes completely open.

"Hello... Is anyone home?" Dante called out. "Norman? Wanda? You there?"

Sure enough, he heard a high pitched squeal answer his call and saw the bumbling, purple, potbellied form of Mr. Robinson almost sprinting out from deep within the home. "She's tryin't to kill me! That crazy bitch is tryin't to kill me!" Norman screamed. Norman Robinson was an aging space troll that has lived in quadrant 9 for 200.5 years as of last Tuesday. He and his wife, Wanda, moved here in search of the good life and found it too, according to them. There was just one small problem: Norman couldn't keep his trousers up for other women in the area, and Wanda catches him every single time, and proceeds to try and kill him for it in various ways. This time was... Dante didn't exactly know yet.

"Lord Dante, ya gotta help me, the wife's gon' crazy again! She's tryin't to send me away to that terrible place! Turn me inta nothin's but cosmic dust!" Norman exclaimed hysterically, grabbing on to Dante's arm for dear life.

"Alright, alright, look, just calm down and stay out here, I'll go in and... See what's... Going... On." Dante said as he worked to get his hand free of the steel traps Norman had for hands. He then took one step towards the house before he was greeted face to face with Mrs. Robinson. Wanda's skin was blue and scaly in some places, while bumpy in others. She had four yellow fangs jutting from the sides of her upper mouth, yellow eyes to match, and red wiry hair that jutted out like she'd been electrocuted.

She narrowed her slitted eyes in anger and disgust towards Norman, "Stand back, Lord Dante, this is between me and my no good cheatin' corg-in-the-grass husband! I'm gon' kill him for what he did this time!"

Norman squeaked and quickly hid behind Dante while the latter held his hands up, trying to calm the woman down. "Now Wanda, come on, I know that Norman is a no good, unfaithful scumbag," Dante glanced down at Norman, "No offense, Norm."

"Oh, none taken, it's my best quality."

"But, killing him won't do you any favors, will it? I mean, you wouldn't want to have to toll this hard rock all by yourself, would you? Especially now that you're getting a little older?" Dante gently inquired.

Wanda sneered, "Ya don' get it, You ninja majesty, I caught that sumbitch with an inter-dimensional hussie having slag nov in our bed last night, and I've had it!" She shouted and pulled a strange looking, silver and black handgun from her torn pants pocket. "He gon' pay with his life for what he's put me through!"

Norman screamed and covered as much of his body as he could, but in the blink of an eye, Dante was now behind Mrs. Robinson and had relieved her of her weapon. It took a minute for her to process what had just happened, and once she did, Wanda spun around and stared at the ninja Prime in shock. "Wha-How did... My gun!" She sputtered.

Dante looked over the gun closely, noticing the serial number on the bottom of the notably thick barrel. Raising an eyebrow, he turned to Wanda, "Where exactly did you get this?" He asked.

Wanda folded her arms, "Hmph, what's it to ya?" She defiantly remarked.

"Because, if this is what I think it is, I'm taking you to the nearest prison I can find, because you shouldn't have this." Dante calmly threw back.

Norman's eyes widened at his last statement and stumbled inside the trashed living room. "P-Pleease don' take her ta jail, Lord Dante! She didn' know what she was doin'! Besides, who would I have to help me toll the bedrock?!" Wanda clobbered him over the head with her fist for that.

Dante was screaming internally, but on the outside he just sighed heavily. "Listen, I know you two have been together for a long time and-"

"Yep! We've been together for 1500 years, me an this one here!" Norman proudly stated as he wrapped a loving arm around Wanda, only for her to try to bite it off.

"...Right, well, what I don't understand is how you're still together when you're always fighting, and Norman, you're always cheating with someone else!"

"I don' know neither." Wanda grumbled and snapped at Norman again for another failed attempt from him trying to make up.

"We make it work, you ain't gotta worry bout us, Lord Dante! We ain't leavin' each other no time soon!" Norman confidently said with a dumb, goofy grin.

Dante massaged the armored ridge of his nose with his free hand; he was starting to feel a headache coming on. "Look, all I know is that the two of you need counseling from somebody alright, because if I have to come back here again, I-" Dante trailed off as his attention was suddenly diverted left. The trolls followed his gaze to see what exactly he was looking at, but nothing was there. At least, they themselves couldn't see anything, and neither could Dante... But he sure as hell felt it. Yes, somewhere just now, or whenever it happened... An entire world's population was wiped out in an instant. The Heart of the Multiverse felt it, and in turn, so did its carrier.

"Uhh, Lord Dante... What're you starin' all space eyed at?" Norman asked.

Dante was shaken from his trance and gazed at the two now visibly confused trolls in front of him. "Nothing, it's... It's nothing. Listen, I care about the both you a lot, and I wouldn't want to see either of you get hurt. But please, for the love of Yakuza, stop the fighting so I don't have to come back here... Can you do that... For me?" He cheekily requested.

Norman once again wrapped his arm around Wanda and smiled, "We'll do our best, sir!"

Dante smiled and nodded before turning to Wanda, "How about it, Wanda?"

The clearly still angry woman scrunched up her face and snorted, but with a guttural snarl she relented and simply stated, "Fine".

The ninja Prime, satisfied enough with the outcome, made his way out of the house from the giant hole and erupted into the starry sky at true light speed, soon disappearing into nothing more than a glint of green light. His priorities instantly shifted from that mess, to whatever he had just felt a minute ago.

Wanda turned to Norman and growled to him, "I'm gon' have you for supper now that he's gon'"

Shooting through space, Dante decided to call Evron and let him and the others know what was going on. "Hey, Evron you there?" He said psychically.

Back in the Ninja Realm...

Evron, Ubel, and Daeva had all been busy training that afternoon and helping to pick up any slack that they could in the kingdom, when the former got Dante's call.

"Yo, Dante what's up, did you get done with the Robinsons? What was it this time, did Norman forget to let the seat down and Wanda tried to cut his head off or something?" Evron snorted as he was busy tinkering with a piece of tech in his room.

"I just left, I'll tell you about that later, but listen: Something happened while I was at their house, I don't know where it came from, but I for sure felt it. The Heart lit up like a neutron star." Dante stated.

Evron's face turned from playful to serious and he stood from his desk. "Well, what the hell was it, exactly?"

Dante's eyes darkened, "I felt the entire population of some random world get snuffed out in like, a fraction of a second. Just, not even a blink and every living thing was gone like that... I've never felt anything like it, Evron."

"...Shit, Em." Evron sweared in disbelief and plopped down on his bed, "If what you just said actually happened, then whoever or whatever did that could put us into some deep shit. Something like that hasn't happened in... Forever now essentially, right?"

"Yeah, I don't know man, this needs looking into ASAP."

"Definitely, where are you, by the way?" Evron asked.

"On my way home now, I'll see you all in a bit." Dante replied before cutting the psychic link, and reached out with one hand to open a portal, and zipped through.

Evron rose from his bed and quickly headed out of his room. "Hey, Ubel, Daeva, meet me down in the main library would ya?" He stated psychically before teleporting there himself.

When he got there, he only had to wait maybe a minute before Ubel and Daeva both appeared in front of him. "This better be good, Evron, I was in the middle of writing my first song, and you killed my flow." Ubel remarked.

"And while Ubie was busy slacking off," Daeva snarked, getting a dirty look from the former, "I was busy helping Manny sign the mountain of papers in Dante's office."

Evron harshly drew a finger to his lips, "SSHHH SSHHHH... First of all, keep your damn voices down, this is a library!" He scolded with a whisper, "Secondly, the reason why I got us down here is because Dante's on his way back with some information, and it sounds pretty serious."

Daeva furrowed her brow, "Well, what is it?"

Evron shook his head, "Apparently, when Em was visiting with the Robinsons, he felt something. A complete mass extinction happened somewhere on some world, and the Heart went crazy. It all happened in like, less than a second."

Both Ubel and Daeva looked on in shock. "What?! No, no that can't be right, can it? Stuff like that doesn't just happen, even in the multiverse." Ubel stated.

Evron stuffed his hands in his pockets and shrugged, "We'll know as soon as Dante gets here, but if it's true then..."

"We've got a lot of work to do." Daeva finished.
Last edited by Godzilla165 on Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:47 pm, edited 6 times in total.


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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Corzak The Mighty »

As Sutekh and the Kandyman left, Owlzarus could not help but feel relieved. Though he knew Sutekh would be unable to harm directly within his realm thanks to his own control over time here, he feared that The destroyer would do something even more unthinkable: attempt to vandalize this sacred place. And now, with the vision the Osiran offered to him, he knew that his deepest fears were to occur should Sutekh's plans be set in motion. Though The Destroyer claimed he would be unaccosted should he continue remaining neutral, he knew the truth of the King of the Red Desert. The fear of those interfering with his hegemony outweighed the value Sutekh had for this place - even with the seeming infinite knowledge he provided. He would sooner have Owlzarus' library destroyed than to allow such a vast pool of wisdom be used against him.

The thought of such a sacrilegious act horrified The Caretaker to the core of his very being. He could not let the knowledge of things both past and present fade into nothing because of one entity's fear of it being utilized to bring his downfall. He had to act... but how?
MDK wrote:I wish my movies about dinosaurs brought back to life with mosquitos in amber for a theme park were realistic.
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Monster X »

Across 7 billion worlds, rifts in reality opened.

All who stepped through them were of the same race, a race who's name their new master had never even bothered to learn. They looked almost identical to humans, though their skin had been a shinny, shades blue in colour. But now their flesh was pale and sickly looking. Their eyes were sunken, their faces a grim mask of focused intensity. With every step steam rouse from their feet, as the dark power that animated them scorched and sterilized the ground. They from every class and stage of life. The rich, the poor, the young, the old, the virtues, the guilty. All were united by the will of Sutekh. These were the favoured servants of the Destroyer. Lifeless puppets loyal only to he.

“Go! Find Dante! Find the Heart! Find my enemies and destroy them! Find fools to serve me and guide them to Red Desert!”
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by EdGojira »

"Hell's fire, now cut me some slack.
Is that all you've got? 'Cause I'm back."

Jake's radio reverberated through the small cockpit of his spacecraft. Jake's head bobbed to the music. Jake mused to himself that before it all happened, he was always so busy. Music had never been a core part of himself.

Listening to it, however, was the better option. It was either that or sit in dead silence as his vehicle glided through empty space, no passengers to carry a conversation with. Just nothing. Jake checked the fuel gauge. It had lasted a remarkably long time, like that purple troll whom Jake had an eating contest with. Jake was pretty sure he was still married to that planet's princess.

The fuel was almost out so Jake needed to find a place quickly. Scanning his memory banks, he found one. He disliked how much concentration it took, but he accounted it to this being an ignored part of space. He had to reroute from his planned destination, but didn't mind too much.

The long road is the best one. He tuned the music up.

"A sorry sack of bones.
A sorry sack of bones."

He landed on a small white moon and pulled the handle of his door. The door hissed open. Jake stepped out. Across from his vehicle was a large dome featuring exotic plant life within. A maze of interconnected bubble-like structures spanned through and out of it. Jake wasn't certain why he hadn't protected this place before; it definitely had intelligent life.

Jake nonchalantly plugged his vehicle in and wandered over to the station. There were racks of drinks and food. Thankfully, he knew this colony to be generous with its resources. That meant he didn't need to pay. He peered curiously at the long dark hallway connecting the station to other buildings. He ducked his head inside but opted to maintain the civilization's privacy and return to his vehicle.

And just like that, in near record time, someone had managed to paint graffiti all over it. It didn't take full knowledge of the people to know it was something vulgar. He wondered, was this tradition for older or younger people? Never the matter. He cursed.
Trillions of miles away, the same song was playing but Dana was missing the music. She hoisted the box up onto the top shelf.

"Thank you, Dana," said the shop owner. The shop owner's arms quivered with age, her purple hue having darkened with time. "I'm not as up to it as I used to be."

Dana bowed, "That is no problem, the Triangular." She grabbed another box and cut through the tape with the claw on her index finger. Jackie Chan flinched at that moment he so happened to look in.

Dana stocked the shelf with the yellow drinks and boxes. "What's been up, the Triangular?"

"The Triangular" was the old woman's title, something assigned around birth or coming of age that served as a formal way to address the other. Dana had one horn, thus she was the Singular. Jackie found it odd how people could consider being addressed by shapes and colors polite. That was none of his business, however.

The Triangular said, "Not much of anything. Me and the others went fruit catching yesterday. We have a game of kick-around tonight."

"Oh, sounds fun."

"Do you still play that?"

Dana nodded, "After all, it still has tournaments..." She leaned down to check the refrigerator unit. It was a good thing she did, because it was about to catch on fire. Not that her civilization couldn't handle it, but they were so anal about the trees being burnt. They grow back, geez.

She went outside. The air was warm and humid. Around her were trees dozens of stories high with bulging trunks and wide, rounded leaves accompanied by equally colossal plants of thinner and prickly sorts. Lines of green crawled up the fat trunks as the dew from the low hanging clouds dripped lazily from the straw-like rooftops and wide plank bridges webbing the civilization together. Jackie Chan was lazily holding a cup a few inches outward.

Dana paid him no mind as she sorted through the outdoor toolbox. She chose the right tool, pointed it through the window and the problem was fixed. The Triangular thanked her through the window and Dana entered to complete her business.

"Certainly, there must be something that entertains you more than what is geezers do?"

Dana plucked a flower out of a basket. "Do you mind if I eat this?"

"You can go ahead."

Dana placed the stem into her mouth and loaded candy bars into cubby holes within the counter. "Don't call yourself a geezer, the Triangle. I'm sure you have another sixty years in you."

"You're too kind," the older woman said.

"Looks like I'm done here," Dana said. "See you later." On her way out, she pressed a button and a sign signifying the store's opening came to life.

"Have fun with whatever you do," the Triangle said while making a gesture of farewell.

Dana returned the gesture. "I will."

Jackie Chan sipped from the cup and frowned, "Why the fuck does it always taste like–"

Dana gripped him by the shoulders. "C'mon Jackie, let's go." It wasn't like he had a choice as she forced him across the plank bridge.

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Godzilla165 »

The library suddenly filled with blindingly green light as a swirling portal materialized into existence. Evron, Ubel, and Daeva took a few steps back and waited for their brother to step through. And sure enough, after a few seconds, Dante did just that. Once he was on the other side, the portal slowly faded away.

“Dante!” Daeva happily exclaimed and rushed to give him a big hug. “We didn’t expect to see you until later tonight!”

Dante embraced her tightly. “Yeah well, looks like I got off early today, sis. You okay?” He responded. Daeva nodded and reached to pinch his cheek. Dante smiled down at her before moving over to Ubel and Evron, giving firm hugs to them both. “How are things?” Dante asked.

“Good so far, nothing new really.” Evron said.

Ubel picked himself up onto a nearby table and started playing catch with a little rubber ball beside him. “Everything’s been pretty chill today, nothing’s blown up or fallen apart at least.”

Daeva smirked, “Hmph, how would you know, Lavender Breeze? You’ve been cooped up in your room all day writing that song.”

Dante raised a curious eyebrow, “A song, huh? Is it any good?”

Ubel shrugged as his cheeks turned red with a little embarrassment, “It’s uh, it’s not finished yet, but I’m making progress!” He remarked before shooting Daeva an annoyed look. “I’m gonna get you for snitching later, jerk.” Ubel psychically threatened and threw his rubber ball at her, to which Daeva casually dodged and stuck her tongue out at him.

Dante suddenly felt a hard slap on his back and turned to find Evron staring at him with anticipation in his eyes. “Alright, Em, let’s not beat around the bush too much longer.” He remarked whilst crossing his arms, “What exactly did you mean when you said you felt an entire world get wiped out?”

The room grew silent as all of his sibling’s eyes focused intently on him. Dante sighed gently, but before he told them, he first cast his armor away in a streak of golden light and got into something more comfortable, namely a yellow V-neck and some blue jeans. He shoved his hands into his pockets and leaned against a table.

“So after I disarmed the crazy situation at the Robinsons’ house, I suddenly felt this almost hard “kick” in my stomach. The Heart was trying to tell me something, and sure enough, before I knew it, I could just feel and sense millions of lives end in like, a fraction of a second.” Dante stated solemnly. “I honestly have no idea where it could’ve happened at, but I know for sure what I felt was real; the Heart is never wrong about the things it shows me.”

The ninjas looked at one another with worried faces. “Did it give you any other clues to go on, by any chance?” Ubel asked.

Dante shook his head and massaged a crook in his neck, “Nothing else aside from that initial sensation I had, no.”

“This is bad,” Evron muttered, “Spacial anomalies like that don’t just happen every other Tuesday, so whatever caused it is gonna put the entire multiverse in danger if we don’t find out what the hell it is, and stop it.”

Dante straightened himself up, “Agreed, we need to find out what caused this event and put a stop to it yesterday. We won’t rest until we do, alright?”

The others nodded firmly. “I’ll go start scouting a few quadrants and realms.” Daeva said.

“Okay, Ubel, you go with her and cover as much ground as you guys can. But, be careful and get back home safe.” Dante responded.

Ubel and Daeva nodded once more and headed out of the library, leaving Dante and Evron behind. “What do you think it is that caused this, Em?” Evron inquired as he stared after them.

“I don’t know... But I’ve got a bad feeling about it.”

“Yeah, you and me both.” Evron murmured and started off himself.

“Oh, Evron wait, I almost forgot to show you this.” Dante said. He reached into his pants pocket, pulled out the gun he took from Mrs. Robinson, and held it out for Evron to see.

Evron’s eyes widened and glowed bright in shock. Taking the gun in his hands, he began studying it over while picking his jaw off the floor. “A void gun?! Where in the hell did you get this?!”

“I stopped Mrs. R from reducing Norman into molecules with it. You should’ve seen what it did to the back of their house.” Dante replied.

Evron kept looking the weapon over and came across the serial number. Now, he was really surprised. “Dante, do you have any idea what this is?!” He demanded.

Dante furrowed his brow, “Yeaaah... It’s a handheld void gun, I know what they are, Evron.”

“This isn’t just any void gun, bro, this is a Mark 6 version 8 void pistol. These things are so brand new that you can’t even buy them from weapons dealers yet!” Evron said as he continued ogling the gun.

“Sooo what are you saying, that a little old lady like Mrs. Robinson, who is an asteroid farmer, somehow managed to illegally get her hands on a brand new weapon?” Dante asked with just a teeny drop of skepticism.

“I mean, I wouldn’t rule out the possibility, how else would she have had it? I know of at least one black market in the area near the Rs. She could’ve gotten this from there.”

Dante shrugged, “Fair point, I guess I’ll have to go pay them a visit again tomorrow.”

“Let me,” Evron said, “I’ll actually know how to make them talk.”

“What, and I don’t?”

“Uh, no, you’re too damn nice, bro. Trust me, it’s better if I do this instead. The Robinsons will be shitting themselves after I’m through with them.”

Dante crosses his arms, “Evron, I really don’t think tha-”

“Don’t you have a day off tomorrow?” Evron asked.

“Well... Yeah, but-”

“Well then shut the hell up and let me take care of this!” He spat.

Dante held his hands up in defeat, “Okay, okay, fine, you do it. Just don’t give the Robinsons heart attacks, yeah?”

Evron snorted, “I’ll try and keep that in mind,” He turned his attention back on the gun, “Ooooh, I can’t wait to crack this baby open. Imagine the amount of tech inside this thing!”

Dante rolled his eyes and headed towards the exit, “Just... Be careful with that thing, I like our home being where it is.” He said and walked out.

“Whatever you say, woman hair!”

“You know I hate when you call me that!” Dante called out from the hallway.

“That’s why I do iiit!” Evron shot back before stuffing the void gun in his jacket pocket and exiting the library himself.
Last edited by Godzilla165 on Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Demon Lord Gira »

The screams that echoed through the sky were what alerted Nichelle to the arrival of even worse events. She could see the rifts opening where the hole in the ground was, and strange inhuman beings emerging from within. Cars crashed and people fled as the abominations moved forward, as if searching for something, with no care or regard for whatever lay in their path.

Nichelle turned her gaze back to Doris. Perhaps she could take her and run, run as far from this place as possible, to a safer area while she came up with a plan, a way to find and reunite with the cafe workers. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to consider the notion for more than a moment. That wasn't what Doris would want, nor Molly, especially Molly. She knew the owner of the Cheshire Cafe would have been upset if she had left innocent lives to die. The people of this city enjoyed the cafe, the food that the waitresses offered, the atmosphere of the cafe itself, and they had been nothing but kind and supportive to the young girl who ran the business and those who worked under her. And that kindness was to be repaid.

That was the motto of the Cheshire Cafe: "All dues are to be repaid in kind."

"Those are my orders, and my orders I will follow." Nichelle said, more to herself than anyone else as she tucked Doris back into her bed, and locked the door to her room, and then the house itself as she left. There was no need for her to know, not yet. Once she was finished with this command...

She readied herself as a racer would at the starting line. She bolted forward, at speeds faster than any human could, toward the nearest of the inhuman abominations. From her right hand extended out a three foot blade covered in reinforced steel and crackling with electricity, which she swung at the invader...
Come read my latest Fanfiction: Daily Life at the Cheshire Cafe

GotengoXGodzilla wrote: It could be said that kaiju regeneration is like human dodging, basically.
GotengoXGodzilla wrote:That's not Mothra, that's an ugly goddamn demon!

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