Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

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Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

Author's note: Just a revision of the 1992 Godzilla vs. Mothra/Godzilla and Mothra: Battle for the Earth tale, trying to correct some of the flaws that people tend to harp on.

Chapter 1

Masako sat quietly at the long, rectangular table that was the centerpiece of the Environmental Planning Board (or EPB for short) conference room 3. The room, located in one of the sub-levels of the EPB headquarters—was bereft of decorations, save the official papers that sat on the table in front of Masako. She had already read the briefing of what the meeting was to be about—something about the discovery of a new island within Japanese territory and the desire for the almighty Maritomo Company to exploit it. How they got wind of this news so fast was beyond her—unless they had someone on the inside, or if one of the senior members of the EPB was handing them information under the table while courting a position there after his retirement. But dealing with that sort of thing was beyond the scope of her job—at least officially. But she knew it had everything to do with her own work and resented that particular reality.

She was currently working as an Ecology analyst for the EPB, and her current task was working in tandem with the Maritomo Company on a housing development project along one of the slopes of Mount Fuji. She wasn’t particularly pleased with the progress of this job, especially since nearly every recommendation she made was shot down by some senior analyst or manager, usually because the Maritomo company complained that any effort that Masako suggested to keep the housing in harmony with the surrounding environment was too expensive. And it was those senior analysts and managers—not necessarily her boss, a certain geologist named Professor Fukazawa—who were coveting positions at Maritomo in their future.

Sighing aloud, Masako slid a small mirror between the pages of the report, lifting them ever so slightly, and getting a look at herself. Her lipstick—a sheer sandy red—was fine and her make-up was unobtrusive, just the way she liked it. Her short hair was brushed and in order. She straightened her lapels and waited patiently for the others to arrive.

It didn’t take 30 seconds for the door to open, followed by the entrance of five people: four men and one woman. The latter was Miki Saegusa, a clairvoyant and specialist in ESP studies who became famous in three years prior when she successfully predicted the escape of Godzilla from his volcanic prison inside Mount Mihara. When the Environmental Planning Board was annexed by the National Space Development Agency (NASDA) back in 1991 and given the secondary function of keeping tabs on Godzilla, Miki joined the club, so to speak. The mousy 21-year-old bowed respectfully to Masako and took a seat next to her, placing a small black briefcase on the table.

Her boss, Professor Fukazawa, had also been invited. The middle-aged—one could easily see the gray hairs taking precedence among the thick black hair that adorned his head—geologist smiled quietly to Masako and sat to her left. Despite his kind demeanor, a few furrows in his brow revealed the worry he felt in virtue of his current studies on the movement of the Philippine Island plate, which is where Mount Fuji is located on—well, a junction of that with two other plates. Masako imagined he was not happy to be called into a meeting at such an important moment, but Fukazawa was ever the professional and hid his emotions ably.

The next man was the current director of the EPB, Joji Minamino. The 59-year-old man, dressed in the nicest of suits—with a 500-dollar silk tie to match—took a seat on the other side of the table, so that he was directly facing Masako. Despite the external pomp, Minamino greeted Masako warmly, as though they two occupied the same level on the EPB hierarchy.

An older man, whose whitening hair was slicked back and whose dark skin had grown leathery with age, followed and sat next to Minamino. It was Security Officer Tomashi, one of the mediators between the Japanese SDF and the Prime Minister, who found himself in a position as a government-sponsored monster hunter after the monster’s devastating appearance in Tokyo nearly a decade earlier. If Miki Saegusa had been invited to this meeting, than Masako shouldn’t be surprised that Tomashi was there as well.

Finally a younger man, in his mid-thirties, stepped and sat a few chairs down from Minamino. He was tall and strong looking, with thick black eyebrows and particularly narrow eyes. Unlike the other men, he dispensed with the suit and wore simply a simple (but still expensive polo shirt) and some beige slacks. He made himself comfortable—perhaps too comfortable—in his seat and waited for Minamino to introduce him.

After a few moments, Minamino stood. “I wish to thank you all for coming to this meeting today.” He glanced at Fukazawa. “I know some of you are involved in important projects and have your own deadlines—“ he looked Masako directly in the eye. “—But the things we have to talk about today may surpass those in importance, at least for the time being.”

The younger man cleared his throat.

Minamino smiled. “Yes, how silly of me. Masako, this is Kenji Andoh, an engineer for the Maritomo Company. The President of Maritomo asked that he specifically be allowed to attend this meeting.”

Masako bowed her head to acknowledge his presence, but said nothing. Seeing that, Andoh inclined his head for a moment, and then grinned like a child.

“As you all will have read in the briefing,” continued MInamino, “a new island has been discovered, about a hundred miles south of Okinotorishima in the Philippine Sea. It’s located with within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Okinotori Islands, so Japan can claim it.”
Masako interjected. “How did nobody know about the island before?”

“Easy,” said Fukazawa. “Well, sort of. You see, for reasons we haven’t discovered, but hope to soon, there was literally a perpetual storm raging around the island. I’ve already assigned some of our analysts to find any historical documents that can confirm that. Because of this storm, no ship ever reached the island, nor was able to see it.”

“Not even our satellites were able to detect it.” Minamino continued the professor’s explanation. “And then, just three days ago, the storm stopped. Nothing in our weather satellites have afforded us a reason to that. It just stopped. When the storm dissipated, the island appeared in the satellite images.”

Masako nodded in awe of such a strange occurrence. “Has anyone been to the island yet?”

Fukazawa nodded and grunted.

“Yes,” said Andoh, finally sitting up in his chair like a professional businessman. “One of Maritomo’s ships was in the area when the storm ended. The sailors noted the new island and a helicopter was sent to do some basic reconnaissance.”


“It doesn’t seem to be inhabited. But the company is now interested in exploiting whatever resources it might have.”

Masako fought to role her eyes at that last comment. She looked askance at Minamino.

He knew what she was thinking. “Before anything is done there, we need a full report at what is on the island: vegetation, fauna, signs of previous human habitation, the works. Said report will be presented to the Prime Minister and, if need be, to the UN. Then the politicians and the businessmen will be let loose on it—but all that will depend on your findings.”

Masako coughed aloud. “My findings, director?” She turned to look at her boss, who returned the glance impassively. “What about Mount Fuji?” Admittedly, Masako was more worried if this change of scenery was more related to her performance on the Fuji development project than the mere idea of leaving that behind to explore an island.

Fukazawa was matter of fact. “It will have to wait. We need you on—“

“—Infant Island,” said Miki, completing his sentence.

“Infant Island?” repeated Masako, surprised. They’ve already come up with a name for this place?

Miki smiled and nodded.

Not taking her eyes from the young woman beside her, Masako went on with her questions. “Is Godzilla on this island?”

Tomashi shook his head. “While the satellite’s infrared sensors have shown slight traces of electromagnetic radiation, nothing suggests that Godzilla lives on the island.”

“To be perfectly honest,” Miki complimented, “Godzilla was last seen near the Mariana Trench. But he’s been off our radars since then.” She paused and took a deep breath. “And I haven’t felt his presence since Mecha King Ghidorah, for that matter.”

“Could this radiation reading attract him?” Andoh said, rather worried. After all, he feared the prospect of telling his boss that his plans for Infant Island would be deemed infeasible due to the possibility that Godzilla would be around to interfere.

Miki shrugged. “While radiation in a general sense is consumed by the creature, only certain wavelengths—those of x-rays and gamma rays, to be exact—have been proven to be convertible to mechanical energy for him. Besides, we don’t even know what the source of those readings actually is.”

“Which brings us to the reason we’re asking you to join the first official expedition to Infant Island,” said Minamino, gesturing toward Miki.

Miki nodded slightly and opened the briefcase. Without making a sound, she produced a small stack of papers and handed them to Masako. The latter’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head as she glanced at them. Miki then said, “We may say that the storm was a physical barrier to Infant Island, but evidently it was a psychic barrier as well” By this time, Miki had proven herself enough that she could throw around words like “psychic” and “telepathic” at official meetings without eliciting guffaws from those present. “I started dreaming about this place the same night that the island was discovered. More specifically, I dreamed the symbols you see before you. I drew them as soon as I woke up, something of a talent I’ve developed over the years. In any case, it was in the same dreams that I learned the name of the place.”

Masako’s eyes were so fixed on the strange symbols Miki had drawn that she didn’t even bat an eye when Ms. Saegusa spoke of dreams telling her the name of the island. She recognized the symbols, something she had seen several years before.

“Masako?” asked Fukazawa, breaking Masako from her trance.

“Huh? Wha-?” she said, making a concentrated effort to tear her eyes from the symbols before her.

“I take it you’ve seen those before.”

“So you don’t need ‘me’ for the mission, you need ‘him’,” she observed, her eyes wandering back to the symbols.

Fukazawa and Minamino exchanged glances, the latter giving the former a slight nod.

“It’s true,” said Fukazawa. “The message that Miki saw, and any other that may be found on the island, is written in a language that only Takuya can translate. And you’re the only person who knows where he is.”

Chapter 2

The trip to Thailand had been uneventful for both Masako and Mr. Tomashi, at least on the outside. As soon as the meeting had ended, Masako had rushed home to pack her bags for an extended trip—from Bangkok they would take a plane to Manila—where they’d meet up with Andoh and Miki--and then a ship to Infant Island. She also had to move Heaven and Earth to get someone to take care of her five-year-old daughter, Midori, while she was gone. Her sister Tomoko was away on business in Yamamoto, and her mother was off visiting family in Beppu, so she was intially at a loss as to who she could call. But then she remembered that Takuya’s older sister, Satomi, was a far more trustworthy person than that lout of an ex-husband was. After debating the matter inside her head for a few moments, she called Satomi, who was thankfully more than happy to see her niece, whom she rarely ever saw since. In 30 minutes, Satomi was at the house to pick up Midori. As soon as Masako slid the door shut, she dropped to her knees and breathed a sigh of relief. She finished packing her things and took a cab to the airport, where she met with Mr. Tomashi.

Having spent so much time and energy getting ready for the trip, Masako had barely time to register the fact that she was about to meet up with her ex-husband for the first time in nearly five years. The two hadn’t seen one another since a few months after their marriage, when Masako announced that she was pregnant. He had run out on her, afraid of the prospect of fatherhood—as an archaeologist, it was one thing to jet-set across Asia on business, always looking for creative ways to support oneself as one looked for relics and artifacts in the God-forsaken corners or Southeast Asia and the Himalayas. That sense of adventure had brought Takuya and Masako together, while he was running around the countryside of Laos while Masako was doing field work there. She had stayed there for a better part of a year, which had given Takuya something to look forward to whenever he returned from whatever nook and cranny he was digging up. But once she had gotten pregnant, the mere idea of him having to find some good, solid and respectable work scared him to no end. He left Japan, telling Masako that he was going on a final visit to Thailand, which if it worked out, they’d have more than enough to live on while he finished whatever studies were necessary for him to get more stable work at a university.

He never came back.

Up until Midori was born, Masako wrote Takuya weekly, getting responses only once in a while. Takuya never asked about the baby—instead he just wrote that he was okay and on the verge of a breakthrough that would bring them all the wealth they needed. Masako once received a phone call from Takuya during the eighth month of her pregnancy; she begged him to leave it all behind and just come back to Japan to stay with her and the baby. It didn’t happen. A few months after Midori was born, Takuya showed up unannounced. By then, Masako had simply given up on her sham marriage—in part assisted by the barrage of negative comments from Tomoko and her mother—and was waiting for Takuya with divorce papers. He asked her to wait just a few more months, but she was adamant. So without further ado, Takuya signed the papers, gave the then-sleeping Midori a kiss on the forehead, and walked out the door, heading back to the darkest reaches of Thailand.

Now it was time for her to meet him once more. Mr. Tomashi hadn’t said much on the flight to Bangkok, leaving her to play out a thousand different scenarios in her brain as to what she’d say to him. Perhaps a lash of the tongue, or even a slap, had been considered. But she always reminded herself that Mr. Tomashi would be with her, and that she’d have to conduct herself in the most professional way possible. In fact, professionalism was the only reason she accepted the task in the first place. She couldn’t possibly tell her superiors that they could all go to hell, because the only thing that would go there would be her career and ability to provide for Midori. She ultimately decided to cross that bridge when she got there, and focused her thoughts—a good ninety-eight percent of them, at least—on the task at hand.

Time was of the essence. The plane landed in Bangkok near midnight. Without leaving the airport, Masako and Tomashi chartered a small airplane to take them north. Their destination was a small airfield near the city of Phayao, located in the highlands near the Laotian border. The trip would take another two hours, and Masako kept herself busy talking to the pilot. She had learned Thai years ago during her field studies and was quite a help to Tomashi, who only spoke a little English in addition to Japanese. The ride was bumpy and Masako wasn’t quite sure of the sobriety of the pilot, despite his reassurances that he was as lucid as could be. A little voice in the back of Masako’s mind hoped he was drunk, and that any alcohol he had brought aboard might be shared with her. It would certainly help her feel less nervous.

It was about 3 a.m. when they arrived at the airfield. Although there was no car rental service there, there was a taxi driver who told them to wait until sunrise if they wanted a lift. An offer of three times the value of the regular fare woke up him faster than a pail of water would. The promise of earning same value encouraged him to stay at their destination until it was time to go back to the airfield. After the cabbie haphazardly hurled their suitcases into the trunk of his car, everybody got inside and the car disappeared into the night on the unpaved highland roads.

Destination: The Chạ̀w r̂āy Temple.

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

Chapter 3

The sun was already visible on the horizon by the time the cab, which had left the beaten path at least five times—to the point that Masako wondered how often, if ever, did Takuya ever venture back into the village—arrived at a clearing in the dense rainforest that carpeted the region. They were in the heart of the highlands, and the steep inclines had constantly threatened to wreck the already-beaten-down vehicle, but the driver had assured Masako that he knew these parts better than anyone else. And what do you know? He actually did. Their destination was the base of a cliff, in which the Chạ̀w r̂āy Temple had been carved into the rock.

The facade of the temple was a 40-foot sculpture of the head of a Buddha—a particularly angry-looking one—whose gaping mouth served as the entrance into the monks’ abode. Gigantic statues set on four large stone pedestals—two on each side of the entrance--served as unmoving, yet frightful sentinels. On the left, one pedastal portrayed a bird man standing triumphant over a fallen Buddha, the latter’s entrails hanging from the former’s beak. The second showed a headless man, its monkey-like face located in its stomach, standing above a demon, with its lowered left hand holding a sword and its right holding two severed arms. On the opposite side, the first statue was of a Buddha on its hands and knees, while a two-headed cobra burst from his back. The fourth and final statue was of a Buddha sitting in the Lotus position. However, his face was featureless, save a large maw full of long, sharp teeth.

“How horrible,” whispered Mr. Tomashi. “What sort of Buddhism is this?”

“Buddhism mixed with folk religions, black magic and other superstitions. As Takuya used to say, the further away from society you get, the greater the influence that primeval and the primordial have on the people, even on religious questions.” Masako took a glance at the toothed Buddha statue and shuttered. “This is the sort of think that Takuya was fascinated with. He was always looking for the origins of all this.”

“Did he ever find anything?”

Masako shrugged. “We’ll find out soon.”

Masako and Tomashi approached the entrance. Two withered old men in orange robes sat quietly on each side of the opening, eyes closed and chanting in unison. The elder monks became aware of the visitors’ arrival and stopped their mumblings. Masako muttered something in Thai to them. The nodded their heads and responded. After a few moments, one of the monks got up and beckoned for the two to enter.

“Well,” Masako said, sighing, “we’re at the right place. He’s inside.”

Tomashi smile and nodded. “Do you think he’ll agree to join us.”

Unfortunately, “yes,” responded Masako, keeping that first worst in her head. “He won’t miss this opportunity.”

The temple was a huge network of caverns. The largest chamber was located at the opening. It was the center of worship, with a golden statue of a fanged Buddha at one far end. The senior monk sat in front of it, facing other others, who sat in the middle of the chamber. A few monks, most of them older men, were sweeping the chamber with crude brooms made from banana fronds. The followed the sentinel monk, who jabbered to Masako, who then translated to Tomashi.

“He says that the chamber on the far left side of the temple leads to the living quarters, where the monks sleep.” She waited for the man to stop speaking. “He says they are three caves, one stacked upon another. They use bamboo ladders to go from one to another.”

“And that opening there?” asked Tomashi, pointing to another chamber born of a crevice behind the statue.

Masako translated Tomashi’s question and listened to the response. “It’s a staircase that leads to the top of the plateau. There’s small village at the near the cliff’s edge that supplies the monastery with food.”

Tomashi nodded impassively.

The three entered a chamber to the right of the statue, which turned out to be a primitive kitchen. At the other end was another exit, which led into an ill-lit cave, which the monk described as a meditation chamber. There were two more meditations, each one darker than the last, if that were possible. At the far end of the meditation chamber was another large opening. The stones that formed an arch around the opening were carved to look like tentacles. A pair of large eyes were sculpted into the wall above the keystone.When they reached it, the sentinel monk stopped. He pointed inside and started talking.

“He says that at the end of the corridor, there’s the library. Takuya has spent most of his time there, translating texts. He says that some texts are written in a language that is not Thai, but far older. Only the Senior Monk has asked Takuya what is written in those texts, and he has refused to share his findings with the others. Most of the monks are now afraid to enter the library.”

“Are we allowed to enter?”

Masako nodded. “Apparently Takuya showed them my picture at some point, because the sentinel immediately recognized me. That’s why they haven’t objected to a woman entering their sanctum.”

Tomashi grunted and thanked the monk. The monk smiled and left them alone in the chamber, returning to his post outside the temple. For a moment, Masako and Tomashi stood before the corridor, staring blankly. Whatever light the narrow passage received came from the single torch at the other end of the meditation chamber, and from whatever torches burned in the library at the other end. Masako glanced at her travelling companion and shrugged.

“We’ve come this far,” she said flatly.

Tomashi took a step back and looked at the carvings that surrounded the entrance to the passage. He said nothing, but shook his head half-heartedly.

The corridor was lined with bas-reliefs carved into the stone. Much like the statues that guarded the temple itself, the reliefs depicted scenes of carnage wrought between power entities, be they demi-gods or semi-devils, demons or Buddhas. A demon whose torso and head resembled that of a ferocious wolf bit into the throat of a spear-wielding Vishnu. A naked woman emerged from the entrails of a slain serpent. Two small women, surrounded by twin snake’s tails, stood up from the stump that was once the God Hanuman’s head. Yet another relief showed the Buddha on a sacrificial table with a three-headed serpent biting its feet.

The horrific imagery sculpted into the wall was occasionally broken up by jade mosaics, mainly of malformed (or deformed) Buddha heads, whose content facial expressions were replaced with cruel smiles and ravenous grins. All sound from the outside ceased within the tunnel—even before entering, Masako could still hear the faint chants of the monks in the main chamber. Here, the only sounds to be heard were of their own footsteps, which echoed as if the tunnel ran on forever. This baffled Masako, since she wore she had seen the end of the tunnel while standing at the entrance, guessing that it was only about a hundred feet long. But ten minutes later, the two were still walking though the enclosed place, surrounded on both sides by reliefs that suggested that Buddha’s longevity would have been achieved by eating the hearts out of human-alligator creatures.

Finally, after a small eternity, Masako and Tomashi entered the library. It was a cave, only slightly smaller than the main hall. Wooden shelves adorned the circular wall from one end to the other. The walls were covered with sutras, scrolls, and metal plates. There were so many sutras, in fact, that the ground was littered with them as well. The place was lit by four torches spaced out at regular intervals. A large table had been placed in the middle of the room. A single man, with long black hair and several months’ worth of unevenly spaced whiskers sprouting from his face, sat there, surrounded by parchments. So engrossed was he in his work that he didn’t notice his visitors.

Masako cleared her throat.

The man immediately dropped his pencil and paper and looked up. His mouth immediately dropped in astonishment. “Masako!”

She took a deep breath and took a step forward. “Takuya. Nice to see you.”

“Why…er…how…what are you doing here?” he stammered.

Masako turned to Tomashi and pointed at Takuya. “You wanted him. You talk to him.” She folded her arms and took a step back.

Tomashi looked at her, and then back at her bewildered husband, and shook his head. “I’m Security Officer Tomashi. I’m here on behalf of the Japanese Government.”

Takuya cocked his head. “Are you here to extradite me or something? Have I broken some Japanese law that I’m not aware of?” He turned to Masako. “Is that why you brought him here?”

“No,” she said, not budging. “But you might be breaking a Thai law soon if you don’t listen to him.”

Takuya glared intensely at his ex-wife for a moment. “Well, if you want your alimony and back payments, then you’d just as well leave me here.”

“So you can steal precious artifacts from superstitious monks too scared to monitor what you’re doing?”

“Well,” he began, reaching for an ancient codex on the table. “I doubt they’ll miss this particular volume, since it’s not even related to Buddhism.”

Masako rolled her eyes, while Tomashi approached Takuya and glanced at the dusty proto-book Takuya held.

“Interesting. What is it?”

“My good man, you are looking at an original copy, or at least a second edition—before there existed editions—of the Zanthu Tablets.” He showed a few pages of the work to Tomashi. “Obviously, these aren’t the tablets themselves, but it’s the first transcription anyone made, and this even before codex became a popular way of keeping records.”

“What are the Zanthu Tablets?” asked Tomashi, curious.

“They’re an account of the people of the lost continent of Mu.”

“And you can read it?”

Masako butted in. “Yes. Takuya is one of the few scholars in the world who has learned Naacal, the language of the Muans.” She walked over to Takuya, fiddling in her briefcase for some papers. “That’s why we’re here.” She removed two sheets of paper and placed them on the table before him.

Takuya did a double take when he saw what was written on them.

“What? How? Why, that’s written in Naaal, too. How did you get it?”

Tomashi took a seat on another chair at the table, the limited light from the torch hiding a large black spider which had itself at home in order to “sun” itself in the light of the flames. It scittered away, unnoticed by the older man, but not Masako, who started fidgeting wildly. She uneasily lifted her feet at regular intervals, worried that one of her husband’s “companions” might crawl across them. She struggled to remain composed as Tomashi spoke of the discovery of the island, Miki Saegusa’s dreams, and the upcoming expedition to the island.

“…if you join us, Takuya,” said Tomashi at the end of his spiel, “We’ll give you exclusivity in studying any archaeological artifacts found on Infant Island. It’s a chance of a lifetime, and who knows if you won’t become the leading world authority on the subject of Mu, the Plato of modern times.”

“…and I’d like to get my alimony from a more honest source,” added Masako.

Takuya glanced in her direction, and noticed her rubbing her arms, while frequently lifting one of her feet to rub the other leg. She was obviously uncomfortable with the invertebrate inhabitants of the cave.

“Well, I don’t know,” he said slowly, shuffling the writings on the table at a deliberate pace. “It is a great opportunity to learn more about Mu, especially if the island just happens to part of the original continent.” He walked glacially to the shelf to put some of the parchments—but not all—away. “But the Miskatonic University Library in America was offering me a stipend of a half-million dollars for the Zanthu codex.” He glanced at Masako, who was constantly looking around her and glancing at the ground around her feet. He smiled. “And there is evidence that the tablets themselves are not completely lost.” He returned to the table and rolled up some of the other scrolls. “I think they might be in the Himalayas, perhaps Bhutan,” he paused and opened one of the scrolls to see which one it was. “Or perhaps Nepal. You can never be completely sure. I’ll have to sleep—“

“Dammit, Takuya!” snapped Masako. “Just tell us ‘yes’ or ‘no’ now so we can leave this horrible place! The cab is waiting for us! If he leaves without me, the next image in the relief that corridor,” she pointed to the passage that she and Tomashi had come from, “will be of me relieving you of your head!”

“Okay, you got me.” He turned to Tomashi. “Exclusivity, remember.”

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

Chapter 4

Takuya poured over the ten or so sheets of paper covered with Naacal writing that Miki Saegusa had presented to him once the ship departed from Manila. He, Masako and Tomashi had arrived in the Philippines ahead of schedule, and stayed at a hotel not far from the port while waiting for Andoh and Miki to join them. Andoh arrived two days after their own arrival, and Miki only showed up the evening before the boat was to leave port. When asked about it, the young clairvoyant yawned and said that she was “cleaning house” at the ESP Research Center, where she worked her second job.

Miki had spread herself thin over the past year alternating between competing government jobs, one to keep tabs on Godzilla—as far as that’d be possible—and another to work with young people from all over Japan (and its island territories) who demonstrated abilities similar to hers. While she was generally able to pace herself fairly well between these alternating responsibilities, her getting ready for the Infant Island voyage was complicated by the sudden onset of parallel dreams of the children at the ESP Research Center, something she hadn’t seen since 1989, just months before Godzilla emerged from his fiery prison on Mount Mihara. All of the kids had suddenly began dreaming about Infant Island, much like she had. And while, look her dreams, nothing definitive about the island itself had been revealed through these night visions, all the kids reported hearing strange music. When asked if they could hum the tune they had heard, at least six of the children reproduced the same exact tune. Two other children reproduced another tune, different from the first. Wondering if there might be a correlation between the music and the characters she had seen, she recorded the melodies on a personal recorder and brought it along with some more characters that she had seen in the more recent dreams.

Now that Takuya had no way of taking the writings and ditching town—Masako had given her bosses strict orders to not allow Takuya to see anything else until the ship was at sea—Miki freely let him see what she had jotted down. Thankfully, whatever images Miki perceived in her dreams tended to remain clear in her head for up to two hours after she woke up—about three hours if she woke up before the end of the dream. Masako left Takuya and Miki alone with the writings while she and Andoh discussed the Maritomo company and its plans for Infant Island, should the government give it the okay to develop the place. Comparing the symbols with his notes from his studies in Thailand, he was able to translate the message into Japanese:

Mosura ya Mosura
Tasukete yo te yobeba
Toki o koete
Umi o koete
Nami no yo ni yatte kuru
Mosura ya Mosura
Yasashisasae wasure
Hito no kokoro
Inorinagara utau
Ai no uta

Miki frowned when the translation was done and pointed at one of the words in Takuya’s notebook. “What’s Mosura?” she asked.

For a moment, Takuya said nothing, but then reached over for a second notebook of his. He flipped through a few pages and found what he was looking for. “It appears to be a deity of sorts. It’s mentioned, albeit briefly, in the Zanthu codex.”

“Was she worshipped by the Muans?”

Takuya shrugged. “I’m not sure. It might have been, although the tablets spoke over other gods in the Muans’ cult that were the main focus of worship.” He sat back in his chair and stroked his now clean-shaven chin. “I wonder if Infant Island was a sort of outpost for Mu. I mean, not like a surviving part of the continent, but an island on the outer rim of Mu that simply survived the destruction of the landmass itself.”

Miki nodded. “Sort of like an Okinawa to Mu’s Japan? After all, people speak Japanese in Okinawa, but they have local deities and demi-gods that don’t figure into traditional Shintoism, like King Seesar.”

Takuya smiled in agreement. “Quite possibly. It would make sense, although at this point, it’s still speculation.” He let out a sigh. “I hope we can learn more about the story of this place when we arrive.”

“Hungry for the glory of the archaeological breakthrough of the decade?” she chided.

He chuckled. “Is that how Masako sees me? As a glory hound and someone who’s in this just for the fame and glory?”

Miki nodded cheerfully.

Shaking his head, Takuya said, “There’s more to it than that, but I don’t think she’d understand. As a scientist, she should. But that’s another story for another time.”

Miki didn’t respond, but fidgeted a little as she thought about what to say next. Then she had an idea. She reached into a small leather briefcase where she had kept the Naacal papers and removed a small personal recorder. She played back the melody and listened intently to it while reading the translation. Miki lifted an eyebrow and grunted. “Well, that’s convenient. The words fit the melody.” She sang the words on the paper.

“So it’s not a prayer, but a song?” said Takuya. “Oh, and you have a nice voice.”

Miki blushed. “I think it’s both.” The melody on the tape ended and then the second song commenced.

“Huh. Two songs.” Takuya glanced at the papers, and then back at his notes, and then back at the papers again. He suddenly started jotting down more translations. The second set of translations read:

Me o sama shite Batura
Hana ga hiraku you ni Batura
Minna matte iru no
Ao zame ta sora e
Hikaru tsu basa de
Tonde okure Batura
Me o sama shite Batura
Asa ga akeru you ni Batura
Minna matte iru no
Namida no yotsuyu o
Hayaku hoho kara
Keshite okure Batura
Me o sama shite Batura
Kumo ga utau you ni Batura
Minna matte iru no
Hate mo nai yami ni
Sakebu inori o
Kiite okure Batura

Miki Saegusa read the translation and furrowed her brow. “Was this ‘Battra’ mentioned in codex as well?”

Takuya shrugged as he read over the translation. “No, it wasn’t. I wonder if it could have been another deity worshipped on Infant Island.”

“So we have a second mystery to solve.” She read the translation again to herself, moving her lips ever so slightly as she did so. After five minutes, she observed, “Huh, we have ourselves a second song. It fits the second melody perfectly.”


A few hours later, Miki and Takuya joined Andoh and Masako in the ship’s cafeteria for dinner. They sat at a table away from the other sailors who happened to be dining at that moment and Andoh munched on the rice and steamed fish before him as Miki and Takuya related their discoveries. Masako listened carefully as she poked listlessly at her rice with her chopsticks.

“So why would you have a vision about some songs?” she asked at the end, rather incredulously.

Miki pursed her lips and shook her head. “I don’t know. People like me rarely know the meaning of the things we see and feel, at least at first.”

Masako sighed. “Well, if we don’t find anything of note on the island, you can sell the lyrics to Keiko Imamura for tidy profit.”

Takuya rolled his eyes. “No need for sarcasm, honey.”

Masako snapped back, “If you call me that again, I’ll ram these chopsticks down your throat.”

Takuya howled in laughter. “Why so serious, Masako?”

Masako pulled her flaming gaze from Takuya and looked down at her plate. She remained silent as she ate her food.

Takuya glanced at Miki, who shrugged.

As Andoh swallowed his food, he spoke up. “Oh, I forgot to mention, the Maritomo company sent a plane to do some remote sensing of Infant Island. It seems like any other island, and there isn’t any apparent sign of human habitation—“ he paused and downed a glass of soda. “—with the exception of the dome.”

“The dome?” asked Miki and Takuya in unison, the latter almost choking on his food.

Andoh nodded. “A large white dome was found in a mountain pass in the middle of the island. We don’t know anything about it, except that it’s there.”

“So I guess this will be our destination when we get there,” Masako said, visibly trying to control herself. “Which should be tomorrow morning.”

The others nodded in unison.

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

Chapter 5

The ship set anchor about two miles off the coast of Infant Island, as the island lacked a suitable harbor for landing. Takuya, Masako, Andoh and Miki loaded a rowboat with camping supplies, some telecommunications equipment, and some other odds and ends, and made for the nearest beach on the western end of the isle. Andoh and Takuya took the rows while Masako took customary measurements of the water’s depth, noted any forms of sea life that were visible as they reached shallower waters, and wrote descriptions of the island in her notebook. Miki, on the other hand, seemed immersed in her own thoughts, humming the songs—especially the one about Mothra—the whole time.

The initial trek through the forest was uneventful. The group stopped for lunch after arriving at the beach, with Takuya scaling the nearest coconut palm and hacking down some coconuts to supply them with water—

“If we can avoid using our water rations here, so much the better,” he had said.

The party found that the forest was full of fruit trees, mainly banana palms and an unfamiliar citrus fruit. The latter, however, turned out be too sour for regular consumption. Masako kept a few samples to bring back for evalutation and study. They did find jackfruit and breadfruit trees, however, and Takuya suggested they dine on those to avoid using up their rations quickly.

About a mile inland the party noticed a sharp incline in the trail, and braced themselves for what they imagined would be a mountain-climbing experience. Fortunately, the trail, despite growing narrower, continued to hug alongside the cliff. By the end of the day, they had reached the top of the plateau, which was also covered in forest. The four decided to make camp at that point and settled down for the evening. Masako and Miki foraged for wood to make a fire while Andoh and Takuya set up a tent.

As they sat around the fire, waiting for the breadfruit to be cooked, Masako rummaged through her backpack. She pulled out an envelope and handed it to Takuya.

“This is for you,” she said blankly.

Takuya lifted an eyebrow. He took a look at the return address. It was from Midori, his daughter. He slowly opened the later and read it.

“Hello daddy! I miss you! I hope you’re catching lots of bad guys.”

Takuya shot his ex-wife a dirty look. “What is this? Did you tell her that that I’m some sort of policeman?”

Masako folded her arms and sighed. “It sure does sound better than ‘grave robber’.” She put extra emphasis on the word “robber.”
“You underestimate my work,” replied Takuya, exasperated.

“Isn’t that what you do? Isn’t that why you left us?”

Takuya remained silent for a few moments. “I have always believed in my work. You know that. I firmly believe that there are certain chapters of history that’ve been forgotten over the centuries. Most of the universities put no stock in these theories. If I can prove them, it will change everything. But it doesn’t come cheaply. Sometimes I have to make a deal with the devil so that everybody else’s vision of heaven becomes clearer.”

“Is that how you cauterize your conscious about some of the deals you’ve made.”

“Call it what you want,” said Takuya, waving his hand as if to brush off her remark. He turned and saw the scrutizining looks of both Andoh and Miki, who had been following the conversation.

“I think most of us live in the grey area between right and wrong,” Andoh muttered. “The corporate world also deals with shady hands.”

Miki snorted softly. “There are trade-offs in all aspects of life. Advocating Godzilla’s continued existence—“ she paused for a moment. “—it also takes a toll on your conscious. More than three hundred people—most of them soldiers, all of them with families—were killed in Sapporo last year. And yet I contend constantly with the Self-Defense Force that the alternative to having him around is to be left open when something worse comes around.” She shifted her eyes to all those present. “Trust me, it will.”

“Well, whatever decisions you make in your lives are between you and the gods,” said Masako. "I don’t want Midori to grow up with that sort of moral ambiguity. Right is right. Wrong is wrong.” She got up and went inside the tent she’d be sharing with Miki.

The other three watched her silently. Finally, Andoh spoke up.

“Changing the subject, what do you think we’ll find tomorrow? The dome, perhaps?”

Takuya nodded. “I think so. If the valley on the other side of the plateau is easily accessible, we should get there by the early afternoon.”

Miki suddenly gasped, calling the attention of the two men.

“What happened?” asked Takuya.

“Eyes. Three pairs of them. Fixed on the four of us,” she muttered, trembling.

Andoh and Takuya looked around them.

“There doesn’t seem to be anything around here,” the businessman observed.

“I wonder if we’re being watched now,” said Takuya, reaching for the knife that hung from his belt.

“Maybe not us,” said Miki, regaining her composure. “But maybe the island as a whole. Hey, let’s get some sleep. Perhaps I may dream a much clearer answer to that question.”


By 7 a.m. the next day, the party had packed up camp and were making their way through the forest. After a few miles, the ground had begun tapering off into a series of shallow declines, occasionally broken up by steep drop. The sixth such drop turned out to be the last one: it was a perfectly-vertical cliff wall extending hundreds of feet to the ground.

“What do we do now?” asked Masako, incredulously.

“I don’t think I can scale that,” mumbled Miki.

Andoh pointed to both sides. “We could follow the edge in either direction and see if there’s another, easier way down.

Takuya shrugged. “I suppose so.” He glanced at the chart. Let’s head south along the cliff edge. That’ll take us closer to the dome.”

The four treaded carefully alongside the edge, staying as close to the cliff wall—which was about nine-feet high--as they could. The ground was rockier than it had been among the upper slopes. Both Miki and Andoh slipped several times; the sight of the rocks tumbling off the side of the cliff made Masako’s blood run cold. After two hours, the slope began to curve outward, as if they were tracing their way through the inner rim of a giant basin. The slope between the edge of the cliff and the wall grew narrower, with sharper declines than before. It took three more hours to round the curve. As they did so, the slope widened and the wall drew away from the edge. The ground also flattened out, much to the party’s relief.

“Look!” exclaimed Andoh, pointing in the direction of the cliff wall. “It’s a cave!”

The other three turned their heads. Sure enough, the wall opened into a rectangular aperture. It was bordered on both sides by silver columns. In fact, the entire face of the cliff around the cave entrance was covered with metal. Hundreds of characters, which Takuya immediately recognized—were etched into the wall.

“Oh my god!” exclaimed Miki, who had wandered closer to the edge of the cliff. “There it is!”

While Takuya stayed close to the wall, both Masako and Andoh ran over to Miki. They followed her stare down the side of the cliff. Jutting above the canopy of the forest was a huge dome. It was cream-colored, almost pink in some places. Far from being spherical, the dome tapered off into a point at the top.

“It must be about a 140-feet tall,” Masako estimated. “But is it a building?” She looked over to Takuya, who was writing down all the characters in his notebook. “I wonder if the cave entrance will lead us to the dome.”

Without removing his eyes from the sight before him, Andoh nodded. “It’s quite probable. A dome in the middle of a forest? A metal cave in the middle of a cliff? What other surprise does Infant Island hold for us?”

Masako took several pictures of the dome, and then walked over to the entrance of the cave and shot some more of the metal tablets that adorned the walls. Andoh soon joined them.

“It’s all in Naacal, the language of Mu,” he said, busily scribbling down the characters in his notes. “This is great! An actual Muan city! The discovery of the century!”

“So do we go inside?” asked Andoh, poking his head inside for a moment before stepping back.

“You bet we do!” exclaimed Takuya. He turned to Miki, who still stood at the edge of the cliff, motionless. “Miki, come on! Let’s see what’s inside.”

Miki slowly turned around. A trail of blood ran from one of her nostrils. She gazed at the mouth of the cave, without acknowledging the others. She walked toward it.

“Miki! Are you okay? What happened?” Masako sounded worried.

Miki ignored her. After stepping inside, she turned to face them. “Come, my children. I have been expecting you?”

Masako glanced at Andoh, who was just as perplexed as she was. Takuya rubbed his chin thoughtfully, but remained silent. “You? What do you mean, Miki?”

“Not Miki,” she said with a smile. “Mothra.”

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

The cave was not so much a cave as it was a long corridor into the darkest depths of an HVAC factory. The ground was little more than a series of metal gratings. The ceiling was a complex, braid-like conglomeration of pipes, some of which emitted a weak yellow light. The walls constructed of thick steel slabs caked with dust. Once in a while, a structure that the group took to be a door stood about among the monotonous seal of iron and steel. But nobody stopped to ask Miki and her “new friend” where it led; they simply followed her lead quietly.

The corridor ended at a T-intersection with a narrow catwalk. The catwalk circled around a grandiose opening: a cylindrical atrium that extended dozens of “floors” downward, and likewise upward. The catwalk hugged the wall for the entire circumference of the opening. Floors both above and below them were marked by similar catwalks, with four staircases on each catwalk leading to the one above or below it. The group saw both dozens of doors and open passages on each level.

“Omigosh!” shrieked Andoh with excitement. “What’s that?” He pointed to the bottom of the atrium.

Situated on the floor at the lowest level was a series of metallic blocks stacked upon each other in irregular patterns. Many of the structures were adorned with multi-colored lights, which were still blinking. Thick masses of luminescent wires slithered from many of the blocks, coiling around each other and then retreating into wall on both the first and second levels. Not a single living soul stood among the mass of undiscovered technological prowess, despite the evidence to the contrary.

“We will have time for that in a moment,” said Miki calmly. “But now, I have something to show you.”

“Do you mean us any harm?” asked Masako.

Miki stopped and slowly turned around. She smiled and replied, “Of course not. I am the protector of humanity. Nor will I hurt Miki. She herself is a much more powerful psychic than I thought. She put up a lot of resistance before I can commandeer her.” Miki wiped the blood from her nose.
The other three stared at her with wide eyes.

Sensing their fear, she reassured, “Do not worry. I will stay with her just long enough to guide you in the right direction. You will soon understand why this is all necessary.”

Masako opened her mouth in protest, but a tap on a shoulder from Takuya and a quick shake of the head told her it was better just to go along with it all.

Miki led them to the nearest staircase, which they took down four levels. They followed the catwalk halfway around the atrium until they reached a large door resembling a modern elevator. Miki proceeded to speak some words in a language none of the others could comprehend.

“Must be Naacal,” whispered Takuya.

Miki turned to him and nodded. “There is much for you to learn here, Takuya, if your heart is pure and your motives just.”

Before Takuya could say anything, the door begin to open with a loud rumble, the first sound they’d heard beyond the echoes of their own footsteps. Miki beckoned for them to follow her. They entered a wide corridor that was considerably less metallic than the one they came in through. A thick carpet of a material none of them could immediately identify covered the ground. The translucent tubes that ran back and forth across the ceiling in parallel began to emit a brilliant white light.

Soon, they could see dozens of paintings all over the walls.

“Oh my! Who painted these? The Muans?” inquired Takuya incredulously as he walked up to one that depicted a huge insectoid face. “And the level of detail here. It’s magical. Honestly, I thought we’d only see cave paintings at most here.”

Miki stood firmly in her place, but let out a giggle. “Do you believe that the people who built this magnificent place—and many more like it—would not have evolved past the art form known as cave paintings?”

Takuya blushed. “I guess you’re right.”

“It’s like an art museum here,” observed Andoh as he gazed at Baroque-esque work of a Titan-esque man being torn asunder by a pair of butterfly wings. “Baroque…” he pointed at the work in front of him. “Impressionism,” he pointed to another one, in which millions of individual brush strokes combined to form a tentacled horror tearing an insectoid creature limb from limb. “Even Romantic!” He walked across the room to a picture of a naked man lying on the grass near a picturesque lake, with two tiny women in transparent white lace gowns standing on his chest.

“So you mean that the people here naturally evolved through the art we see here?” said Masako, who couldn’t pry her eyes from the sad sight of a large butterfly lying next to an egg, with its wings tattered.

“Capturing and recording the world around them, and making sense of it, is natural to any human being,” said Miki. “Everybody has a different vision and point of view, and may see some points of view as being shackles or impediments to their own. Also, people find beauty in different things.” She walked over to the “Romantic” painting and observed, “In other people.” She pointed to the tentacled terror, “In violence.” And then turned her attention to the first painting that Takuya had noticed, “and in deity.”

“Just what is that?” asked Takuya, making his way back to that first painting. “Is that your god?”

“It is I.” She walked to the end of the corridor, which terminated in a wall covered mostly by a gigantic rectangular panel. She spoke a few more words in Naacal, which caused the panel to split into four, each sub-panel retreating into the wall, which revealed a large window.

“It’s the dome!” shouted Andoh. “But it’s not the dome!” He rubbed his eyes, ran back to the painting that had enraptured Masako, and ran back. “My god! It’s an egg!”

Sure enough, the dome lay in front of them. But as they were now situated at a height just below the canopy of the forest, they could see egg in almost its full entirety. It reminded Masako of an Easter egg in its shape and pastel coloring. Light pastel pinks and blues swirled around in perfect harmony around it. Thousands of lianas draped from the trees and wrapped around the magnificent structure, holding it in place. The lianas in turn were dotted with flowers of all colors, which in turn were frequented by hundreds of hummingbirds, bees, and large leaf-green beetles that skittered up down the vines. Despite their vantage point being manmade, it felt like nature flourished at a level rarely seen in Japan, just around the egg.

“Oh, my! You’re right!” joined Masako, jabbering at twice the speed of her regular vice. “It’s the same egg. What’s in it? How long has it been there? Was the painting made at the time it was laid? When was it laid?” She struggled to let adjust the speed of her thoughts to Miki’s ability to speak.

“It’s Mothra’s egg. You’re inside of the egg, aren’t you?” asked Takuya, staring Miki directly in the eyes.

She nodded. “Yes, I am the spirit of Mothra. This room is my shrine. I am the protector of mankind. I was born to protect man—and all life on Earth—from the forces that threaten it. And yes, Takuya, I will soon be reborn.”

“Reborn?” asked Masako. “How so? So you already were alive once? What happened?”

“Come with me. We will answer Andoh’s earlier question and your question now.”

She quietly led them from the shrine and back into the atrium.

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

Chapter 7

Miki Saegusa, still under Mothra’s influence, took Takuya, Masako and Andoh down to the lowest level of the atrium. Although it didn’t look quite as big from above, the three marveled at how much the unknown apparatus dwarfed them. The blocks that were stacked upon each other were mammoth metallic monoliths covered in blinking lights and shining doo-dads. The machine emitted a low droning, audible only within a few feet of any of the sections that made up this ginormous doo-hickey. On the other side of the machine from where the four had descended, there was a smaller metal box about four feet high. Upon closer inspection, the explorers saw a series of buttons and switches on it.

“It must be the control panel,” say Andoh in awe. He traced his finger along the panel, not touching any of the buttons, but often coming close.
Miki stepped forward and batted away his hand. “You must not touch this. This device is what destroyed the civilization that created it. Please, promise me you will leave this alone.” She stared fearfully into Andoh’s eyes.

Andoh took a step back and wiped a bead of sweat from his brow. “Oh, yeah sure.” He glanced back at Takuya and Masako, who were staring at him. Takuya subtly wagged his finger, while Masako furrowed her brow, trying to understand Andoh’s curiosity.

“Just what is this device?” Takuya said, gently placing his hands on Andoh’s elbows and turning him away.

Miki didn’t immediately respond. She moved away from the conglomeration of metal boxes and admired it from afar. After a few moments, she sighed. “Let me tell you a story that spans the ages...”


“Hundreds of millions of years ago, during the reign of the great reptiles upon the Earth, I came to be. That which gave me life entrusted the survival of all life on Earth to me. While many species would die from natural means, I was to protect them from external threats that might otherwise hinder the evolution of other forms of life. My earlier incarnations fought valiantly to protect life, although we were not always successful and the great reptiles were wiped from the face of the planet.

“As time went on, the age of the mammals came. Millions of years passed, and eventually the apes began to dominate the world. Some two million years ago, there was a division among them. Some of them continued their natural progression; those would evolve into human beings today.

“But there was a second group. These were especially intelligent. They were creating tools from bone and stone while Australopithecus were still hurling rocks at wolves. They practiced selective breeding almost from the outset; individuals who didn’t possess a distinct level of intelligence were banished to live with their less-developed cousins. They erected stone walls while their cousins eked out a miserable existence in caves. By the time your ancestors were learning how to control fire this second group was entering the Bronze Age. And so it went.

“About a hundred centuries ago, this civilization had already established three kingdoms: Mu, Atlantis and Lemuria. Each kingdom was located in one of the three great oceans. The kingdom of Mu, of which this island was an outpost, became the first people to discover a way to control the weather. They felt that by controlling the weather, they might rid the world of death and famine, of oppression and misery, as there would be food for all. Nobody would have to work, and civilization might devote itself to science and the arts.

“The machine you see before you is the machine they invented to control the climate. It was tested successfully on Mu and replicated in the sister kingdoms as well. All three kingdoms enjoyed enormous prosperity and their people, unencumbered by the need to till and plow for their sustenance, dedicated their efforts to discovering cures for all diseases, and then age, and then immortality.

“This came at a price. Gaia, the Earth itself, is as much a living being as you and I are. Such hubris was offensive to her and to the natural order. It is like the Three Fates of your Greek Mythology tangling their strings and allowing life and death to fall out of balance. Recognizing the danger of the Muans and their compatriots to discover the secret of immortality, Gaia ordered me to destroy the humans.

“I refused. I had been created to protect life on Earth, not to intentionally destroy it. So Gaia, now angry with both those three kingdoms and with me, gave birth to Battra. Battra was to be Earth’s avenger, the protector of the planet itself. Battra quickly destroyed both Atlantis and Lemuria before I could stop him. By the time I caught up with him, he had arrived in Mu. The resulting battle destroyed most of the continent and had decimated the population. Our battle raged across the great ocean until we reached the icy north, where I finally defeated my enemy and banished him to the icy depths.

“But that incarnation of Mothra was dying. It made its way to this island and laid the egg that I now reside in. The final surviving members of the kingdom of Mu programmed the weather machine to create the storm that raged around this island until just a few days ago. They left—whether they met up with your ancestors and mingled with them, or simply died in solitude, I know not.”


“So you see, you must not use this machine,” warned Miki. “If you do, the entire human race will be placed at risk. Please, do not tell others about it.”

Takuya and Masako looked at each and nodded. Andoh, trying to hide his fidgety fingers, just nodded quickly and looked away.
Last edited by H-Man on Fri May 03, 2019 8:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

Chapter 8

Having finished her plea, Miki’s eyes rolled back into her head. That was quickly followed by a series of violent convulsions. Andoh and Takuya rushed to her side and grabbed her arms, slowly guiding her to the ground in a lying position. Meanwhile, Masako took a small pillow from her backpack and laid it beneath Miki’s head. A new trickle of blood found its way down her nose, and a sudden heave of her chest was marked by an equally-vicious spat of coughing. Gobs of dark-red blood were heaved from her mouth, splattering all over Takuya’s face and Miki’s clothes. After a few moments, Miki calmed down and was peacefully sleeping.

“What was that?” asked Masako, wiping Miki’s mouth with a sweaty handkerchief she’d be carrying in her pocket.

Takuya wiped away Miki’s blood from his disgusted face. “I guess the act of unpossessing someone is just as rough as the act of possession is. Perhaps Miki’s consciousness put up a fight to let Mothra go as much as she had tried to prevent it from entering her?”

Andoh took a swig of sake from a small flask he kept on his person. “Why would she not want to be possessed? Sounds like an odd change of heart.”

Takuya shrugged and finished cleaning himself.

“Perhaps it was the peace,” commented Masako.

Both men turned to her.

“I don’t know if you two felt it, but there was an unmistakable aura of peace around Miki when Mothra was in her. I can’t explain it. It’s like you knew that today was just your lucky day, that everything would be alright,” she paused. “I guess that’s a silly way to put it. But I did feel something different. And perhaps Miki felt it even more.”

“Could be,” said Takuya. “With all that we’ve seen and heard today, it certainly wouldn’t be the strangest. “ He put his thumb to his chin and rubbed it lightly. “I’ve read about experiences like this in recent months. But those stories were far from peaceful.”

Masako glared at him. Any talk of what he had been working on prior to the expedition put her on edge.

Andoh noticed and stepped in. “That’ll make a great campfire story for tonight. But for the time being, let’s find a place to settle down.”


It took an hour of climbing stairs and looking in random rooms and compartments, but Andoh and Takuya eventually found what appeared to be living quarters some ten floors up in the atrium. The beds were too dusty to use, so they agreed to just use their sleeping bags. But the rooms were relatively cozy and were spacious enough for them to set up shop. Miki had begun to regain consciousness by the time they got back downstairs. Andoh and Takuya supported Miki in ascent while Masako carried Miki’s things. The two men came back down to get their own backpacks and Masako’s too.

Once upstairs in their quarters, Takuya shared some of the fruit he had cooked the previous evening, along with some of the jerked beef and other foods included in their rations. Miki ate voraciously, but declined to answer any questions about what had happened to her. Andoh asked Takuya about what he had been studying back in Thailand, and after a few minutes of pouting, Masako actually listening intently to her ex-husband’s findings.

“Not that it makes a right, but he really does know his stuff.”

After dinner, Miki crawled into her sleeping back and went to bed early. Takuya and Andoh excused themselves to explore the facility a little more. Masako took the opportunity to use her satellite phone to send word of her recent findings to Professor Fukazawa.

By 7 p.m., the barrage of strange and wondrous that all three had been bombarded with over the course of that day had proved too much for them to contemplate. They all retired for the evening for good night’s rest.


Masako was wrested from her sleep by a violent wave of heat that struck her like a fist. She noticed that she was soaking in sweat from head to toe. She felt as if she had been hurled into a river while she was asleep. She looked over at Miki. Miki was still sleeping, but was also sweating profusely and breathing heavily. Masako got up, stepping in deep pools of her sweat that filled her sleeping back and overflowed onto the metal floor.

“Ouch!” she cried. The ground was especially hot. “Miki! Get up! Now! Something’s wrong!”

Masako scrambled quickly to where she had set her clothes and threw on a pair of socks and her boots.

Miki jumped to her feet as soon as she realized what was going on. “It’s burning up in here! What’s going on?”

Masako poured some water from her canteen onto her face and then handed it to Miki. “I don’t know. It wasn’t this hot yesterday. There’s no reason this place should feel like a sauna now.”

Miki quickly threw on a pair of cargo shorts and a clean blouse, which was soaking wet in a matter of seconds. “What about the others?” She put her hiking boots on before the ground could burn her feet even more.

Suddenly, Takuya burst into the room. “Girls, it’s looks like we’re in for it now.”

Masako shrieked. “Don’t you have any manners?”

“There’s nothing on you that I haven’t seen already.”

If Masako’s face weren’t already red from the severe heat, she would’ve blushed.

“Oh, and sorry, Miki.” Takuya bowed quickly. “Anyway, come outside. We have a big problem downstairs.”

“Downstairs?” replied Masako, running across the room to where Takuya was.

He nodded. “Andoh got curious and messed with the weather machine down below.”

In half a second, Miki was in front of Takuya grabbing him by the shirt. “He what? Did the two of you—“

Takuya quickly cut her off. “This happened while I was sleeping. Come on, we need to find out exactly what’s going on.”


Back at EPB Headquarters in Tokyo, Joji Minamino and Security Officer Tomashi hurried out of the conference room where they had been debriefed on the progress of Masako’s expedition. A senior analyst had called them to the main room to look at a pair of satellite images that had just been taken of Infant Island. They entered a large room whose walls were covered with large screens, displaying satellite images of numerous locales in Japan and Asia, on varying scales.

As soon as the two older men arrived, one of the analysts barked for a junior analyst to transfer all images related to Infant Island to the main screens. The screen showed a 2-D CG image of Infant Island, with large red and yellow splotches all over the island.

Minamino cocked an eyebrow. “A storm?”

The senior analyst nodded. “Yes sir. The strange thing is that it literally came out of nowhere. About forty minutes ago. No air masses. No fronts. Nothing in the surrounding area—we confirmed with weather stations in Okinawa, Ogasawara Island and the Phillipines. None of them reported anything. Just on Infant Island.”

“Well, that’s strange.”

“Hai! There’s more, sir.”

Tomashi took a step forward and squinted at the screen. “I hope the ‘facility’ that Masako and the others found is offering them adequate shelter from the storm—“

“—and the heat,” added the analyst.

Tomashi spun around. “Heat, you say?”

“Hai.” The analyst turned to his colleagues. Switch on the laser thermometer.”

A new sceen with an image of Infant Island appeared. This time, the entire island and the surrounding ocean were colored a shade of red so dark it was practically brown. Isotherms appeared on the screen.

“Sixty degrees Celsius?” exclaimed Minamino. “That’s impossible. Check those readings again.”

“We confirmed with our opposite numbers in both Taiwan and South Korea. Their weather satellites say the same thing.”

“My god,” gasped Tomashi. “Our prayer is that Masako and her team won’t die of exposure.”

Minamino grunted and nodded.

“And that’s not the worse part,” stuttered the senior analyst.

“There’s more!?” Tomashi was incredulous.

The analyst nodded gravely. “Turn on the Cerenkov Light filter,” he said to his colleagues.

Against a black background that represented the ocean, the entire island turned blue on the screen.

“It’s a radioactive storm,” the analyst said.

Minamino looked at Tomashi. “Contact the ship—“

“Uh, sir. We’ve lost contact with the ship.”

“Oh no. Get a plane out there. As soon as the storm subsides, we need to get those four out of there.”


“What the hell did you think you were doing?” snapped Masako, pointing at the machine and flinging hundreds beads of sweat in its direction.

“It’s the opportunity of a lifetime,” said Andoh, defensively.

“There won’t be any life to take advantage of the opportunity,” she cried. “Don’t you understand? This machine is what caused its creators’ destruction.”

Takuya stepped forward to join the argument, but Masako held up her hand to silence him. He closed his mouth and stepped back next to Miki.

“That was millennia ago!” Andoh’s defense was weak. “Besides, we need it today more than ever. I need it!”

“You--! Er—what!?” Masako looked dumbfounded.

“The Maritomo Company has raped the environment for decades. Japan is quickly becoming a giant urban hell.”

Masako nodded. “Go on.”

“But with this machine, we could give back to Mother Nature. We could transform the Sahara, the Kalahari, the Gobi into prosperous places. Animals can prosper. People can prosper. Japan can prosper!”

Masako looked thoughtfully at him for a moment. She was surprised at his awareness of his company’s activities. “Be that as it may, it’s still not a viable idea. What if everything that Miki, er Mothra, said is true? What if the Earth really is its own organism?”


“Then it won’t be happy that mankind is making the same mistake twice. There will be prices to pay. There are no free rides, Andoh.”

Several Hours Later

“Sir, the storm has subsided,” said the now-exhausted analyst.

Minamino grunted.

Tomashi, who was still at the EPB Headquarters, reached for a phone and dialed a few numbers. “Get me the American base in Okinawa.” A few moments passed. “I need a ship and a helicopter to extract the team…No, there’s too big a danger of radioactivity in the area…It’ll have to be by air…We need it as fast as possible…I’ll stand by.” He hung up the phone. “The Americans have a ship in the region. It’ll be there in six hours. They’ll have a helicopter fly over the island and pick them up.”


“Sir,” said the now-pale analyst. “We just got a report from a Chinese sub who was also watching the storm from afar. They picked up something on their sonar.”


“A large object. Probably a hundred meters in length. It’s making a beeline for the island. At its current speed, it should arrive in five hours.”

“It could only be—“


“Godzilla!” exclaimed Miki. “He’s coming. I can feel it.”

“But how?” said Masako.

“The storm attracted him. Probably the entire island is contaminated with radiation now. He’s coming her to recharge himself.”

Takuya struck an embarrassed Andoh in the arm. “As if things couldn’t get any worse.”

The Pacific Ocean – 100 miles south of the Kamchatka Peninsula

The deep reaches of the Kuril Trench, where the Pacific Plate subducted beneath the Ohkotsk plate, begin to stir and shake. The darkest depths of the ocean, far beyond where sunlight could reach in any capacity, begin to glow red. Magma seeped up from the bottom of the trench, lighting the ocean and heating the freezing water around it. For a moment, the ever-so-slow motion of the great Pacific Plate pushing itself beneath its neighbor stopped, and for about five hundred feet—a tiny dot along the great Pacific Rim of Fire—something pushed back on the plate. Thousands of tons of magma entered the ocean as a large entity exerted a powerful force on the Earth’s crust.

It wriggled and writhed, unscathed by the intense heat of the Earth’s mantle and unperturbed by the immense pressure of the ocean depths. Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, the creature struggled against the elements that bore down upon it until it finally freed itself from its prison below the Earth’s crust. The fissure in the Earth quickly closed behind it, leaving the Kuril Trench dark again, save a pair of sinister red eyes that lighted the water as the entity made its way to the surface.

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

Chapter 9

50 miles south of the Kurill Islands

Commander Romanov squinted at the object on the sonar, moving south. It had been spotted 10 minutes ago, and any attempts to contact it yielded no result. It was about the size of a Rubis-class submarine, but it certainly didn’t move like one. The commander of the Ruslan had certainly never seen a Rubis-class bob and weave like this one did. As Romanov’s sub flanked the object from the east, he grew increasingly agitated at the intruder—these waters were still Russian waters, although it would reach international waters in less than 20 minutes at the rate it was moving—and whether or not he should engage it.

“Its speed is picking up, Commander,” said first-mate Pushkin.

Romanov’s gaze remained glued to the screen. He grunted. “Still no contact with it?”

“Negative sir,” replied Pushkin. “Should we fire on it?”

Romanov’s concentration was broken by Pushkin’s suggestion. “It’s still in our waters, I suppose. It’s on its way out, though. Any report from the people up top?” He referred to the Battleship Andropov that had also detected the object and had followed it from Sakhalin onward.

“It’s not the Americans,” Pushkin said. “They received a message from Guam. They’re more interested in the rumor that Godzilla is showing up around the Phillipines.”

Romanov nodded. “Let’s take her down. Ready the torpedoes!” he barked.

There was hustle and bustle all about the submarine as the seamen got to their stations.

Pushkin gave Commander Romanov the signal.

“Fire one!”

The weapons officer pressed the fire button on the console.

“Fire two!”

A second torpedo left its tube.

Romanov and Pushkin watched the little splotches on the sonar screen move in the direction of the object. Thirty seconds later, they collided with it. The Ruslan shook violent as the shockwaves from the blasts struck the sub.

“Two direct hits!” yelled the weapons officer.

“And the enemy craft?”

“Commander! It’s turning! It’s heading for us! 1200 meters!”

“Arm more torpedoes! Contact the Andropov!”

“900 meters!”

Romanov took a step back. “How could it move so fast?”

“750 meters! It’s bearing down on us, Commander!”

“Get those torpedoes ready.”

“600 meters!”

“Almost ready to fire!”

“Commander! The object has stopped. 470 meters away.”

Pushkin said. “Torpedoes ready to fire in thirty seconds. Will it return fire?”

Suddenly the Ruslan shook violently. Two seconds later, thousands of tons of pressure tore the hull of the vessel to bits. The air inside the ship, now exposed to the pressure of the deep waters, compressed at speeds so fast that it ignited instantly. The resulting implosion struck the crew of the submarine with forces so far off the charts that their bodies were ripped to pieces at the cellular level. In a few seconds, the ship and its crew had simply ceased to exist.

The enemy vessel began its ascent.

The crew of the Andropov were startled by the huge explosion that disturbed the otherwise calm surface of the ocean, throwing thousands of tons of ocean water high into the air. Word got out quickly that the morbid spectacle was in fact the destruction of the Ruslan by the same unknown vessel that the Andropov was following as well.

Commander Koscov consulted with his officers.

“How far away is it?”

“A thousand meters and closing,” said first officer Onotopp.

Koscov swore aloud. “Take her south,” he finally said. “Full speed ahead. Send a wire to the fleet at Vladivostok. Hopefully we can outrun it in time for reinforcements to arrive.”

“900 meters! It appears to be surfacing, Commander!”

“Fire depth charges!” he ordered.

As the Andropov plowed quickly through the ocean in a desperate bid to shake off its pursuer, dozens of cylindrical explosive charges were fired into the water. The resulting explosions rocked the ship, causing all seamen aboard to brace themselves.

“Any reaction from the vessel?” asked Koscov after the intial bombardment.

“No, commander. Now it’s less than six hundred meters away.”

A second volley of explosions shook the ship.

“200 meters, Commander! It’s right under us!”

“Abandon ship!” screamed the Commander. He barked the order a second time on the ship’s intercom.

At that moment, yellowish bolts of electricity danced and arched across the metallic floors and walls. Several men screamed in agony as the bolts struck them, electrocuting them dead. A blinding flash of light shot up from the depths of the sea, causing some of the sailors to fall backward, their corneas burned by the blast. Other sailors, closer to the railing, lost their footing and fell into the now-boiling waters around the ship.

Suddenly, the ship began to dip forward. In fact, both ends of the ship felt as if they were bending at the middle. All those on deck slid toward the middle of the ship, which now had separated into two separate pieces, where they plummeted into the sea below. An enormous explosion of the starboard side followed, instantly killing everybody on that side of the ship, plus those who hadn’t yet drowned and many of those who were hanging on for dear life on the other side. The force of the explosion accelerated the sinking of the port half of the Andropov. But the men didn’t have to worry about drowning: the electrical bolts that continued to dance on the surface of the water struck a munitions chamber, detonating the explosives. The rest of the crew was immediately killed in the subsequent explosion.

The enemy vessel continued its trek south, leaving two Russian vessels destroyed in its wake, without a single witness alive to tell the tale.

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

Chapter 10

“Are you sure about this, Miki—er, Mothra?”

Takuya stared suspiciously at a cup containing a thick red liquid, made of crushed berries. The berries grew on bushes that grew near Mothra’s egg. After the radioactive storm, the team, at Mothra’s request—through Miki, that is—ventured out into the valley that ran between the mountains through an exit on the bottom floor of the Muan laboratory—as they had denominated the atrium. Andoh and Masako had protested that the area would still be radioactive, but Mothra reassured them that the berries would protect them from the “fires of the gods.”

Having picked the berries—plus a few extra for Masako to bring back as a sample for analysis—Takuya ground the berries as per Mothra’s instructions and filled four cups with the pasty mixture of juice and pulp. Takuya’s experiences in the jungles of Southeast Asia had taught him to always be wary of random berries growing in the wild, thus his initial reluctance at drinking the liquid.

“Do not worry, Takuya. You have my promise, which is unbreakable.”

Takuya stole a glance at his companions and nodded. “Well, bottom’s up!”

The three drank the juice in unison. It had the rich flavor of a sweetsop, with the slightly-bitter aftertaste of a Surinam cherry. Miki followed suit. She convulsed slightly, and coughed hard.

Masako ran to her and held her arm. “Are you okay?”

“Did it go down the wrong tube?” joked Andoh.

Miki laughed. “No, it’s just me again.”

“So Mothra, well, visited us just to tell us about the berries?”

Miki smiled and nodded. She paused for a moment, her smile quickly turning to a frown. “Guys, we need to seek higher ground. The time has come.”

“Godzilla?” asked Masako.

Miki nodded gravely. “He’ll be making landfall shortly.”

The four quickly climbed the metal staircases, although by the tenth floor, they were slowing down.

“God, this is exhausting,” complained Masako. “How many more floors?”

“I dunno, twenty?” replied Takuya.

“TWENTY?” she exclaimed.

“Pushing too many pencils at the desk and not enough field work, eh?” he quipped.

“Go to hell,” responded Masako.

Adrenaline kicked in at about the fifteenth floor and the team continued sprinting up the inside of the mountain. The final level of the laboratory had a smaller diameter than the previous levels, and only a single door. Miki opened the door, which led into a dark, narrow corridor. They made their way to the other end, which was a dead end. Iron rungs were built into the wall, leading up some ten meters to a hatch. Miki took the front, followed by Takuya, Masako and then Andoh. As soon as Miki opened the hatch, the four were bathed in sunlight.

They climbed out of the opening and onto the solid ground. Takuya immediately recognized the area as a clearing in the forest that they had walked through the previous day. When everybody had climbed out, Takuya directed them to an edge of cliff that offered a magnificent view of the ocean.

“Well, let’s just sit and enjoy the show,” said Takuya.

“Don’t you want to do more than just sit around?” harped Masako.

Takuya shrugged. “What is there to do? Communications are out. Godzilla is coming, and it’ll be more dangerous on the ground than up here. I’m sure they’ll send someone to rescue us, too.”

Andoh got up. “Well, if we’re going to sit around waiting for wonder lizard to arrive, I’d at least like to eat something.”

He got up and disappeared into the forest. A few minutes later, he returned with a bunch of a bananas in his arms.

“Do you think we can eat those, what with the storm and all that?” Masako said, looking at Miki.

Miki lifted an eyebrow. “I suppose so?” She didn’t sound sure of herself. “Mothra didn’t tell me about that.”

“You only live once,” said Andoh. He peeled a banana and took a bite. “Well, I don’t feel my tissues ionizing right now.”

Nobody else took a banana.

An hour passed. The sea around the island was calm. The palm trees that carpeted the beach swayed with the light sea breeze that blew in from the north. The island was eerily quiet—Masako feared that the radioactive storm (damn that Andoh!) might have killed off the wildlife on the island. She kept that to herself for the time being. She’d definitely put that into her official report when—if—she got back.

Her thoughts were interrupted the sensation of trembling. The others noticed it, too, and backed away from the cliff edge. The trembling was complemented by the sounds of rocks breaking off the cliff wall and rolling down to the bottom.

“Look!” cried Masako, pointing to the sea.

Several hundred feet away from the shore, the ocean water began churning violently. A small section of water began to boil and bubble into a white foam. The waves that battered the beach grew higher and stronger. Their grasp reached beyond the palm trees and into the forest. The tremor grew stronger.

The sea water began to gather into a huge wave. But the wave didn’t seem to move toward the shore, but stood in place. It almost seemed like a mountain had grown up out of the water. But it wasn’t a mountain, or a wave. It was a living thing. Thousands of gallons of water poured off its charcoal-grey hide, revealing a wedge-shaped head whose mouth was lined with a double row of sharp teeth. Its deep black eyes seemed to gaze right at Miki’s, sending a shiver down to her spine. The creature let out a loud elephantine bellow, which almost knocked them over.

“Godzilla!” cried Miki.


300 miles north of Infant Island

The creature which had sunk two Russian vessels several hours earlier continued its beeline to Infant Island. It had passed by the coast of Japan, leaving the country otherwise unmolested. It had noticed, through a sort of sixth sense, that the humans had been following it and even trying to hunt it. But as they refrained from attacking, it would do the same.

As it plowed through the waters of the Pacific with all its might, the creature took notice of dozens of ships following a parallel course. It wondered if they were also going to Infant Island.

Drawing ever so closer to the island, the creature felt the stinging of ration against its chitonous exoskeleton. Was it the humans? Or was it something else, even more dangerous to the Earth than the man-ants it had tried to destroy millennia before?


The majestic monster known as Godzilla waded slowly ashore, destroying hundreds of square feet of rare corals under its enormous feet and through the violent wake that its movements left. The beast stood over 320 feet tall, towering over even the tallest palm trees, as if they were grass to it. It drew its head back and let out another feral bellow, which ended on a higher pitch than the last one.

Leaving the water, patches of blue light flashed all over its body. Sometimes its maple leaf-shaped dorsal plates would glow, but other times it was just patches of thick skin that emitted a glow for a few moments. It walked along the beach, each step making the group take another step back from the cliff.
When he finally turned and walked into the jungle, his body continued to glow in random points at random intervals.

“What do you think those lights on his body are?” asked Andoh.

“I’ve seen it before,” said Masako, unable to peel her eyes from the sight in front of her. “Almost ten years ago when it first reappeared in Tokyo. They thought they had killed it. And then that Russian missile blew up in the atmosphere over the city. The lighting struck Godzilla and recharged him.”

“You mean that he’s absorbing the radiation from the storm?” replied Andoh.

Masako nodded silently.

“Yes,” said Miki. “That’s why Godzilla came. His body is equipped with a biological Geiger counter with a range that goes beyond our understanding. It can detect radiation from hundreds, if not thousands of miles away. As soon as the storm started, he woke up from his slumber and came here. “

“One more reason why we can’t use the weather machine,” added Masako. “If anything happens, it’s essentially for beacon to Godzilla. We can’t have that.”

They watched as Godzilla moved alongside the mountains until it found a pass. The monster roared loudly as it negotiated the narrow opening , occasionally striking the cliffs with his paws and knocking rocks out of the way. Sometimes it would simply lash out and strike the vertical slops with its shoulder, knocking more rubble onto the ground below it. Godzilla soon entered the basin.

“Do you think—“ Masako started.

Miki cut her off. “Yes, I know what you’re going to say. And yes, Godzilla is heading toward the egg.”

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

The trees cracked like matchsticks under the force of Godzilla’s massive steps. Thousands of birds, unaffected by the radiation from the earlier storm, fled the jungle in great colorful flocks. Godzilla paused and stared at them, letting out a higher-pitched variation of his well-documented bellow. Only when the birds had disappeared into the heavens did Godzilla continue his single-minded trek toward Mothra’s egg.

“What does he want with the egg,” asked Andoh.

Masako shrugged. “Perhaps he’s hungry for something a little more tangible.”

Miki closed her eyes and bent her head slightly forward. The other three noticed slight twitches in her hands and wrists. She was concentrating on something, but they didn’t know if it were on Godzilla, or on Mothra. “It’s curiosity,” she finally said, lifting her head up. “Godzilla knows that something big is here, but he doesn’t know what it is.”

“Do you think they’ll fight?” asked Takuya, reminded of his having read of Godzilla and King Ghidorah’s kerfuffle in newspapers the year before.

Masako turned to them with an alarmed face. “I’d certainly hope not. If Godzilla starts using his atomic ray, we’re all done for.”

“You’re right,” said Andoh. “Perhaps it’s best if we get off this rock.” He pointed to the ground they stood on. “We should be safer if we’re closer to the beach.”

The others nodded.

“But are we going to have to climb down?” Masako asked, a little pale at the thought of doing down the mountain.

“No,” replied Takuya. “There’s a passage inside the atrium that leads to an exit on the other side of the mountain. We can hurry and make it there before…if things start getting rough.”

Masako, Andoh and Miki all nodded in agreement. They quickly returned the passageway and went back into the Muan laboratory.


Godzilla trudged through the jungle until he stood face to face with the enormous white dome that was Mothra’s egg. Something inside of the monster’s primitive core told it that the egg housed something special, but he knew not just what it was. Godzilla let out a bellow that shook the island with so much force that several small rockslides occurred along the inner rim of the basin. The egg remained silent.

Furrowing his brow, Godzilla sneered and grunted. He lifted his tail, which was about as long as the monster was tall, and slammed it on the ground behind him. The ground shook and tons of rocks were loosened from the cliffs around him, falling to the floor of the jungle. Several smaller boulders struck the egg on their way down. But there continued to be no sign of life.

Godzilla bent over and picked up a larger boulder and hurled it at the egg. The rock struck the shell with a dull, ringing thud and fell to the ground. Godzilla howled at the sound. He picked up a small rock that fit in the palm his monstrous hand and chucked it once more at the egg. This time, the stone pelted the shell with such for that it cracked the egg. Godzilla noticed and started at the dent he had made in the strange white dome. He looked around him: there were no humans in his immediate vicinity—or their weapons—to bother him.

A viscous transparent goo emerged from the crack and ran slowly down the side of the egg. Godzilla let out a deep roar and took a step forward. The egg didn’t react.

As Godzilla took another step, bringing the beast to within 50 meters of the egg, the dome began flashing. The brilliant lights emanating from the egg startled Godzilla, who took a step back. His head lunged forward and bellowed a challenge. The egg continued to glow brighter and brighter, although it seemingly did not acknowledge Godzilla’s presence.
Blue bolts of lightning danced along Godzilla’s irregularly-shaped dorsal spines. They began to glow, while the air around him crackled as the now-glowing plates heated it. A deep-blue ball of energy began to form at the back of Godzilla’s throat.

And then like that, the egg stopped glowing. It returned to its original color, with nary a sign of the spectacular show of lights it had just put on a few moments before. Godzilla, apparently calmed by the object standing down to him, allowed the energy to dissipate from his back plates. Nuclear destruction of the Infant Island basin was no longer imminent.

Suddenly, a loud crack called Godzilla’s attention. The crack created by the boulder began to grow, branching out every few yards. Godzilla drew his head back. He definitely wanted to see what was inside, despite his misgivings as to whether it were friend or foe. He certainly had more foes than friends in this world. After a few moments, the egg begin to break apart as the cracks. Huge pieces of shell rained on the forest below.

A loud chirp echoed through the swiftly-cracking shell, causing Godzilla to take a curious step forward. There emerged from the egg a large segmented worm-like creature. The body segments increased in diameter as they reached the head, tapering off in the other direction. The head was a huge half-sphere, with two red eyes and a mouth divided into two pairs of chitonous mandibles, one which opened left to right, and the other which opened vertically.

Godzilla stared at the monster—Mothra’s larva—for a few moments, scrutinizing the newborn animal as it examined its surroundings and the monster standing in front of it. Godzilla bellowed at Mothra, who simply responded with a curt chirp. Godzilla lifted his leg and stomped the ground. The shockwave shattered what was left of the egg, helping the creature to wriggle itself completely free. The larva cried out, but Godzilla simply stood there, staring at it.


The four explorers raced down the metal staircases inside the atrium as fast as they could. They had felt the ground shake during Godzilla’s courageous showdown with the otherwise inanimate egg, which almost threw Masako headfirst down over the rail. Luckily, Takuya had grabbed her in time. After a brief stop in their quarters to pick up their backpacks, they continued their sprint down to the ground level.

“Over here!” screamed Takuya, pointing to a darkened corridor. “This is the way out.”

As the four made a mad dash to the exit, Masako panted, “How did you know about this?”

“Just came across it, I guess,” he said, grabbing his exhausted ex-wife by the arm and pulling her along.

The ground shook again and Andoh tumbled forward.

“It’s okay,” he said as Miki helped him up. “This place is definitely not safe,” he muttered.

Several more tremors threw them off balance as they negotiated the darkened halls as quickly as they could, without running headlong into a wall. Their frightened flight reached as end as they felt a cool gust of wind blow up against their faces.

“We’re just about there.”

The passageway opened into a small cave, which itself opened into the forest that separated the beach from the ridge. In a few moments, they made their way into the forest, where they sprinted over fallen logs and through the brush until they reached the beach.

All four of them fell to the sand, panting furiously. They could hear Godzilla’s roaring and the newborn Mothra’s chirping, but nothing seemed as if they were actually fighting. Suddenly, a third sound was introduced. It was satisfyingly familiar: the spinning rotors of a helicopter.

“Look!” cried Masako pointing to the sky south of them. “A rescue party!”

For a moment, the others forgot about their exhaustion and stood up, waving their arms in hopes of bringing themselves to the chopper’s attention. Masako rummaged through her backpack and pulled out a small flare gun.

“Take a step back, guys!” she yelled above the din. Pointing the weapon to the sky, she fired a single flare. A bright red projectile flew through the air and exploded, sending red sparks in all directions.

“I think they saw it,” said Takuya, staring at his forthcoming salvation. “They’re heading in our direction.”

“It appears to be the Americans,” observed Andoh as the aircraft drew closer. “Must’ve come from Okinawa.”

“Well, I hope they come a bit faster,” said Miki, tugging at Takuya’s arm and pointing at the ocean. “We’re about to have more company.”

Several hundred feet away, riding the waves quickly in the direction of Infant Island, was a large animal. Its brownish-blue body was covered with splotches of yellow, including a long single horn that stuck out from the top of its head. A pair of sinister red eyes stared menacingly at the three, even thought it was so far away. Large, scythe-like claws extended from beneath its toothy mandibles. The creature let out a cackle as its head bobbed in and out of the water.

“A final reason to never use that machine again,” said Masako. “It would seem that Battra is here for the party, too.”

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

Godzilla bellowed at Mothra, its roar causing the entire island to tremble. Mothra squeaked at Godzilla, but did nothing. The dinosaurian giant fidgeted for a moment, and then began to lose interest in his insectoid companion. The large larva did not want to pick a fight, and Godzilla was too tired from his journey to do the job himself. He walked in the direction of Mothra, who lifted herself up on her tail in a defensive manner. Godzilla ignored her and began to lie down. Mothra lowered herself and began to undulate her body, moving toward the water.

Suddenly, a hideous screech echoed throughout the island. Huge bolts of yellow lightning danced through the air. Godzilla looked up to see what the commotion was. An errant bolt of energy struck the ground near Mothra. The explosion lifted her into the air and threw her against the side of a cliff. Tons of rock poured over her. Two ruby-colored beams of energy struck Godzilla’s thick hide. The smell of burnt flesh filled the forest. The unprovoked attack immediately brought Godzilla to his feet. He spun around to find the culprit: a giant beetle-like insect larva who was pitter-pattering its way into the forest from the other side of the of the valley.

The monster, Battra, fired two more beams at Godzilla. Sparks erupted from where the lasers struck, and carbonized pieces of Godzilla’s epidermis fell to the ground below. Godzilla howled in pain and struck the side of the mountain with his tail, letting Battra know that he was ready and willing to fight. Godzilla bent over and picked up a huge boulder that his tail attack had loosened. An unexpected attack from Battra struck the boulder as Godzilla held it near his chest. The gargantuan rock disintegrated in its claws, causing Godzilla to stumble back in surprise.
Bolts of blue lighting began dancing around Godzilla’s dorsal spines. They began to glow bright blue. The air started crackling as it heated to temperatures well above 1000ºC. Godzilla drew his head back and then thrust it forward, releasing a powerful blast of radioactive energy from his mouth. The atomic breath struck Battra will full force, weakening its powerful exoskeleton and causing it to fall over to the side. A second blast of radiation completely destroyed the forest—and all creatures who lived in it—within a five-hundred-foot radius of Battra. Godzilla was not playing around for this battle.

The King of the Monsters suddenly felt something warm and sticky on his thick skin. It looked like silk, glistening in the sun. The sensation spread all over his body and he quickly realized that he was getting attacked from the other end. Mothra was spraying him with her web-like silk, which she emitted from her mouth. Thick strands of sick covered his hands and threatened to limit his movements. He also felt his vision being impaired. Godzilla roared and fired his radiation breath at Mothra. The blast was ill-aimed, hitting the side of a mountain and not his intended target. Mothra, however, stopped her attack and moved closer to the beach.

Godzilla lumbered through the forest in Mothra’s direction when he was struck from behind by a bolt of lightning. He spun around to see Battra immediately behind him, his worm-like body in the air, supported by his hind legs. The horn on its head was glowing. Battra fired another bolt of lighting at Godzilla, who shook it off and pressed forward. Battra’s body snapped from one side to the other, letting off a bright flash of light as it did so.

Godzilla recoiled from the surprise attack. He looked down at his chest, which had been opened in a single straight wound caused by Battra’s energized horn. Blood began to seep out of parts of the wound that had not been cauterized by the heat of Battra’s slash. Godzilla let out a high-pitched groan in agony and struggled to maintain balance as the pain shot to all parts of his body. Godzilla just toppled over.

Battra, now confident that it could defeat the toxic dinosaurian spawn, started bombarding Godzilla with its eye lasers and lightning. Stray blasts from Battra threatened to level every mountain on the island. Suddenly, Mothra entered the fray once again and started shooting its silk at Battra. Gobs of web-like fluid struck the monster in its eyes, preventing it from firing its eye lasers. But Battra’s horn was still free, and well-placed bolt of lightning hit Mothra and knocked her hundreds of feet back.

That diversion was just enough to allow Godzilla to scramble to his feet. He stumbled forward and seized Battra by its horn. The horn began to glow—the heat it produced began to burn through Godzilla’s hide. Godzilla, acting quickly, grabbed Battra’s tail with its other paw and lifted the monster high to the air. Without letting go, he began to slam Battra repeatedly into the face of the cliff. Battra’s exoskeleton cracked with each impact, and finally green ichor began to pour out of the wounds that Godzilla inflicted on it. Godzilla then, with all his strength, hurled Battra in Mothra’s direction. Battra struck Mothra on the way down and the two larva monsters rolled out of the valley and into the ocean. Godzilla lunged to the edge of the valley and started bombarding the water with his atomic breath.

The sea boiled and churned, but was soon silent. Godzilla raised his arms and let out a triumphant bellow. The island was now all his.
Last edited by H-Man on Tue Jul 23, 2019 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

Chapter 13

Godzilla watched the beach intently as the two monsters made their retreat. Mothra bobbed up and down amongst the waves as she swam out to open sea, while Battra quickly descended into the ocean depths, leaving a pool of bright green ichor to mark the spot of its descent. After several minutes, when he was confident that neither beast would return for a rematch, he lay down in the valley and drifted off into a peaceful, dreamless slumber.


Takuya and his companions had missed the fight, although the deafening volley of explosions and frequent tremors caused by the dueling monsters left them glad that they had gotten off the mountain when they did. When the fight was over, the fact that they could only hear Godzilla’s infamous bellow echoing throughout the island clued them into who actually had won that fight.

For several minutes, the four stared intently at the mountains, waiting for that ominous image of the 100-meter behemoth to loom above them. They felt a strong tremor, and then nothing.

“I think Godzilla is staying put for the time being,” said Masako.

Miki Saegusa nodded. “I agree. I think he has found a place he can call home.”

“What did you three think of Battra,” asked Andoh.

“I couldn’t see him long enough to form an opinion. But if those lightning bolts were his work,” replied Takuya. “I’m glad that those monsters fought in the valley and not here on the beach.”

“Do you think Godzilla killed them?” asked Masako, turning her gaze from the mountains to the sea.

Miki nodded slowly. “No, I can still feel Mothra in me.”

The other three turned to her.

“Is she okay?” asked Andoh.

Miki smiled. “Yes, she’s strong and perseverant. She’ll be fine.”

“Where is she going now?” Masako inquired.

With a shrug, Miki answered, “I don’t know. There are many uninhabited, possibly uncharted, islands in the ocean. Perhaps Mothra will find just such a place.”

“It’s too bad that Godzilla kicked her out of her home,” Andoh said.

Masako spun around to face Andoh and glared at him. “No thanks to you, jerk! If you hadn’t messed with the machine, neither Godzilla nor Battra would’ve come here.”

Miki opened her mouth to speak, but Takuya quickly shushed her.

Andoh blushed and looked away from her. “Is this going in your report?”
“You bet your last yen it is. God willing, nobody will set foot on this island ever again. That technology shouldn’t exist in the first place, and I’ll be damned if I let anybody mess with it again. Don’t you understand? It’s just a weather device, it’s a kaiju magnet!”

A strong gust of wind threw the sand on the beach into a chaos, and was followed by the blaring roar of helicopter rotors. A US navy chopper was descending onto the beach.

Takuya clapped a hand on Masako’s shoulder. “Well, time to start thinking about that report. We’re going home!”


“…and that concludes my report of our expedition to Infant Island.” Masako bowed her head and then sat down.

Also sitting at the table were Professor Fukazawa, Joji Minamoto, Takuya, Miki Saegusa, Andoh, Security Officer Tomashi, Commander Takaki Aso, and even Takeki Tomokane, head of the Marutomo Company. Both Fukazawa and Minamoto looked at Masako and nodded curtly. They had the same sentiments about the weather machine: it was far too dangerous to analyze and use, given its collateral effects of summoning Battra and possibly Godzilla.

Commander Aso got up and addressed those present. “Only the Prime Minister can order military presence on the island. He has enough on his mind as it is, given the burden that the rebuilding of Shinjuku has placed on the national budget. It’ll probably take a couple of weeks for him and the Cabinet to pass a resolution allowing for a military quarantine of the place. But I think he’ll agree that the technology on the island should be left alone and the Self Defenese Force will make sure that happens.”

“Will there be any problems with the Americans?” Tomashi asked.

Aso grunted. “Maybe. Masako’s report is classified at the moment, so they may not know the full details of what Masako and her party encountered. But given the circumstances of Infant Island’s discovery, they may start pressuring the government to release the report.”

“We’ll leave that in the hands of the bureaucrats for now,” said Minamoto. He stood up. “I believe we can adjourn the meeting for now.”

Everybody got up. Miki, Takuya, and Masako’s superiors walked over to her to congratulate her on the report. Mr. Tomokane, however, simply bent over and whispered something into his subordinate’s ear.

“You have one week to bring me the machine.”

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

Chapter 14

The operation went through without a hitch. Within the same hour that Andoh had gotten the order, a Maritomo ship that was already travelling to Tokyo from Papua New Guinea when it received the order to stop off the coast of Infant Island. Andoh flew out to Nara and from there took a helicopter, stopping in the Bonin Islands for refueling. In less than 24 hours, he and the ships crew were on the beach of Infant Island. A quick surveillance run around the island before had revealed that Godzilla was sleeping in the interior of the island.
Fortunately (for Andoh), he still recalled how to reach the secret passage from the beach into the atrium. Within a few hours, the men were carefully documenting, filming and photographing the weather machine from all angles before dismantling what they could and moving it back through the passage to the ship. In 12 hours, every vestige of technology had been examined, documented and removed.
At no point did Godzilla stir from his slumber as they did so.


Meanwhile, a hundred miles east of the Batanes Islands, on a small atoll in Philippine Sea, the monster Mothra noticed. The creature sensed the presence of man on Infant Island. However, it felt that Godzilla was still there, and to face Godzilla would certainly mean death. At the same moment the ship left toward Tokyo, the Mothra larva took the sea and started swimming to Japan. The machine must be destroyed.

Mothra was still hundreds of miles from Sagami Bay when the ship entered port. Andoh and the Maritomo engineers quickly to a large laboratory located between Yokohama and Mount Fuji. By the time the machine was at the lab, the Japanese government—ignorant of Maritomo’s actions—informed them that Infant Island was declared off-limits to anyone save government personel and those authorized by the highest levels of the military.


Battra also sensed that humanity had interfered with those forces that lay beyond their comprehension. The machine had been tampered with, and Earth had been offended once more. Mankind must pay, the monster thought.
Battra, who had retreated to the sea near the Daito Islands east of Okinawa, started swimming toward Japan. In a few hours, the monster would come ashore near Nagoya.


“I’m sorry,” Takyua said adamantly. “My services are not for sale.” He glared at Andoh. “You should’ve known better than to do this. It’s illegal! It’s irresponsible! You’re putting us all at risk!”
Andoh remained silent and looked at his boss for askance.
“Balderdash, my young fellow!” said Mr. Tomokane. “The world will soon be in our hands. If we can control the weather, we can control everybody. Imagine the countries of the Sahara being converted into giant granaries, making Jobs for millions. That’s billions of dollars in revenue for their governments, a percentage of which they have to pay us to keep up production. It’s a splendid idea! Food gets cheaper and more abundant! We get richer! It’s a win-win situation!”
“But what do you need me for?” asked Takuya incredulously.
“We want to do this right,” answered Tomokane. “You know the language well enough to decipher all the characters we found on the machine and other items we appropriated. It’s like, well, making an instruction booklet. If doing so can avoid any unnecessary incidente, we’re all for it.”
Takuya folded his arms and shook his head. “I’m sorry. I’m much too busy.”
“And if we were to pay you ten million dollars, plus full funding of your studies in Southeast Asia for the next three years? I mean, if your studies brought you this far, then I think you may be able to contribute more to the world...”

Godzilla was aroused from his slumber by a strange feeling. He couldn’t explain it to himself, but he knew something was wrong. The island wasn’t the same as it had been before. No longer inviting. No longer suited to him. He had vague sensations of things moving. Moving toward Japan. Moving toward the homeland. He got to his feet, let out a feral bellow, and walked out to sea. Descending beneath the waves, the King of the Monsters began his journey toward Japan.

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

A squadron of F-15 Eagles took off from Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa with the objective of intercepting Battra. The American aircraft met up with him 20 miles South of Nagoya, and began unleashing their weapons on the monster. They started with the M61 Vulcan Gattling guns, bombarding the beasts with thousands of rounds of 20mm ammunition. Battra paid no attention to the aircraft as they swooped in, pelting the beast with their firepower.

The lead pilot commanded his men to switch over to the AIM-9L/M Sidewinder missiles, flying in low and launching the air-to-air missiles at their amphibious target. Explosions rocked the monster, who let out a loud cackle. Yellow lightning danced around Battra’s central horn and the creature let loose a blast that hit the lead jet, which erupted into a huge scarlet fireball. A second, longer-lived bolt of lightning struck two more jets, ending the pilots’ lives in a similar fiery inferno of death.

The remaining aircraft swooped in for a final bombardment, hitting Battra with their AIM-7F/M Sparrow missiles. Dozens of missiles, whose warheads contained more than 80 pounds of explosives, detonated all over the monster’s chitonous hide. Instead of fighting back, Battra ducked beneath the waves and continued his journey to Japan unabated.


As the word got out to the Self-Defense Force than no fewer than three monsters were on their way to Japan, the Naval authority decided against using battleships to route Mothra from her course. Those would be saved to battle against Godzilla. Instead, the SDF’s experimental “Maser Division” would set up shop around Mothra’s projected arrival: Haneda Airpot.

It was in the late afternoon when Mothra surfaced near the unfinished Terminal 1 of Haneda Airport. The landfill beneath buckled under the weight of the enormous insectoid beast. The sky was alive with blueish-white maser beams stationed along the runway. The powerful beams of microwave energy burned and seared Mothra’s carapace, but the creature continued to push forward. The airport had been evacuated in a hurry; thousands of people were still trying to get out of the Ota District. This left the ghost town that was Haneda Airport full of grounded airplanes, which Mothra pushed out of the way as if they were toys. Explosions erupted from ruptured gas tanks and gas mains as several planes collapsed under Mothra’s power.

The maser tanks hadn’t been in Mothra’s path, so they continued flanking the beast, hoping that the beams would finally break through her chitonous covering and do some real damage. As Mothra was about to leave the airport (in shambles), the beast turned to face one of the maser divisions. It let out a loud squeak and proceeded to fire powerful strands of silk at the maser canons. The tanks were glued to their position. Suddenly, the silk began to corrode and melt through the metal. The tank operators that didn’t die from the web’s corrosive acid were immolated when the heat generated by the corrosive action ignited the gasoline and exploded the tanks.

With the amored divisions moving toward Nagoya to focus their attack on Battra, Mothra was free to enter Tokyo unopposed.


An emergency meeting had been called between the heads of military and the Environmental Planning Board officers, including Masako Tezuka. The one-two-punch of Mothra and Battra arriving on two different cities on Japan’s east coast was spreading military resources thin. The defeat of the American airforce also meant that foreign assistance would take several hours, which promised that both Nagoya and Tokyo would cease to exist by that point.

Fukazawa straightened his glasses. “I think the question we’re ignoring here has nothing to do with what to do with the monsters,” he said, exasperated. “The question is why are they coming to Japan?”

“Perhaps to feed on our nuclear power? Like Godzilla?” Tomashi suggested.

Minamino and Fukazawa shook their heads.

“While that is indeed a possibility,” said Minamino, “We have no precedent to classify either creature as being radioactive mutations, unlike Godzilla. If we take the report that Masako here wrote up at face value, then I think that nuclear power has nothing to do with either monter’s origin.”

A SDF officer stood up. “With all due respect, Dr. Minamino, do you really believe that literally gave birth to these beasts?”

Minamino tapped his fingers on the table for a few moments. “I don’t know what I believe. But the fact that both have arrived in Japan at this moment does make me wonder.”

At that moment, Masako stood up and requested permission to speak. Tomashi gave his assent. “In my report, I mentioned how both Godzilla and Battra were attracted to Japan by the accident caused by the weather machine. The machine, when tampered with, caused a radioactive storm. Obviously, such a phenomenon would attract Godzilla. And according to the legend, it would anger Battra. Perhaps the weather machine is no longer on the island...”

“What are you insinuating, Ms. Tezuka?” asked Minamino.

“I’m suggesting that the Maritomo company—“

Professor Fukazawa cut her off amidsts the murmurs of those in the room. “Masako, you tread on thin ice. That’s a powerful accusation you make. The board of directors would have the Prime Minister collect our heads if we accused them without any evidence to base that on.”

At that moment, Miki Saegusa burst into the room. “Are psychics considered viable evidence, Professor?”

Tomashi stood up and bowed to Miki, who returned the greeting. “What brings you here, Miss Seagusa?”


She immediately had everybody’s attention.

“Masako’s right. Somebody brought the weather machine back to Japan. Mothra is searching for it to destroy before Battra wipes out all of Japan.”

“What do you mean?” asked Minamino.

“Battra has sensed that the weather machine is on Honshu. It will stop at nothing to find and destroy it, but it will destroy all traces of humanity it comes across until it finds it. That puts the most populated region of Japan in serious danger.”

“Are you suggesting we let Mothra run amok in Tokyo until it finds the culprit?” asked another SDF officer.

“No,” replied Miki tersely. “I’m suggesting we do her job for her. And fast.”

Dozens of tanks from several armored divisions lined the Port of Nagoya on the north and east shores of Ise Bay. It was hoped that the combined firepower would drive Battra away, or at least to the less-populated West shore, where it could be hit with stronger weapons once it entered the hinterland. The soldiers, agitated and horrified at unverified reports of the failure of the American Air Force to stop the monster, were ready to fire at will.

Battra rose from Ise Bay a few hundred feet from the shore with a loud cackle. Military helicopters began bombarding the monster with rockets and air-to-surface missiles. Thousands of gallons of sea water sprayed all over the place in the wake of the hundreds of explosions that peppered the monster. Ise Bay was now a warzone, its calm waters transformed into churning foam obscured by smoke and fire.

As Battra drew near to the shore, the order was given. The entire city, still in the process of evacuation quaked as hundreds of 120mm shells were fired at Battra from the Type 10 tanks that guarded entrance into the city. Foot soldiers stationed on the docks fired anti-tank rockets from shoulder-mounted bazookas and grenades from M79 launchers in Battra’s direction. For 15 minutes, the Japanese Self-Defense Force hit Battra with everything they had.

Once again, yellow lightning danced around the beast’s central horn. Bolts of lightning rained on the tanks, exploding them instantly and killing those inside instantly. Foot soldiers were reduced to dust in a matter of seconds. More beams fell upon buildings around the port, causing them to explode and collapse. Gas mains all over the port ruptured, engulfing the entire port district in flames.

The monster turned to the east and obliterated the military hadware stationed there. It made landfall at Tokai and started pushing its way east.

Military reconnaissance sent in after the battle found huge pools of green ichor in the monster’s wake, and floating upon the now-calm waters of Ise Bay. Hundreds of lives lost and billions of yen in damages, only to make but a small dent in the monster.

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

Giant screens in the main room of the EPB headquarters alternated between different channels reporting the offensives against both Battra and Mothra, the latter of whom was making her way into Tokyo. Battra was slowing down its march to the East. Other screens showed satellite imagery of the monsters in Japan, plus Godzilla’s rapid advance through the Sea of Japan; he would reach Sagami Bay by nightfall.

Oblivious to the constant stream of bad-to-worse news that was flowing into the room, Professor Fukazawa, Miki Saegusa and Masako Tezuka were discussing Miki’s comments at the meeting.

“Do you know where the machine is being kept?” Masako asked.

Miki shook her head. “Mothra can feel it, but she hasn’t told me explicitly where it is. In any case, I don’t think she could articulate its location in terms I would understand; she is not familiar with modern-day Japan.”

Fukazawa nodded in understanding. “If it really was the Maritomo company that stole it—they were the only ones that knew about it—there are many places where they might hide it.”

Masako sighed. “There’s no way we could authorize a complete search of all of their facilities on such short notice. Mothra and Battra will have leveled most of the country by then. And we certainly can’t ask them.”

The three of them stayed silent for a moment.

“I got it!” exclaimed Fukazawa. “Takuya!”

Masako looked at him incredulously. “You think he stole it?”

“No,” he replied. “But if the Maritomo company has it, they’ve probably tried to contact him.”

“You’re right!” agreed Miki. “He’s the only one they know who can read Naacal. They’d probably try to bring him onboard to help them.”

Masako looked down and face-palmed. “So, where do we find him?”

“I have an idea!” replied Miki. “Follow me!” She led them to an empty room. She motioned for them to sit down. She remained standing, her eyes closed. She breathed deeply, inhaling for several seconds, holding for several more and than exhaling. After a couple of minutes, she smiled and began singing.

Mosura ya Mosura
Tasukete yo te yobeba
Toki o koete
Umi o koete
Nami no yo ni yatte kuru

Mosura ya Mosura
Yasashisasae wasure
Hito no kokoro
Inorinagara utau
Ai no uta

“I know where he is! Mothra could sense him better than she could sense the machine itself.”


Although Battra had completely wiped the welcoming committee of tanks and artillery, a second, more-powerful assault outside of Okazaki was more successful. But before that, the monster had cut a terrible swath through Okazaki, reducing its buildings to rubble and burning its population to cinders. Not even the Okazaki castle survived the maurading Battra, who blasted it from afar and reduced the 500-year-old relic of Japanese architecture into ashes. The JSDF tried minimize damage by lining the Yahagi River with mines and driving the creature upstream, but Battra ignored the explosions and moved forward.

Thus, the JSDF hid the artillery and missile batteries in the forests outside of Toyokawa and waited for the monster to leave Okazaki. When it moved into this more sparsely-populated área, the military opened fire on Battra. A ruthless bombardment of artillery pelted the monster’s carapace until it had penetrated it in several places, severely injuring the monster. Yellow-green blood squirted all over the place, instantly melting any animal life that came into contact with it.

The creature had fought back, using its low energy reserves to fire its lightning ray at its attackers. It destroyed dozens of military vehicles and claimed dozens of lives, but it was eventually stopped it its tracks. Battra fell over to the side and was soon unconscious.


The maser cannons engaged in a prolonged game of cat-and-mouse with Mothra through the steel canyons of the Shibuya district. The larva wriggled its way through the commercial center, while the maser tanks stayed on the side streets, strafing the monster and flanking it, and then hiding behind buildings before Mothra could attack them with her corrosive silk. A few stray blasts from the maser cannons obliterated the Shibuya 109, bringing tons of rubble down upon Mothra.

It wriggled free and started following the tanks, who started to retreat toward the Cerulean Tower. As Mothra came into view, two canons fired and struck the insectoid beast between the eyes. Mothra squeaked in pain, and responded by firing a line of silk at the middle floors of the tower. The webbing stuck, but Mothra didn’t cut the line. Instead, it began to creep away backward, pulling the line of silk. Suddenly, the stress on the line was so great that it began to pull at the architecture. The structure of the tower began to buckle under the force of the powerful silk strand. Finally, the tower collapsed and Mothra pulled the upper half of the Cerulean Tower onto three maser tanks, which exploded instantly.

Suddenly, Mothra switched directions: instead of moving north toward Mount Fuji, the monster turned southwest, heading toward the neighboring district of Setagawa, and then to Yokohama.


Just South of the Izu Islands, a fleet of warships sent in by the JMSDF surrounded Godzilla. A series of depth charges exploded around the monster’s location, bringing the familiar dinosaurian behemoth to the surface. Torrents of water fell from his charcoal-black hide. He grinned at the destroyers that surrounded him, baring his mouth and its double-row of teeth. He let out a threatening elephantine bellow, challenging the destroyers to a death match.

The Kongo-class destroyers drew in closer to the nuclear nethelim of a monster. In a coordinated attack, dozens of Harpoon surface-to-surface miles fired from their pods, guided by the Aegis system to strike Godzilla in his chest and neck. Huge explosions buffeted the monster, explosions which would normally tear through the hull of an aircraft carrier. Godzilla shrieked in pain as the armaments ripped through his hide and sent pieces of his flesh into the Sea of Japan.

Even before the smoke cleared, hundreds of 54-caliber shells fired from the ships’ Melara compact guns ripped deeper into the monster’s exposed hide. Simultaneously, the radar-guided Phalanx CIWS guns opened fire, hitting Godzilla with a fuscillade of hundreds of thousands of rounds of 20mm ammunition. Godzilla tried to submerge to avoid the firepower, but strategically-placed mines were detonated, driving the monster back to the surface.
Godzilla’s usual bell-like roar was replaced with a lingering screech of pain. He tried to block the explosions with his forearms, but he was now blocking the wrong part of his body. Dozens of Sting Ray torpedoes fired from the ships’ anti-submarine defense system rocked Godzilla’s midsection, further injuring the beast.

Godzilla’s sneered and grunted. Blue lightning danced along his spines, which began to glow. The air around the monster began to crackle as the energy emitted from Godzilla’s spines began to heat it to hundreds of degrees. Blueish-white energy began to gather around the monster’s mouth.

Before he could fire his breath, several beams of energy struck his neck and chest. Losing his concentration, Godzilla looked up to see where the attack had come from. A squad of four VTOL aircraft—adapted from the Harrier jet—outfitted with twin maser canons flew in, blasting Godzilla with beams of microwave energy that could melt a tank. With intelligence received from the destroyers’ initial attack, the pilots focused their state-of-the-art beam weapons on Godzilla’s throat and chest.

Godzilla had a hard time focusing his attention with the attack coming from both sea and air. The wounds in his throat grew as the amplied microwave beams tore deeper into his flesh. At the same time, more destroyers were closing in, ready for a second bombardment with harpoon missiles.

Once more, Godzilla’s dorsal spines began to glow. In fact, his entire began to glow, first blue and then white. The sea around him bubbled and boiled, almost obscuring the monster in a white vapor, quickly heated to hundreds of degrees. All of the sea life around him began to disintegrate. Suddenly, Godzilla let out a pulse of nuclear energy, which spread in all directions. All of the destroyers in the fleet instantly exploded, their crews vaporized by the heat. At the same moment, the VTOL maser aicraft also exploded. In fact, the aircraft carrier that had carried them into battle, located some 20 miles away from the battle, also exploded. In less than 5 seconds, Godzilla was the only living thing in the Sea of Japan in a 30-mile radius.

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

The JSDF helicopter zipped through the air, carrying Masako, Miki and Professor Fukazawa toward the Maritomo lab complex near the foot of Mount Fuji. The throbbing sensations that Miki felt in her head—not painful like a migraine, more like baby kicking her from inside—grew stronger as they got closer to their destination.

“We’ll reach the target in ten minutes,” said the pilot.

Miki looked at Masako and the professor. They nodded at her. She then asked, “What will happen to Takuya?”

Masako pursed her lips and sighed. “I don’t know, Miki. Maybe they’ll throw the book at him, just like I hope they do with Andoh and his boss. I hope the latter rots inside prison for the rest of his life; the lives lost because of the machine’s attracting the monsters—“

“Masako,” interrupted Fukuzawa. “Leave that to the judges. There’s a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo involved with connecting the monsters’ arrival in Japan to the machine. Maritomo has the best lawyers in the country; it wouldn’t be hard to for them to find some legal loophole.”

At Fukuzawa’s last statement, Masako sat back and muttered a barely-audible curse.

Miki patted Masako on the arm. “First things first. Let’s find out what’s really going on before we rush to judgment.”

A few minutes later, the helicopter landed on a helipad atop one of the buildings at the complex. Despite their not receiving any resistance before, immediately a group of immaculately-dressed guards standing near the elevator leading into the building quickly pulled out their pistols and started shooting at the helicopter.

A bullet whizzed passed Fukuzawa’s ear. “What the hell? Why are they firing at us?”
One of the SDF soldiers accompanying him quickly fired a three-second burst from his assault rifle. Two of the guards ducked out of the way, but a third one was struck by several rounds, which tore his chest apart, splattering blood all over the metal door of the elevator. A second soldier had already leapt out of the chopper and started firing off his weapon. A third guard went down with two bullets in his abdomen. The pilot got out of the helicopter, his sidearm drawn, ready to fire.

The first SDF soldier escorted Miki and the others away from the chopper as the second soldier and the pilot exchanged fire with the last of the guards. A nine-millimeter slug from the pilot’s sidearm entered the guard’s forehead and brought him down.

Masako saw the carnaged and vomited at the sight of the gore; Miki had seen the massacre of Lagos Island before, so the wanton violence affected her less.

“I think it’s safer if I stay with you three here. The other two will fetch Mr. Takuya and bring him back—without him, the machine is useless. Right?”

Miki surveyed the vast buildings around them. “The problem is that we’re not quite sure where exactly the machine is being kept. The two may not last long enough if they have to go from building to building.”

The soldier nodded. “Then stick close to me.”

He led them over to the elevator door where the other two were waiting. The soldiers sandwiched the three civilians; the first soldier guarded their rear while the pilot and the other soldier stayed in front. The latter pressed the button, calling the elevator. As it reached the helipad, the pilot gestured for them to cling to the wall while the three soldiers pointed their weapons at the door.

The elevator came to a halt. The three soldiers placed their fingers on the triggers, ready to fire. The door opened.

They quickly scrambled inside. Masako and the others were shooed off into one side of the elevator. The pilot reached over to push the button for the ground floor. Suddenly, Miki lunged forward and stopped him.

“Go to the third floor,” she ordered.

“Why the third floor?” one of the soldiers asked.

“Trust me.”

The soldiers obeyed and the elevator was soon descending to the third floor. As they passed the fourth floor, Miki felt a wave of psychic energy that nearly knocked her down. The first soldier helped her up.

“Are you okay—“ Masako started to ask before one of the soldiers gestured for her to stop.

“We’re at the third floor, Ma’am,” the soldier said. He gestured for the three civilians to cling to the walls again as he and his colleagues lifted their guns.

The door opened. There were a few scientists in white lab coats scurrying about the hallway. An overweight security guard—as opposed to the suit-wearing thugs above—stood lazily near the door. Before he could react, the secon soldier quickly slammed the butt of his assault rifle against his head and knocked him out.

The soldiers assumed the protective formation around Miki and the others as they scooted them through the hallway.

“There’s a fire escape at the other end of the floor. We’ll take that up to the fourth floor.”

The soldiers nodded and kept moving.

“How do you know?” whispered Professor Fukuzawa.

Miki shrugged, darting her head from left to right to help the soldiers know what was going on around them. “Sometimes I think it’s the spirits of Infant Island warning me.”

“Perhaps they don’t want the same fate that befell them to come to us.”

Miki nodded.

They reached the fire escape without any further incident. The six of them slipped inside and started climbing the stairs. No one was expecting them there.

Emerging from the heavy steel door on the next floor, they slipped inside the nearest lab.

“Oh my god!” yelled Masako.

In front of them was the weather machine. Takuya stood beside the mechanism that turned the machine on.

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

Godzilla emerged from Tokyo Bay at the port of Yokohama, producing waves that battered the cargo ships and threatened to capsize them. Hundreds of metal containers were knocked over and crushed beneath the monster’s thunderous footfalls. Godzilla bellowed a challenge to the rest of the ships in the port. As they were not military vessels, none of them fired on him to provoke him, and he left them alone as he entered the city of three million people.

Evacuation procedures had already begun once Mothra had switched her trajectory, so by the time Godzilla had arrived, most of the population had already fled or were already in the furthest reaches of the city. Only military personel, emergency services and hospital workers remained behind.

The Mothra larva was already entering the city through the Kouhoku district while Godzilla was trampling through the Naka district. In a few moments, the two monsters would meet at the Kanagawa district.

Colorful bursts of red and yellow light enveloped the body of the Battra. The military had been ordered to not fire on him, for fear of causing a massive explosion and leveling the entire Aichi prefecture. He had been visibly wounded by the battery attack on it earlier that day and the Self Defense Force, split up between three fronts of attack, decided to wait it out and see if Battra might succumb to its wounds.

But now there was the “light show.” Nobody, not even the biologists in the governments’ employ designated to accompany Battra’s landfall—from afar, that is—could explain what was happening.

The lights grew brighter by the moment. All military personel in a five-mile radius were encouraged to wear protective glasses.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash of white light followed by a concussive blast that knocked down trees within the immediate vicinity of the monster. A loud cackle was heard. Before the SDF officers could react, the reason was buffeted by intense winds that pinned soldiers to the ground and threatened to push the tanks over.

The winds grew stronger as a dark blotch rose into the sky. Huge spotlights were shone onto the shape, which revealed a large insectoid body with six, crab-like legs sprouting out of the thorax. The thorax ended in a cube-shaped head with several small yellow horns sprouting out of the top. Also growing out of the thorax were a pair of massive, black wings with splotches of red, outlined in yellow, all over. Battra had not died. It had simply grown into an imago.

The flying creature now directed it its flight toward Yokohama to the northeast.

“Freeze!” screamed one of the soldiers to Takuya.

Takuya spun around to see the SDF soldiers pointing their assault rifles at him, joined by Fukuzawa, Miki Saegusa and his ex-wife.

“What the—Masako? What are you doing here?”

“I should be asking you that question! How could you, Takuya? You know how dangerous that device is! Millions of lives are in danger now.”

“As are yours,” he said, looking down at his feet.

“What do you mean? Are you going to hand us over to Tomokane’s mercenaries?”

He shook his head. “No, you don’t understand. I sabotaged the weather machine. It will go up in flames, soon. I thought about it. I can’t let anyone try to harness its power. I understand how it works and only I can destroy it!”

Masako stood at him with her mouth ágape. “I—I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“It’s okay,” he said comfortingly.

“But you—“

He nodded. “Yes, there is no way for me to escape. But that is okay. If it means that Earth will not produce another Battra...or Godzilla...maybe that’s the price to pay. I’m willing to die for that.”

“The hell you are!” screamed Miki. “We have enough time to get away! Let’s go!”

“No one is going anywhere!” said a voice from behind. It was Mr. Tomokane, flanked by four men in military fatigued armed with M-16 assault rifles.


Several buildings were reduced to rubble as they crumbled beneath the weight of Mothra. The insectoid kaiju had been hurled by Godzilla across the Kanagawa district and the impact of her fall destroyed several commercial establishments. The larva responded by firing its silk webbing at the dinosaurian behemoth, but Godzilla simply ducked behind a building, allowed the corrosive silk to scratch the windows. Godzilla poked its head out from the other side and blasted Mothra with its radioactive breath. The heat from his ray ignited gas mains below Mothra, the explosion of which lifted the smaller creature into the air.

Mothra turned and tried to make a hasty retreat away from Godzilla. Godzilla slammed his enormous body in the building he hid behind, toppling it. The shockwave of the impact buffeted Mothra, causing her to screech in pain. Godzilla lurched out of his hiding place and scrambled down the streets of Yokohama after Mothra.

He caught up to the monster as she wriggled away and seized her by the hind segments of her larval form. Godzilla yanked Mothra off the ground and swung her in a circle before hurling her against another building. The structure buckled under Mothra’s weight and the momentum of the throw. The cement disintegrated and the steel folded, bringing the entire structure to the ground in a giant cloud of dust.

Suddenly, another cackle echoed throughout the metal and glass canyons of Yokohama. Godzilla turned to the south to see where the sound had come from.

Battra had just arrived in Yokohama.

“Drop the weapons!” barked Tomokane.

The three soldiers hesitated. Tomokane’s mercenary guards already had their weapons trained on the soldiers.

“Drop them or all of you will die!”

Fukuzawa looked at the soldiers and nodded. They slowly placed their weapons on the ground. One of the mercenaries nodded for them to step back. They slowly moved away from the doorway into the lab and closer to Takuya.

“Well you you’ve done it, Takuya,” said Tomokane. “You sabotaged the machine. You could have been rich! You could have had the world at your feet!”

“An entire civilizaiton fell because of the weather machine! Don’t you understand? Mother Nature would not allow us to use it! She would send one Battra after another at mankind until we’re all destroyed!”

“Superstitious nonsense!” retorted Tomokane. “Battra is probably the result of radiation experiments to make the machine function correctly, just like the Americans created Godzilla through the H-Bomb. But the machine is working and the power is ours!”

“You’re mad!” cried Masako. “You don’t get it. You were not on the island with us!”

“Enough!” he screamed, silencing Masako.

Tomokane walked over to one of his guards and removed his side arm, a 9mm Beretta pistol. He pointed it directly at Masako.

“You, Takuya, are going to fix the machine. You have one minute to comply. Otherwise, I’ll blow you ex-wife’s head off. One...two...”

“Don’t do it!” pleaded Masako.

Takuya took a step toward the machine. He turned to Miki and nodded sublty to her. The corner of her lip curled ever so slightly.


Suddenly, there was a scream from behind. Andoh lunged out of nowhere and tacked one of mercenaries, causing him to bowl over into his partner. At that moment, Miki threw her right hand in the air. Mr. Tomokane was lifted off his feet by an invisible force and carried into the air. His head smashed into the ceiling and he came crashing down. The other two mercenaries, who had turned their attention to Andoh, did not see the soldiers unholstering their sidearms.

Several shots rang out. Nine millimeter slugs perforated the guards’ bodies, staining the immaculate white floors with dark red blood and pieces of flesh. The three SDF soldiers quickly disarmed and neutralized the third guard, who had been knocked over by Andoh. Andoh was still struggling with the fourth guard, who was trying to push the Maritomo employee off of him with one hand while the other went for the knife hidden in his boot Before Andoh could realize what was happening, the guard plunged the blade into Andoh’s belly and twisted it.

Andoh’s eyes widened as he stopped pummeling his opponent. He pulled himself back and rested on his knees, looking down at the blood that flowed freeling the the open wound in his abdômen. He stood staring at the wound, oblivious to his opponent scrambling to his feet. Before he could run away, he found himself standing face to face with Miki Saegusa: the young psychic flicked her wrist downward. Following that movement, the man’s knife leapt out of his hand and flew into his own chest. Miki Saegusa snapped her fingers and the blade went dug itself deeper into his thoracic cavity. The man staggered forward a few steps, trying vainly to pull the knife out of his chest. A few steps later, he collapsed in a pool of blood.

Miki and the others ran over to Andoh’s side.

“You were right, Takuya,” Andoh stammered. “We should have left this on Infant Island. It is too late for me. Go. Now.”

Andoh’s eyes glazed over. Fukuzawa and Takuya helped a sobbing Miki and Masako to their feet. They bounded across the fourth floor until they made it to the elevator.


Scarlet beams of energy streaked across the skies of Yokohama. Some of them struck nearby buildings, others seared the charcoal gray flesh of Godzilla’s impervious hide. Godzilla turned his attention away from Mothra and met his new opponent head on. He let out a burst of radioactive energy, which Battra quickly dodged. The flying kaiju moved in close and started buffeting Godzilla with its wings. Godzilla stumbled backward and finally fell over as the hurricane-force winds knocked him off his feet.

Battra fired more lasers at Godzilla, burning the flesh on his neck and face. Godzilla struggled to fire his nuclear ray, but the dust kicked up from the winds hampered his aim. Finally, Battra stopped and took off in a circle around Godzilla. When the radioactive reptile rose to his feet, a single blast of crimson light sliced a nearby skycraper in half. Hundreds of tons of cement and steel fell directly onto Godzilla, knocking him down and burying him in rubble.

Mothra emerged into view and started shooting streams of silk onto the wreckage, trying to hold it together into a single tomb of debris. A small cocoon was forming amidst the wreckage fo the buildings. Battra came in, flying circles around the area where Godzilla had been buried.

Suddenly, bright blue light shone through small spaces in the rubble that Mothra had not covered. The lights grew brighter as the air crackled around it. Little bolts of electricity shot out of the debris. Suddenly, a pulse of blue energy enveloped the area, knocking Battra out of the air and pushing Mothra back several hundred feet. The pulse destroyed the web, and an angry Godzilla emerged from what was to be his own tomb.

Godzilla staggered away from that part of the battleground and headed south toward the Naka district. Mothra wriggled on after Godzilla while Battra still lie on its back, recovering from the blast. Godzilla directed his march toward the Cosmo Clock 21, a giant Ferris Wheel that towered 34 meters above Godzilla’s head. The dinosaur moved quick enough to evade Mothra’s token attempts to spray him with her webbing.

Reaching the Cosmo Clock, Godzilla pounded and pummeled the steel structure until it came loose from the base. As he wrenched the Ferris Wheel itself loose, Mothra fired another stream of silk, which bound his hands to the structure. Godzilla bellowed as loud as he could, the force of which shattered all the windows in the Naka and Minato Mirai districts. He spun around to face Mothra, his hands now bonded to the 134-meter steel wheel. Godzilla marched toward Mothra, who desperately fired her webbing at Godzilla. However, the Ferris Wheel now acted as a shield and Godzilla pressed forward.

Mothra drew back, narrowly missing getting clubbed by the Ferris Wheel that Godzilla now wielded. The steel structure bent and deformed as Godzilla struck at the ground and nearby buildings with it, determined to swat his arthropod adversary like the bug she was. Godzilla let out a blast of energy, destroying the buildings on both sides of the street behind Mothra. The rubbled thrown by the explosion created a barrier that Mothra could not wriggle over in team.

Godzilla closed in and lifted the Ferris Wheel high above his head, ready to smash the larva to a pulp. Suddenly, crimson lasers struck Godzilla’s hand, melting away the webbing and burning his hands. Startled by the attack, Godzilla released the wheel, which fell on top of him. Godzilla fell over, entangled in a steel mesh. Mothra fired her webbing and started encasing Godzilla’s leg in silk as Battra blasted Godzilla continuously with its eye beams. Godzilla struggled to get up, but the tangled mess of what used to be the Cosmo Clock 21 and his neutralized legs kept him on the ground.

Battra flew down toward Godzilla’s neck and wrapped its legs around it. It started flapping its wings wildly, blowing dust all over the now-dead city. The frequencies generated by the wings created supersonic waves that shut off all the lights in the town. Battra lifted Godzilla into the air and carried it out to sea.


As the SDF helicopter retreated from the exploding Maritomo building, Miki received a message.

“It’s the spirits of Infant Island. They’re talking to me. They said that Battra is taking Godzilla out to sea. There it will die. The machine is destroyed and it has now served its purpose.”

“And Mothra?” asked Masako.

“She will return to Infant Island and continue to protect Earth and its inhabitants from all dangers.”

“And Godzilla?”

“It will be sealed beneath the sea. It will not menace us again.”

“That’s a relief,” said Takuya. “I could go without seeing him again.”

The others agreed.

Battra flew out over the Bonin Islands, south of Tokyo Bay. It turned to the east and changed its course to the Ogasawara Trench, running parallel to the Bonin Archipelago. When it was over the trench, Godzilla recovered from his stunned state. He fired a powerful blast of radiation directly at Battra’s head. The heat of the ray charred the monster’s carapace, causing huge pieces of it to fall into the cold waters below. Godzilla fired another blast into the open wound.

At that moment, Battra released Godzilla, who fell hundreds of feet into the water below. Enormous waves were created when Godzilla struck the Pacific Ocean. The waves battered the islands of Yuko-jima and Yome-Jima to the West. Godzilla, stunned by the impact, sank helplessly into the trench.
Battra with its last bit of energy, flew in circles around the spot where Godzilla had sank. Millions of particles of yellow and red light fell from its body, landing on the surface of the ocean. The particles formed a circle with a cross inside—the seal of Mothra. The seal glowed in the night for several minutes, before disappearing beneath the waves.

Battra, its energy spent and its lifeforce flowing from its wound, flapped its wings ever so slower as it came down lower and lower toward the surface of the ocean. For a few moments it hovered above the waves, now calmed by the Seal of Mothra. Then it rested on the surface of the ocean until its glowing red eyes lost their color. Then, without any human present to witness the spectacle, the monster too disappeared into the cold waters of the Pacific.
Last edited by H-Man on Thu Jul 08, 2021 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by LegendZilla »

You should post this on Fan-fiction.net.

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Re: Godzilla and Mothra - Version 2.0

Post by H-Man »

LegendZilla wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 6:19 pm You should post this on Fan-fiction.net.
I have! :D

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