Savior Khy, Hero Of The Stars

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Savior Khy, Hero Of The Stars

Post by ernesth100 »

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Hero Profile: ... Character)

Chapter 1- Khyber Meet Karru

Nui Khyber, an uninspired adolescent amongst his race. Light-years from Earth existed the planet Hornidian-Prime. Not long ago in this quadrant of the Galaxy, a fierce war took place. Massive entities, Diety's in their own right, had a fierce battle with another race. The Centurion Titans, massive monsters who controlled the very fundamental forces of power. They battled the Hornidian race.

However, the Hornidians were no normal race of beings. Their people were vastly advanced. They fought back, they hurt the Titans. The Titans fought back, the process repeated. Eventually, they assimilated the power of a fallen Titan core into their technology. They were able to power a weapon that would allow them to hopefully better defend the planet.

A device that could assimilate multiple enemy abilities. Already stored with several transformations of its own. It would give them a winning edge in a war that would otherwise go on for centuries.

Nui Khyber was the human equivalent of 22 at the time. On his planet, his age was 8,023. Still a mere adolescent in physical terms. His race lived for far longer than humans so their aging process slowed as they grew older. Khyber's parents were a general(his mom) and a technician(his father). They worked with their world's highest ranks to ensure victory. One day though, Khyber was chosen to be a soldier that would train to wear the ASHI unit.

The ASHI Units were semi-mechanical symbiotic organisms. Created with intelligence that rivaled sentience. They were described as Augmentative Systems for Hornidian Intelligence. The machines would mutate the race into massive powerful beings. Giving them the ability to fight back on a larger scale. Their intelligence allowed them to survive the war, but now their power would let them win.

This is what it seemed to be. That is until something went wrong. The God of the Centurion Titans appeared, his power was seemingly unparalleled. An average Titan was 50 to 100 feet in height. Their leader was too large to set foot on the Hornidian homeworld. Nothing the Hornidians attacked it with phased it. Despite acclimating the power of the Centurion Titans into their technology. The power of Malenion, as the God was named, was far too much.

The forces were dwindling greatly, Malenion would soon end the war. Destroying their planet, it was little to no use to resist any longer. Khyber's parents saw a solution though. Outfit one unit with the knowledge and power of all of them. Combine it into a singular weapon, their son would be the subject. The last defense against this unstoppable force.

It was a day that, despite the events, Khyber would never forget. He was inside a lab. His ASHI unit was being augmented, as well as a special suit that would allow him to withstand the power of the ASHI unit. The suit gave an average soldier special abilities. It altered their height to be equivalent to a Titans. Even go beyond that threshold to reach a maximum height of 400 feet tall.

The increase in height multiplied strength and durability accordingly with the mass gained. In a regular form, a Hornidian with the ASHI Unit could battle a Titan directly. With the Centurion enhancements, the Hornidians were able to absorb and expel blasts of pure energy. However the unstable power of the Centurions was a drain on soldiers, their bodies were not made for it. Thus stamina depleted rapidly upon usage.

The suits came with pre-programmed augments as well. Powerful shields, flight capability, and carbon isolation. Which made any environment breathable for the user. The war lasted for the human equivalent of 3 months. That is before Malenion arrived, now the hope was dwindling. Even with upgrades received, all they've managed to do is slow the inevitable.

Hornidian Prime had put shields on the planet, they were weakening with each attack. Soon there would be no defense line left. With no choice, after Khybers upgrades were finished. He was unwillingly sedated. The remaining power of the planet was channeled into his unit. The shields faded and Khyber was shot off-planet, seconds before its destruction.

A last-ditch effort, they had no time to immediately deploy such a youth. Without training, he would simply be yet another casualty of war. Thus he was sent to a far off galaxy. The Milly Way to be exact. Several vast lightyears from the destructive grasp of the Centurion Titans reach. He landed on Earth within months. Awakening to find his ship had been taken into custody. He had landed on a small island off the coast of Japan.

There he was tracked down by the Japanese Self-Defense Force. The ship was captured with Khyber's stasis still active upon landing. After three days, a small camp was set up on the island. Nothing the JSDF had could penetrate the ship. Nor scan it to find out what was inside. Its elements were completely foreign. They did not know but today was the day they found out.

--January 8th, 2019, JSDF UFO Crash Site, Miles Off Japan Coast--

The head of the site, Captain Jae Karru, sat in a large tent. He was at a computer typing notes on the status of the ship. Recently it had been emitting strange lights that seemed to survey the area. Emitting loud whistle-like noises upon contact with organic life. Small crevices opened within the ship. Acting as reverse vents and seemingly sucking in air.

The scientists assumed the ship was attempting to acclimate to the surrounding environment. They weren't exactly wrong, the ship itself was acclimating Khyber's DNA. Preparing him to come outside of the ship. The ship continued the process for approximately 73 hours before abruptly ending. Afterward, the crevices in the ship closed.

Scientists attempted to use tools to reach in the crevices beforehand. Only for the ship's defense measures to electrocute anyone who dared try to death. Upon an extra 2 days of null activity, the JSDF decided it was time to transport the ship. Assuming any further actions would likely not hinder transportation. As the ship has showed no signs of life or unprovoked hostility.

Eventually, the ship was loaded onto a large cargo plane. However later that night the unexpected happened. As the plane was in the air, its systems were sent into a glitch. At first, it was dismissed. Captain Karru, who insisted he stay beside the ship, was now in danger. He had been on the plane discussing with the UN who would receive custody.

"Listen, I understand the Anosapien threat as well as anyone. However, the new world we live in. We're all equipped now. The JSDF does not require help." Karru stated as he ended the call.

Within the small plane cabin room with him were other officials. One of the men attempted to ask a question. However, he was stopped as the plane jumped. Nearly knocking everyone to the ground. The systems had begun to shut down and lose altitude.

"What the hell!" Karru stated as he was launched from his chair as the plane tilted.

His soldiers and staff alike sent tumbling around the small area. A few were knocked unconscious and injured from the sudden blows. Karru however hung on to his chair with both arms like a mad man. In the cockpit, the pilot attempted everything to regain stability. Shifting the elevators on the wings and attempting to gain more drag to stabilize.

In the cargo hold where the ship was held. It began to crackle with energy. Reminiscent of electricity but far more fluid in its motions. Soldiers assigned to watch the ship began to panic. Backing away from the occurrence as the light emitting from it was too bright. Eventually, the entire ship opened slightly. The upper half sliding back as a black liquid bathed the floors. The soldiers ready their weapons and the flaring energy subsides. From within the ship emerges an alien being.

His form was similar to a humans, two legs, a torso, arms, and an average-sized head. However, as the soldiers stared in slight awe, more features were noticed. The creature was muscular and tall. At least 6 feet, he had four fingers only each clawed. His head and brow area were bone. With four small horns protruding from it. He appeared to growl at the soldiers. Baring fairly sharp teeth at that. This was Khyber, and at the moment he was slightly confused.

Several small metallic pieces flew from his body. Forming a small cube-like object that floated around him. It was a dark silver and black tone. The face was open revealing a blue crackling core. Similar energy to that of the ship earlier. This was Khyber's ASHI unit. It spoke to him, to the humans sounding like alien music.

"Khyber, multiple low-level threats detected. Would you like to engage automated defenses." the ASHI unit asked.

"Not yet, they seem hesitant. Maybe we could translate?" Khyber stated.

The ASHI unit complied. Its core turning red and emitting a light to scan the humans. One soldier was a bit too scared. Backing away from the light, he gripped the trigger in stress. Shooting Khyber in the head. The bullet flattened against his skin, falling. He stumbled back a bit, grasping his forehead. The bullet scraped his skin, but otherwise, there was no real damage.

The soldiers were terrified as Khyber growled in a fury. ASHI spoke to him.

"You have taken minor damage. Shall I activate automated defenses?" she asked.

Before Khyber could even assess a response, he and the entire group was rocked to the side as the plane's turbulence shook the vessel. Khyber slid into the wall near the soldiers. A few scrambling to the side as the angered alien reached for them. He managed to grab one screaming in an alien tongue. The soldier was merely confused as others aimed their weapons. The ASHI unit scanned the single man, as Khyber tossed him aside.

He stood up putting his hands behind his back as a sign of peace. He then closed his eyes as the ASHI retreated into his body. His throat made low rumbling noises. A silent moment passed as he then spoke. In a fluent English voice. Though there was still a slight alien tone to his accent.

"My name is Nui Khyber, I mean no harm." he stated.

The soldiers were shocked. None were quite sure how to respond. Khyber let the statement marinate. He then went to speak again but the plane once again sent everyone tumbling. A large crate almost hit a soldier, Khyber used the momentum of the spinning plain to bounce off a wall. Punching the crate out of the way and saving the soldier. The plane once again hit a calm period. Freefalling and giving the men some time to recover.

"Look, I can help. What exactly is your situation?" Khyber stated to the dizzied soldiers.

Suddenly Karru opened the door to the cargo room. Coming inside holding the door, he was incredibly injured. However, he was a very resilient man. He looked at the soldiers and was almost speechless at the sight of the alien out of his ship. He shook himself of the feeling, there were mere moments till they hit the ground in a blaze.

"Soldiers, what's going on here?!" Karru exclaimed, one immediately replied.

"Sir, the entity says it's non-hostile. I believe it offered to help too." the soldier said, shooting a glance at Khyber.

It was the same soldier he had saved earlier. Khyber then took his chance to speak.

"Is there anything I can do?" Khyber asked the Captain.

Karru himself was a bit shaken at the prospect of talking to the alien. Yet he managed to untie his tongue swiftly.

"The ship you came in, this is basically a bigger version...not as advanced. You emerging is making our ship crash at the moment. Is there any way-" the Captain didn't even finish.

"Grab onto something." Khyber stated as he ran toward the wall of the hold.

The soldiers listened, grabbing onto anything bolted down or connected. Khyber punched through the hull of the hold. Jumping out of the plane and freefalling for a bit. He then spoke to his ASHI unit as he got far enough to get the scale of the vessel.

"ASHI, give me Augment 1." Khyber stated.

The unit complied, activating a chemical reaction within the suit. Which then mutated Khyber's DNA. His form began to shift and change. His suit growing along with it. However, morphing around more like armor. He grew large, his horns extended like a bull. His face was elongated like a crocodile. The smooth skin he had became scaley. Four massive wings sprouted from underneath his arms and in his back. He had become a gargantuan dragon-like creature.

His skin color remained the same. However, glowed more reacting to the sunlight like a crystal. This form was the original primal form of the Hornidians. He flapped his mighty wings boosting him high above the plane. In comparison, the form was a few feet larger than the 150-foot cargo plane. His wingspan accounting for a portion of it. Through the hole, Karru saw the large form zoom by. His eyes widened as he clung to the wall. Not sure what to expect. Suddenly the plane rocked once more and stopped,

Khyber sunk his claws into the hull. Stopping the descent as the pilots looked on in absolute fear and disbelief. Khyber lowered the plane to a safe field. Here the soldiers were able to call for help. Afterward, Khyber immediately shifted back to normal. Karru came off of the ship, walking up to the alien.

"Thank you, my name is Captain Jae Karru. I lead a portion of this planet's defense forces." he explained.

"Nui Khyber, the last of the Hornidian race. My kind sent me here to train and become stronger." Khyber replied.

"You seem pretty powerful as is." Karru stated.

"Not as strong as those that wiped my race from existence." Khyber stated with a hint of regret in his voice.

Karru was slightly frightened at the prospect of something so outlandish. Him speaking to an alien made it all the more chilling. Was whatever destroyed his people after him? Karru didn't want to get on the wrong side of this being though.

"We have...similar warriors on our planet too. Perhaps they could help you achieve that." Karru continued

"Help me fight against my enemies? No offense, but your armies don't seem to pack much of a punch." Khyber chuckled, slightly offending the Captain.

"Perhaps, but we have these new warriors. We call them Anosapiens. Likely what they'll classify you as." Karru said.

"Well Captain, introduce me to the warriors and this may be a great alliance yet." Khyber stated.

"Oh most definitely, you'll find this planet has much to offer." Karru stated.

Later that night, Khyber was flown back to the JSDF central base. They gave Khyber his own room. However, he did not rest. He couldn't rest, thinking about his past. Thinking about his future. Why did he have to he last? Why was this his responsibility? He was snapped out of his trance as Karru came to him.

"Um, I brought you some McDennies. I dunno if you can eat that. It's kinda low-class food on this planet." Karru said holding up the bag of fast food.

Khyber chuckled and shook his head in rejection.

"Normally sustenance of any kind would be appreciated. However, due to the procedure I went through, I no longer require it." Khyber sighed.

"Last of your kind, huh? You must be the strongest then." Karru replied.

"If I were my kind would still be here." Khyber stated somberly.

Karru put the food to the side. He walked into Khyber's room. Sitting down next to the alien.

"You're putting a lot of blame on yourself for something you had no control over. If they sent you this far to train, it means you weren't ready." Karru said.

"Hm, what do you know of my ability. I'd recommend you not speak upon things you couldn't comprehend." Khyber growled, scaring Karru a bit.

"Fair enough, no malice, just saying." Karru slid away slightly with a smile.

Khyber sighed as he calmed himself. Continuing to explain himself.

"I apologize, I simply feel as if that is true. Furthermore, it may remain that way for longer than I'm willing to bargain. The power my enemies possess, the time it would take..." Khyber stopped himself falling into a trance of doubt.

Karru wasn't exactly sure how to respond. The entire aura of the situation was still sort of weird to him. Yet he tried his best.

"Listen, we can help each other. Maybe it would take centuries to get where you need to be."

"That...does not make me feel well." Khyber responded slightly offended.

"Let me finish, thanks. Point being, you don't have to. Let's make a deal, I could introduce you to this planet's warriors. People who could help you. You could join my warriors. Help us against forces we may not be able to overcome alone." Karru stated.

Khyber was slightly silent, he thought for a moment. Flashing back to his youth. When he was but a boy his parents told him he was destined for greater things. However, to move forward he'd have to trust where there was none. It was a phrase passed down in his family line. It meant to take a blind leap of faith in dark times.

Khyber snapped out of his trance. The lesson had brought him this far. He would continue to abide.
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